I thought a thorough poll as to why some of us had our first/only cesarean might be beneficial to not only ourselves for future pregnancies but new mommies to be as well.
Feel free to also comment with any details you think might help. =)
ETA: My cesarean with with my first child was a classic cascading of intervention.
- I went to the hospital after 17 hours of prodromal labor (first mistake, I should've just gone to sleep instead of walking miles to speed things up).
- I agreed to being admitted at only 2 cm.
- Started pitocin immediately since I "wasn't progressing"
- Agreed to stadol for pain relief
- Prepped for possible cesarean w/ epidural after 15 hours, (progressed to 7cm)
- Fetal distress at 8 cm (how far along I was told) 17 hours after starting pit
- Taken for "emergency cesarean"
Final reason: Fetal distress (induced/pain meds)