Has anyone heard about this story in Ireland? I'll post the link below but for those that don't want to read the whole article, here's a summary:

A 31 yr old woman went to hospital complaining of severe back pain when she was 17 weeks pregnant. It turned out her cervix had opened and she was leaking amniotic fluid. She was told she was going to miscarry and there was no hope of the baby surviving. She asked to be induced but the hospital refused because the baby still had a heartbeat, so that would be considered an abortion, and being a Catholic country, they don't believe in abortions. As a result, the mother laboured for 3 days, contracted septicemia as a result, and died.

This is why I find it so scary that certain groups in the US are trying to impose their religious views on laws that govern the entire country. Believe what you want, live your life how you want, but don't impose those views on everyone else. I just find it tragic that not only did this baby die, but a mother had to die as well, solely because someone else's, not hers (she wasn't even Catholic), religious views didn't believe in valuing her life over the life of an unborn fetus that wasn't going to survive anyway. It makes my blood boil.

Anyway, I just thought I'd see what others thoughts on the matter are. Here's the link:


And a second link as the one above is an opinion piece, here's just the news story: