I'm going back to work next week and I'm concerned about the sleep schedule for our son who is 9 weeks old. For my job, I commute from the suburbs so my husband and I leave our house at 7am and don't get home usually until around 7pm. Our day care is at my husband's work so he'll be dropping me off at the train and then dropping our son off then doing the reverse on the way home.

Right now, my son is a pretty good sleeper- he goes to bed between 8-9pm and usually sleeps straight through until about 5-6am. If we put him back down again immediately after he eats, he'll fuss for a bit but eventually sleep another few hours. If we have him up for the day at that point, he'll take a few long naps during the day (3+ hours). This is not a schedule we'll be able to maintain though when we need to start leaving at 7am. I'm not sure if I should plan on putting him back down and waking him up right before we leave? I'm also concerned about him not getting a big enough chunk of sleep at night. Because we get home so late, it's impossible for us to get him to bed any earlier than 8pm. I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and what schedule worked for you and your LO.