After YEARS of being a complete sloth, I joined a gym last week!! I've gained a lot of weight these last few months (last year lost 15 lbs on Weight Watchers, and already gained most of it back). And now that we are TTC, I'm terrified that when I DO get preggers, I will blow up and be huge. I have a tendency to gain weight easily.
So last week I joined LA Fitness, and so far have been there 4 times in the last 5 days! Luckily it's only 5 minutes away. I know this is just a temporary spurt where I'm motivated to go so often, but I'm really liking the facilities so far. My plan is to never do the same thing 2 days in a row, so one day do treadmill and upper body, maybe elliptical and lower body the next day, and then a zumba or kickboxing class after that, etc, etc. My only regret is that I didn't join earlier!
One thing I am slightly concerned about is that I am currently in the TWW period, so I hope that me working out so intensely is ok... (any thoughts on that?)
Who else belongs to a gym and how often do you go? How do you stay motivated?