I grew up with a couple of adopted children; one friend was Vietnamese and her parents were white. She was the oldest of three sisters, the other two were her parents bio children.

Nowadays, a running late night joke liken celebrities adoption of black babies (here and abroad) to purchasing a handbag. Children are not accessories, so I reject this notion. But, still I sometimes wonder if their choice is to highlight a bigger issue. Madonna attempted to build a school in Malawi, the country her youngest son is from. Yet when I see Connor Cruise with his dad, Tom, I not only see a family resemblance, but unconditional love no strings attached.

Here's an article featuring not-so famous families:

There was another thread about whether one would adopt HIV positive children, and someone commented they checked yes on the paperwork. Did you seek a transracial adoption or were simply open to it (checked yes)? What types of things did you consider when deciding if transracial adoption was right for you?