When DH and I were dating, there were some things that happened that one may consider sketchy/untrustworthy/possible cheating (?). On three occasions, I came over to his place and all the cards I had made for him that were on the mantle had been taken down. Each time I said something and he had some dumb reason that I never believed and quickly put them back up, but stupidly I let it go. My gut told me that he had a girl/ex there and he didn't want them to know he was in a relationship. Once I was tidying up/snooping and I found a cc receipt for the day after Valentine's Day for 2 separate bars where drinks were had, he swore he stayed home that night but was unavailable by text all that evening claiming phone messaging problems... Again I said nothing.

I was falling in love and had him on a total pedestal. My mistake and now that we are married and he's working crazy hours I'm feeling those feelings of mistrust creeping in.

So WWYD, tell him that you held in these feelings of mistrust for so long and now sometimes you feel like you don't fully trust him? Or leave the past in the past?

If you chose option 1, how would you approach that conversation?