I'm struggling with this one. LO turns 3 in June. Her daycare won't move her up to the 3s class until she's in underwear. Of course, kid is completely disinterested. She will use the potty when we put her on- daycare does it every 2 hours, and we try to mimic the same or earlier if she had a meal, drinks, etc. But she doesn't initiate at all- she doesn't care if her diaper is dirty and doesn't want to be interrupted. Also, completely refuses to poop, only in the diaper.

I'm thinking about taking a few days off and cooping us up at home and going the naked route (God help us all), but I'm worried about it not taking and wasting the time as a result. We thought about doing it over the weekends, but I keep getting hung up on inconsistency of pull ups/underwear/back to pull-ups. I'm thinking about trying a reward chart but she's not usually one to respond to rewards so we'll see. I also hate to push her if she's not ready yet, but I'd also hate to have her get left behind.
