Hellobee Boards


Will you get your LO (5 and under) a tablet for Christmas?

  • poll: Will your child (under 5) get a tablet as a gift?
    Yes : (20 votes)
    23 %
    No : (60 votes)
    70 %
    I haven't decided yet : (6 votes)
    7 %
  1. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    not in the plan, but we have two old ipads that we use for kid's stuff! i need a new one before she does!

  2. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

    Yes, he has a kindle fire. I put it in kid mode and he plays educational games. You can place a time limit on it. It's great for road trips and when we had to have meetings (dr appointments).

  3. AB810

    apricot / 370 posts

    Nope. We have an iPad and my daughter (3) is allowed to watch shows on it (we don't have a TV) but it's not hers and I don't want her to have one that is.

  4. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    Not theirs, but they they use a family ipad mini and my Fire pretty regularly. Mine are 2.5 and 4.5, and they mostly get it at the end of the day when I'm cooking dinner and they are driving me nuts. Never in the morning or before school/therapies, and they usually lose interest before the hour is up. They are using them much less now that the weather is better, but we very heavily used them during summer break when it was miserable outside and we were lower on activities we could do.

  5. Canoli

    persimmon / 1458 posts

    I think so. We are looking into it for our 2.5 year old and 5 year old. I have an IPad and I don't like that my kids use it because often they fight over it and I don't want it to get broken. I want to get something cheaper for them so they can play their own games on them. They are also currently obsessed with YouTube videos.

    Does anyone know if the Amazon Fire allows you to watch a YouTube?

  6. FancyGem

    clementine / 769 posts

  7. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    We have one and I wouldn't let DH give it to our 4 yo. He gets plenty of tv screen time, a little phone and very occasional iPad right now. I'm trying to delay it becoming an appendage.

    He did get a vtech smart watch which is was against but I actually kind of love it. He mostly records his voice and loves the app that has a little man that runs while he runs...


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