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Would you say something to someone who forward faced their baby at 8 months?

  • poll: Would you/have you ever said anything to someone in this situation?
    I have said something before in this kind of situation. : (12 votes)
    8 %
    I have never been in this situation but I would definitely say something. : (31 votes)
    21 %
    I would not say anything. : (104 votes)
    69 %
    Other. : (2 votes)
    1 %
    I like to vote. : (2 votes)
    1 %
  1. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    Probably, especially since it's illegal. If we aren't particularly close, then nothing to lose. Many people simply don't know better.

  2. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    @Purpledaisy: I would definitely send them a private message. A couple of good ways to phrase it have been suggested. I did a similar thing for a Facebook "friend" who was giving her 2 month old rice cereal and she ended up being appreciative.

    Let us know what you do! Curious if she really knows it's illegal?

  3. irene

    nectarine / 2964 posts

    No I wouldn't say anything. I guess it is not an issue that is on top of my priority list, besides you said she is just an aquaintance not a good friend. Not my place.

    But if it is illegal, I would casually comment saying, "I thought it was illegal to do forward facing before 1 year? Better check it out?"

  4. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    I probably would. It's illegal here to forward face before one year, and work in policing so I'd just frame it as "hate for you to get a ticket".

  5. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    Check on your state's laws- it's not illegal in Washington if your kiddo is over 20 lbs.


  6. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Kemma: lol!!!!! I can't tell if your serious or not, but I'm totally adopting this trick.

    I guess I wouldn't? But that would bug me to no end. Poor kid

  7. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    I would absolutely say something in a private message. Just tell her it's illegal because it's much less safe. Act like you're trying protect her from a ticket as opposed to judging her parenting.

  8. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    I don't know if I would say something, luckily no one I know has done this. But...oh my God, that's dangerous. That kid risks internal decapitation in the event of a collision. Yeah, I guess I think I probably would. I hate when "s/he is fussy in the car" is used as an excuse for turning super young kids. My first baby cried her head off in the car until she was nearly a year old. We flipped her at 2, causing her to be FUSSIER again for a while. You can hear anecdotal stories both ways, but I'd rather has a fussy safe baby.

  9. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    Yes and I did say something!

    I told her " yikes! Did you know that's illegal?"

    She said " he was close enough to 1"

    He was 10 months-

  10. autumn865

    persimmon / 1147 posts

    If it was a close friend I would privately message/ call/ email about it. I would try to choose my wording carefully not to sound attacking of her but instead sound concerned for her child out of love. I would not post it on a public message board or say something if it is just a "Facebook friend." In those instances it is not my place to say anything.

  11. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    No, it's not my business. If it was a close friend or family I would make sure they were aware it was safer to keep rear facing. But if they knew and made that choice then it's not my issue.

  12. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    To me, this is a life-or-death situation and if anything happened, I would feel horrible that I never said anything. Internal decapitation is no joke and it is my hope that noone would FF so early if they knew how dangerous it was. I have politely brought it up to a friend before and she had no idea and was very thankful that I said something.

  13. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @travelgirl1: Yeah, 9months is standard here. My friend switched at 6 months! Our cars in the UK are much smaller than US cars for one - our 2nd car is a Nissan Micra, the car seat we bought (which could RF until 15 months) didnt fit in rear facing (!) and, as the car doesn't have back doors, getting her in and out of a rear facing seat would be a nightmare!!

  14. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I wouldn't say anything, because I don't think anyone would change their mind, quite frankly.

  15. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    I've said things like "gosh, I'm so jealous of your front-facing setup. It seems so much easier, but we're still rear facing," When they inevitably ask why we're still rear-facing I tell them that where we live we do a lot of highway driving, and rear facing is just so much safer were we ever to be in a major accident. That at least gets it in their head that rear facing is worth it for safety reasons. What they decide to do from there is their own decision.

  16. Katrocap

    persimmon / 1230 posts

    I wouldn't say anything unless we were close. Although we will
    rear-face at least until DS is two, it is not illegal in the US to forward face before a certain age/weight. Perhaps some states have such laws but my state, Maryland, just advises that infants RF before age one and 20 lbs. The only actual child passenger safety laws pertain to seat belts and children under age 8 being in appropriate child restraints.

  17. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    So, I have been waiting all weekend hoping that someone would post something on her picture about it but they didn't. I want to but I don't think that I am going to say anything... ugh, it is killing me though!

    Also, we are in California and the law is one and 20 pounds, so it is illegal here.

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Purpledaisy: Is it obvious in the picture/post the age of her LO? Maybe you can say something like "Wow! I didn't know your LO was one already!" and then when she says "He isn't. He's ____ months", you can say "Oh wow, I thought it was illegal here to forward-face before one! Is that not the case?"

  19. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    I wouldn't say anything.

  20. Mommy Finger

    pomegranate / 3272 posts

    My sister in law FF my niece at 10 months. She knew that she shouldn't and even made the "i'm a bad mom" comment about it without anyone bringing anything up about it. So, I didn't say anything. It wouldn't have changed her mind.

  21. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    @Adira: She just posted his 8 month picture like the day before that is a good idea though... maybe she would just assume that I didn't see it...

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Purpledaisy: Damn! Maybe you could just say "What a big boy!! I can't believe he's FF already! Although I thought it was illegal here before one... is that not the case?"


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