Some people really don't have a clue, do they?!!
It was my last day at our London office yesterday, before I go off on maternity leave. The team bought me a lovely gift and we went out for lunch to celebrate. I sat next to one my colleagues, who manages a parallel work-stream to the one I work on. She's only 35, strikingly beautiful and really easy to get on with. She doesn't have any children - but apart from that simple fact, I don't know much about her personal life. During lunch, she turned to me and asked, cheerily "So, what projects have you got planned for your maternity leave?"
The conversation then went like this (my thoughts are in brackets!):
Me: Projects? (what, like freelancing or something??)
Her: You know, something to pass the time while you're off. I would have thought that you'd have a couple of side projects going on....
Me: I thought I might try my hand looking after a newborn baby! (are you for real, lady?)
Her: *laughing* But they sleep all day! You've got all that time off -I would have thought that you would want to do something for yourself, you know? Improve yourself. Take a course!
Me: (I'll improve you, you bi-atch). We will see how it goes.
As we were walking back to the office after lunch, I found myself walking beside her. She asked how long I was taking off. I replied that I was taking about 7 months leave and she chimed in, "You will probably find, once you're off, you will want to take the whole year. Most of my friends did that. I think it was less about spending time with the baby and more about enjoying being off work". She then rolled her eyes and smiled in a conspiratorial manner.
When I got home, I have noticed that she has written in my card "relax and enjoy the break".
Lol. Some people!!!