DS is 9 months old and is having a blast cruising around and loves to try to walk. He's grown out of a lot of his more "babyish" toys, so I am trying to decide what to get him next. I like the idea of getting him a push toy that does more than one thing. I have these options and was hoping to get some feedback...

option 1: the front of this can be taken off for baby to play with on floor and provides lots of seated play time. it can also be used as a walker. It seems like a lot of fun but since DS is already 9 months (I wish I had gotten him this at 5 months or so,) I am afraid it won't get as much use as I would like. DS really has like zero light up toys (not purposely but just coincidence.) He has lots of balls, zany zoo, etc.

Option 2: I like that this one turns into a scooter for a bit later but the front is very boring and could only be used as a walker for now.
