My MIL has always been...umm, nice without being nice, if that makes sense. She views herself as very kind hearted and helpful but she is constantly complaining when she has to help others, I've never heard her say a single nice thing about FIL, DH or BIL (seriously, I think she hated being a mom) and she's just all around kind of difficult to listen to talk because she is never positive. Her son's have a strained relationship with her and she doesn't understand why they don't talk to her.
The other day, she was giving us some books for DD that used to belong to DH when he was a kid. She said something about how he could read them to her and I jokingly made a comment about hour he reads to her in a monotone so that probably won't happen. Her response was "You are such a bad dad." Which totally shocked me and threw me for a loop. He didn't say anything but I quickly said "no he's not. He's a great dad and LO clearly adores him." And we left.
Two days ago, we were discussing how we will have 2 kids under 2 in 5 ish weeks. Several little nuggets of gold were "Do you think you'll even be able to do it?" "I bet you're going to need your mom to come stay with you." "I hope you don't think LO2 is going to be as good as LO1. If that's what you think you're in for a rude awakening."
Today, I was telling her about how we had a rough evening with LO, I ended up crying while giving LO a bath so I was telling her how DH swept the livingroom floor and waited to finished his dinner so we could eat together after LO went to bed (we usually eat as a family but the evening was going really badly and that just couldn't happen). Her response was "wow, I'm surprised that he did that, he's so selfish usually." I said "he's a really good dad and husband. We think he's pretty great." "Well I would never believe it if you hadn't told me that."
we live on 5 acres split 5 ways so we see her everytime we go outside. I just don't know what the hell is wrong with this woman. I'm getting very close to telling her off or at least telling her to keep those comments to herself around our daughters. I want them to think the sun shines out of their daddys butt, and they should think that! I just don't understand her at all.
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