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Would you be offended?

  1. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I'm so tired of hearing this cliche! Sure, it can be a rough time, every baby is different, every family is different, blah blah blah. For me, those first months were amazing and magical! You never know, so don't let people fill your thoughts with all kinds of preconceptions.

  2. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    I wouldn't be offended because it was their personal experience, they obviously felt like it was helpful information. The way I say it to my friends is that nothing in the world can prepare you for that extreme tiredness of new parenting.

    But, my daughter's sleep was shitty and it was still the best time of my life and continues to be so (and her sleep STILL sucks, lol). So your experience could be totally different.

  3. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    @MoonMoon: Same! The first few months were like a dream I think that it's nice that they didn't sugarcoat but I don't like when people make blanket statements like that just based on their kid. I much prefer to tell soon-to-be parents good things

  4. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @MrsHansen82: I won't even comment about my experience, because it doesn't really matter. The message is...you won't know until you get there! And even when it is crazy hard, it is still worth every second.

  5. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    I wouldn't be offended, because that is their perspective and vantage point. Your experience may be totally different!
    Was it hard? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

  6. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    I really disliked the 'just you wait' comments during my first pregnancy too. It felt like people were saying you have it so easy now and things are going to go downhill, which kinda stunk since pregnancy wasn't all flowers and rainbows. But people have different experiences, so I ended up being pleasantly surprised when baby came along. I think it almost helped in some ways hear all the negativity - then when little things would go well, it was like hey, we're doing alright.

  7. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Nah, I don't think what they said was offensive. A little womp womp but that's ok! Would you rather hear it's all rainbows and puppies? There's always a flip side

  8. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    @MrsHansen82: I wouldn't be offended. Don't listen to that sort of thing. No one thinks having a newborn will be a piece of cake. And who knows maybe they had a particularly crabby baby.

  9. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    I think it's somewhat refreshing. I felt so guilty feeling like it was hard when I had a newborn because it seemed like everybody around me kept telling me to "enjoy it", and I think in retrospect a lot of people forget all the bad, and totally romanticize the newborn period, which is hard when you're in the thick of it and haven't managed a shower in two weeks...

    But yeah, when you're in early pregnancy I think its nice to let people just be excited.

  10. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    Wow I'm glad so many people responded. Don't get me wrong, I have definitely asked other people who already have babies what it's like and got the honest truth from them. Most people say your life will change and it's really hard but so worth it and being a parent is amazing. I fully expect a really difficult time for a while, but I never thought about it being necessarily bad. I'm excited to be a mommy and seeing my ultrasound pictures have made me fall in love already.

    I appreciate an honest response when I ask someone I'm close to, but coming from someone we don't know and who weren't even asked about their opinion was annoying to say the least. My DH was just trying to make some light conversation. They just went all Debbie Downer on him. Whatever, I'm not going to let them get me down. I'm still excited for the hardest and most wonderful experience of my life!

    Thanks for all the great responses!!

  11. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    Every experience is different. To be honest, we did not find the newborn days hard at all with DD1 and only mildly challenging with DD2. We went in with very low expectations in regards to sleep, free time, managing household duties etc, and when things were easier than expected, it made it seem like such a walk in the park. DH was working relatively normal hours then, 11 hour days including the commuting time, and we had a good balance in our house. We absolutely loved the newborn days, although I do accept this is not necessarily the norm.

    Now with DD2, it was a bit harder as we had a 19 month old running around, and DH was working insane hours, 15 hour days, six days per week, so it was a much more lopsided division of childcare responsibilities. That being said though, it still wasn't what I would call difficult. We are fortunate though in that neither of our girls had any issue BF'ing, and both have been good sleepers from the start.

    Bottom line is that it is possible to have a good newborn experience and don't let all the negative stories scare you off. I haven't read all the comments here yet but I just wanted to provide you with some reassurance that there is a lot to look forward to and don't let naysayers scare you or make you anxious about what's to come!

  12. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    My sister and quite a few of my friends had really difficult, sensitive newborns and babies so that was my only experience - they didn't complain much (and still don't in retrospect), but I witnessed a lot of difficult times for them. It definitely set up some very low expectations about what the first 3 months, and the first year would be like.
    We were really lucky to get a decent sleeper and good feeder who was an easy baby from basically day one. I think it seemed easy and wonderful because I was so convinced it would be crazy difficult. At 4.5 months now we are having our hardest times, and they really aren't that hard.
    So in a way, I would almost welcome the comments like that one - if your expectations are low you won't be disappointed!

