DD is 22 months and only needed her paci to fall asleep, and then she would spit it out. We noticed her teeth were being affected by it (she'll need orthodontics anyway), so we decided to take it away a few weeks ago. Now, her sleep has gone to complete crap. She used to go down at 7:30. We would read a book, then say goodnight and walk out of the room - easy!

Now, she is fighting sleep and throws the biggest fits for naps and bedtime. She is only going to sleep when she's completely exhausted from crying... and it's around 8:30. She wakes 2-3x per night, crying, and won't go back to sleep unless we stay next to her.

She has a blanket, but it doesn't seem to give her the comfort that her paci does when it's time to go to sleep.

Do you think it was too early to take it away?