I have a coworker that I'm Facebook friends with. I used to work on the same project as this person a few years ago, but we no longer work together. Although we both still work in the same building, I rarely see this person anymore and just keep up to date on his life through Facebook.

My coworker recently had a baby. Yesterday, he posted a photo of his baby in his car seat with the caption "Ready for a ride!" The baby was sitting in the car seat with the buckle and chest clip together, but the straps were INCREDIBLY loose. So loose that they weren't even over the baby's shoulders. And the the chest clip was against the baby's stomach, right above the crotch buckle.

So.... would you say something if you were me? I mean, part of me is ASSUMING that he just took the picture before fixing the straps, but I obviously don't know that for sure. I know it's not really my business, but I just can't get this picture out of my head and I'm sick with worry over the baby. If they were to get into an accident with his straps how they are in the picture, I'm not even sure they would keep him in the car seat, that's how loose they are!

So... what would you do?