I have a friend, and we haven't talked or hung out really since I had my baby and I just found out that she and her husband got divorced. She is only 24 and they had been married 3 years I think? It's sooo sad. She moved here for him, so on top of that she's moving back to Cali... I am sooo sad for her that while I was thinking about her I started crying! It's just so sad to me.
My friend (who told me about the divorce) said that she's actually really, really happy and feels freed by getting out of the marriage. I'm always saddened by divorce, even when it is a good thing..

She's moving back home in a few months and I definitely want to see her before she goes but I have no idea how to approach it... text/email and just ask to hang out?! Idk. I have no idea what to say.