I just need to whine for a second. Come join me?

Last night's sleep went a little something like this...
Cranky & tired at 7:00pm. In bed by 7:30pm. Wakes up at 10:00pm. Nurse. Fall asleep. Put in crib. AWAKE.
Try again. Nurse. Fall asleep. Put in crib. AWAKE.
Put back in crib and let her CIO.

10 minutes. Does not stop. Intensifies.

Give a bottle. Drinks 1 oz. Spits it out. Nurse. fall Asleep. Put in crib. AWAKE.
Put back in crib and let her CIO.

10 minutes. Does not stop. Intensifies.

Teething tablet. Repeat.



1;40am. She has not slept except in my arms. I am getting increasingly tired and frustrated bc her sleep has been c-r-a-p all week.

Daddy takes her downstairs. I fall into a dead sleep from 2am - 6am.

Found out this morning daddy laid out comforters on the family room floor (carpeted.) She wants to play with her pots and spoons. While fighting sleeping. finally leans back into him while playing. Falls asleep. So they both slept together on the floor for an uninterrupted 4 hours (for baby).

And while I'm whining it would be nice if #2 was a great sleeper and I don't have supply issues. WAH.

Who else wants to whine with me?