So my husband and I are dumb. When we first moved in together for reasons neither of us can remember, we combined iTunes accounts. We're like those couples who share an email and you want to be like... don't you know email is free?

It was fine at first but has become a big headache for a lot of reasons. We are SO over it. I want out. 95% of the music is his so I'd like to just abandon the account, create my own, and just add the music I want from our physical collection.

But we don't really know how that works? I understand how to create my new library. But in terms of my computer and iPhone...? I bought my computer and they plugged in my iTunes id (which I guess is just my apple id?) as the one for my computer. And my phone obviously syncs to that. Will I lose all my apps if I get new iTunes and sync to that? Will it f up anything on my computer? Like programs I've purchased and stuff? This feels like it shouldn't be so hard...