I have a dilemma, we've been fairly happy with our in-home daycare for my toddler (he's been there for 4 months) and are already planning to switch to a nanny after baby #2 comes in March. But in the last week some weird things have happened that make me wonder if I should be looking at an alternative until then.

Issue 1: Unknown Stranger
I dropped him off the other day at her home and there was a baby asleep in the swing and a three year old unsupervised in the front room while the rest of the kids played downstairs. Not that odd, BUT there was a guy I've never seen before, kind of scary looking honestly and definitely over 50, walking up the stairs, walking around to the kitchen and then went out the garage door. When I finally convince one of her kids to find her, the daycare lady is just in her room (talking to her chronically ill husband). There was no mention of the stranger and one of the other parents (who works with me) hadn't heard anything about that guy either.

Issue #2: Sleeping Daycare Lady
2 days later, DH is doing dropoff and finds our daycare lady completely out on the couch under a blanket at 10 in the morning. He asks if she has any kids that day and she vaguely says yes, they're downstairs in the playroom.

Now, I don't really do conflict, so yes, I should have asked about the stranger, but I was so thrown that I didn't. DH usually does pickup and dropoff and I assumed that she must have told him and he just forgot to tell me (wasn't the case).

Given that I've got some huge red flags going up, but she's also absurdly cheap and close to my work, do I move my toddler to a new daycare until my maternity leave in March? Or do I just live with it for another 7 months?