I started pumping when my little one was 1 week old because I was having milk supply issues. My milk supply is now established and I have a bit of an oversupply. At the same time, little E developed some reflux and we had one day where every nursing session ended with horrible, inconsolable crying. Little E is fine, but I was emotionally traumatized. For the past 2 days, we have been giving him bottled breast milk and I have been exclusively pumping--no nursing.

While part of me misses nursing a little bit (only a little, and I think part of it is stubbornness), this experience is making me thinking about exclusive pumping because of the advantages--I can generally schedule when to pump instead of having to be "on call", other people can feed him, etc.

I was wondering, if you are exclusively pumping, what were your reasons for doing so and what are the advantages/disadvantages? Also, did your supply diminish from exclusively pumping? If you mostly pump but do some nursing, how much nursing?

Thank you in advance!