  13. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    I wouldn't necessarily be offended since it was a stranger, but these types of comments bother me because they seem to imply that I have NO idea what I'm getting myself into and they're being the heroic truth teller. I may not know the specifics of what MY family will struggle with the most because my baby isn't here yet, but come on, I know that keeping a little human alive and happy is hard work, and that there will be adjustments. I don't need you to act like you're the only one who tells it like it really is.

  14. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    @Anya: You have a way with words! My thoughts exactly!

  15. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    @Mrs. Coral: thanks friend!

  16. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    For many of the reasons expressed already, I wouldn't be offended.

    However, I don't think it was necessary for a stranger to comment like that. Personally, I would just congratulate the couple and leave the dirty details to people who are closer to them and want to dish it all out.

  17. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @MoonMoon: @dreamocracy: @ScarletBegonia: same here! I don't understand why it's ok for people to be like, oh it was the hardest time of my life but for those who had a good experience it's fibbing/sugar coating. Lol.

  18. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    I would be offended because it's just too similar to those "just you wait" comments that drive me up a wall. I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to tell someone their in for the worst experience of their lives or anything of that sort. It's different for everyone and you can't really prepare for it anyway, so I'd prefer to let expectant parents enjoy the anticipation. I try to be honest about my experience when someone asks, but I also try to be careful not to rain all over their parade. Some people love newborns, and we all get through it eventually.

    That said, if this couple has a newborn and made that comment while in the thick of it, I am sympathetic to why they might have spoken as they did.

  19. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Worst months of your life? More like best time of my entire life. Having a baby is the best! I haven't really found even one negative yet about having a baby. Ok well a baby born teething is hard. But it's no the worst thing ever. I would be concerned if anyone sai any period with their child is the worst? Maybe because it took me a long time to get pregnant I am just blind to the bad times? I don't know, I don't care!

    Trust me, you will LOVE it!

  20. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I'm dealing with IF, so I have never been pregnant, but I do know that my DH tends to be on the pessimist side of things and I do wish he was more positive. Given our IF, we are just waiting for the day to come when we are pregnant. I think if I was pregnant, the closer we get to the delivery, I'm sure DH will hear some scary stories. He probably will say that to me at some point. Guess depending on what mood I'm in, I might tell him to try to be more positive. Or I might just ignore him. I know the first few months with a newborn is very difficult.

  21. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I get annoyed when people say stuff like that too. If only I had a quarter for everytime I have heard "Just you wait..." during this pregnancy. Yes, I realize it isn't going to be easy to have a baby. Worst time in my life though? No, I doubt that very much considering the struggle I had just getting pregnant to begin with. I'd certainly rather be struggling with a newborn baby than be still doing fertility treatments.

    In any case though I don't think people mean any harm when they say stuff like that. It's sort of one of those things everyone says. Still annoying, but harmless I guess.

  22. Ms.Pumpkin

    apricot / 435 posts

    I think it really depends on the tone in which it's delivered- my neighbor and friend basically told me, "there may be a point at which you think to yourself, 'what have I done?', and I want you to know that's totally normal!" She gave a balanced perspective, and I could tell that it was out of compassion and a genuine concern for our well being. I really appreciated that.

    DH has a friend, however, who has told us repeatedly, "Juuuust you waiiit... you'll never sleep again! Your social life is over! You have NO IDEA how hard it's going to be!" It feels unnecessary to tell us this stuff multiple times, and has more of a "haha, suckers, I know just how awful it's gonna be, and you don't!" feeling to it.

    Unfortunately, as a result, I actively avoid talking about baby stuff when he's around, as I just don't want to hear it yet again. I mean really, how exactly am I supposed to respond to that?

  23. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    As someone who has been there, I was also offended and shocked, but now I do look at that person in a different light.

    One of DH's friends said basically the same thing to me when I was pregnant and said that the first few months I would regret ever getting pregnant and it will be the worst time of my life. Me and DH were so shocked and inside we both though wow, what a shitty mom! We will never feel that way!

    Well, let's just say she was pretty much right for the first couple months, and I remember feeling so awful about how I thought she must have been a shitty mom for feeling that way, when I was feeing the exact same way. I definitely ate my words. However, it passed, things got much better, and while still difficult, I was starting to see more happiness and rewards as LO got older. It is hard, but SO worth it. And every baby/mom is different as well!!!

    Everyone else kept quiet about their experience post partum, and I remember crying to my DH's cousin whom I am close to, asking her why she didn't tell me the truth about how HARD it was?? And she just laughed and told me she didn't want to scare me!

