DS1 is beginning to read and as a reading teacher, I find it fascinating to see my own child's progression into reading. This website has great information on the continuum of reading skills so I thought I would share.


If you have a preschooler or older, where do you feel your child is right now on this continuum and what do they still need to learn?

My DS is an emergent reader. (He knows all his letters and what sounds they make. He can break apart a word into it's sounds and can spell simple words. He can sound out short vowel words and have a couple of sight words. He can write his name, he points to words as he reads etc.)

Emergent Readers:

Show an awareness of print and that printed words hold meaning
Read orally and point to words while reading, correctly matching written and spoken words
Comprehend meaning from simple texts
Hear individual sounds in words
Recognize the letters in their own names
Use illustrations to extract meaning
Notice that words have spaces between them and are individual units
Know the names of some alphabet letters
Know some sound-letter relationships
Understand that text is read from left to right
Recognize a few high frequency words
Read simple stories with one to two lines per page and illustrations that provide a lot of information