So... assuming everything goes well... we'll have two kids soonish. Here's our house situation: we have a two story home with two bedrooms upstairs and the master bedroom downstairs. For the first three months of Xander's life, he was in a bassinet in our master bedroom. At three months, we moved him into his crib in the nursery that's upstairs and we moved into the guest room which is the room right next to his.

I'm not sure what to do once we have two kids. For the first three months of baby #2's life, we'll probably have him/her in a bassinet in our room again. But then what? Do we move baby #2 into the guest room and we sleep downstairs? But what happens when he/she goes through the 4 month sleep regression and we have to run in there every few hours? Do we put baby #2 in the nursery with Xander? Will baby #2 disrupt Xander's sleep (or vice-versa)?

Help me! (P.S. if all goes according to plan, Xander and baby #2 will be 22 months apart)