I know there is at least one family with a stay-at-home dad around these parts (hello, Mr. & Mrs. Jacks!) but from what I can gather, this group is pretty evenly split between two working parents, or a stay-at-home mom. Just wondering if this is something any of you would ever consider? How would you feel about it?

This topic came up because it looks like I'll be getting a different job soon that will make me the breadwinner. We're excited about the extra income, and DH has been super supportive about this surprising turn in my career trajectory. Still, he has admitted that it's not what he had in mind - we both always thought he'd be the "provider." He has a great job, works hard and has a lot of options for the future, but it's becoming a possibility that I continue to win the bread, so to speak.

DH actually brought it up, half-joking, "I could be a stay-at-home dad." I laughed it off because I NEVER thought he'd be happy doing that. But then he said that he's open to it! I think part of him feels like if he can't be THE working parent with the big career, then that would be a way he could contribute meaningfully without "competing," even though that's not how I look at it at all.

My initial reaction was mixed. I would of course love to have a parent at home with our children when they are little, but I admit that I wonder if he could as good of a job as me taking care of very little ones. I feel like I've already done so much "work" to prepare - it would be hard to relinquish control, knowing he would do things very differently from me.

At the same time, DH is much more inclined toward "homemaking" tasks. I know he'd keep the house a lot cleaner and the laundry more kept up than I would as a SAHM!

Lots to think about, and who knows what the future holds. Just interested to hear from all of you!