  24. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: haha! As LO has gotten older Ive definitely had the "what have we done" thought once in awhile lol. I will admit I had that thought when I found out we were expecting #2! I was like am I nuts?!

  25. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @Ms.Pumpkin: @sorrycharlie: I don't know about the newborn days but I've definitely had the "what have I done moments" in the first trimester dealing with horrible morning sickness!

    @Anya: I agree with you completely!

    @anonysquire: thanks! It's nice to hear some really positive stories!

  26. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Newborn era is tough. But, it's worth it. I know, because I came home from the hospital empty handed at the end of my second pregnancy. M keeps me up all night, poops all over me, but he's here, and I love him sooo very much. I only wish I could have suffered through it with my daughter, too.

  27. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    @anonysquire: It took me forever and a day (and a whole lotta cash) to get pregnant too, and I'll admit- having newborns was not awesome. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, and I vividly remember counting the minutes until my husband got home so I could hand him one of the babies. I felt horribly guilty, especially because I had spent so many hours being angry at the women who were complaining about their babies when I would have given anything to be in their shoes.

    All that being said, it could go either way for anyone- it could be the best time, it could be the worst, they could regret what they've done or they could want to get pregnant as soon as they get clearance. It could be different with each baby for the same couple, too. I don't think what they said was offensive, but could definitely be seen as annoying.

  28. irene

    nectarine / 2964 posts

    It was indeed the WORST time of my life. Ever. Psychologically and physically..... but I guess it highly depends on your support system too (which I had very very little of -- my husband was literally having post-partum depression and my mom who came to stay with us to help out was being very unreasonable and not understanding. So basically they were not talking while snapping at me, while I was having these breastfeeding / engorgement issues).

    While I think they are just telling their version of truth, I agree they should have filtered it down especially they are complete strangers. I would have just said aww congrats! How exciting...etc.

  29. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    Everyone's experience is different, so I would definitely have been annoyed. I actually was in a similar situation - I went to see my eye doctor and told him I was pregnant in case it mattered with any of the tests or drops etc, he proceeded to tell me the first three months were awful, horrible, terrible. I didn't ask him about his experience and felt like a simple congrats would have been enough. It bothered me enough that I plan to find a new eye doctor...

    Fwiw my little guy is 8 weeks and it has not been easy but it has been mostly wonderful for me.

  30. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    I feel terrible because I've said this to several pregnant friends recently! Oops! Honestly - the first six months were the hardest time of my life. I hated every moment of it and I tore myself into pieces because I was "supposed" to be enjoying it, it was "supposed" to be wonderful... everybody had told me how magical and special and precious it all was. I felt like I wasn't a real mother - or a real woman - because I didn't feel that warm, fuzzy bond and that delirious happiness everyone told me I would feel. I wish people were more honest about this stuff - it's okay not to love every minute because it's HARD. It's okay if it takes a while to bond or if the sound of your baby crying all evening every evening makes you want to rip your own ears off. I wish people had talked about this - because then I wouldn't have felt so terrible when it didn't go as I had expected.

    That said, @MrsHansen82: , it really, truly is the best thing you will ever do. I love my one year old fiercely - she's my world. One grin from her is worth every second of those colicky months! When I go into her room in the morning and she sees me and starts bouncing up and down with delight, that's the BEST time of my life and I get to do it every day. I'm sorry someone (like me) tried to take your joy - it's going to be wonderful (and hard, but you know that).

  31. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Maybe it's because I was expecting the worst, and also have a pretty easy baby, but I am 5 months in and haven't found it terribly difficult or awful. I have really loved almost every second of the last 5 months. Everyone's experience is different, so I wouldn't worry about it. Sure, you could get a difficult baby or an easy one or, most likely one that falls right in the middle. Whatever happens though you will make it work and it will be fine!!!! Just make sure you surround yourself with supportive people and don't be afraid to ask for help or take a break if you need it!

  32. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @catomd00: Good advice, thankyou!

  33. Mommy Finger

    pomegranate / 3272 posts

    I think I'm in the minority b/c this would absolutely not offend me nor do I hate the "just you wait" comments. I love hearing everyone else's perspectives. I know that mine will be different as every child is different. But I like knowing what could be coming ahead. I can silently cheer if I don't go through a rough patch or I'm prepared once I we hit that same place.

    I can't tell you how many friends have told me after they had a baby that they wish people who have told them about certain things after the baby is born. Agree that you never know your experience until you're in it.


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