Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @JennyPenny: That was me last week. I could not get full. And then this week food is just meh, I'm eating meals but not taking seconds (or thirds!!) like last week.

  2. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    With my first I brought one of those cute floral robes that everyone (in New England anyway) gets as a bridesmaid gift and basically lived in that at the hospital. It's super cute and comfy and allows easy access to all your regions haha

  3. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Can the stress stop yet? My nephew was born 3 days ago at 32.5 weeks. He has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and they have predicted 10 days max. Ugh. My nerves are completely shot!


    persimmon / 1188 posts

    @littleblessings: I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. I know it is extra stressful in your current situation. All I can think of is to pray for some peace and comfort for your family. We had a horrible baby related tragedy in my family in January and I've really struggled with processing it.

  5. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @littleblessings: OMG. I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew!! My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    So, I don't know if you guys remember, but last month my doc said I gained too much weight too fast. This month - they commented that I didn't gain enough, in fact, I somehow lost a pound! Wtf? Between the two months, I gained the appropriate amount, so I don't know what their problem is! Lol. Meanwhile, my blood pressure is super low and I've been getting dizzy and swollen. My doc gave me a note to work from home for the remainder of my pregnancy, so I can at least raise my feet. Also, I totally had a sugar crash from the glucose test!!! I really hope I passed!

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. 😢

  7. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @ValentineMommy: that's so strange you gained too much and then lost a pound! Guess it all works out? Do they think anything of it? Or just keep monitoring you? I'm still waiting to hear if I passed my glucose test, I'm really annoyed with my doctors office. My midwife left and I don't feel like anyone cares about me now. Ugh.

  8. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @littleblessings: Oh no, I'm sorry. That's so heartbreaking. I'll be thinking of him and your family

    @ValentineMommy: Ugh! That happened to me with my first two pregnancies (not yet this time, but I'm sure it will). With DS2, I supposedly gained 8lbs in a month and then 1 the next 🙄 Right now, I'm up 21 lbs at 26.5 weeks.


    persimmon / 1188 posts

    So it looks like my company is changing all of our insurance plans on April 1. I am meeting with HR tomorrow to ask my personal questions since that will be so close to my due date. My quick understanding is that all the money I spend towards my deductible until then will go away but my maternity leave will be better. Unfortunately I'll need quite a bit of care in the next couple of months with extra ultrasounds, specialist appointments and blood work so it's a shame it won't count towards our high deductible. I'm hoping the maternity leave will balance it out. I'm also hoping that I don't give birth early because I want a longer leave!

  10. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    32 weeks today! It's flying by! Baby boy and I are doing well, trying to tie shoes has become a joke so I just invested in 3 pairs of slip ons!

  11. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    He's still somewhat stable. I'm trying to remain calm. Got the rest of the stuff needed for Nova. It's all cleaned and prepped. Her and the kids bags are packed. I'm going to work on mine this week. Trying to focus on getting everything set for all 3 kids.

    On a side note: my bladder must be the size of a peanut now. Lol

  12. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: I'm glad it's not just me - my compression stockings I can't even get on anymore... and DH has to help me put on my slip on boots because they are snug around the ankles and I can't do it myself. I rented a cute dress from Rent the Runway for my baby shower, but am realizing at this rate I'll only be able to wear sneakers or flip flops

  13. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: @yellowbeach: I was just telling DH that if anyone invents a pair of maternity winter boots they'd have a gold mine on their hand. Something you can slip on but still keep you super warm and toasty. Probably the only thing I miss about being in the 3rd tri during summer (DS was an August baby) is the appropriateness of sandals and flip flops.

  14. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    @JennyPenny: @yellowbeach: Ugh, and today we need snow boots! And snow pants. I think I look like a hot mess to my neighbors today: husbands redwing boots, pajama pants tucked in, sweatshirt and a jacket that is way too big! But it was warm!

  15. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: I'm with ya on the shoes... I wear uggs a lot cause I can yank the tops still. The other challenge I have is trying to help my 2 year old get on his shoes! He cooperates but I have to get down on the floor to help him. My winter boots lace up (Sorels) but it's quite a process to twist my way down into them! We are getting snow tomorrow - ugh!

  16. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @psw27: Nope! They didn't really think much of it, but then again, I saw a different doctor than I saw the previous time (who commented on the gain). I gained 40ish pounds with both my boys, but never gained "evenly" with them either. It's just how my body handles pregnancy, I suppose. I gain a bunch one week, and then nothing for a few weeks.

    @lilteacherbee: Exactly! I don't think it's abnormal. Not everyone gains that perfect pound per week, or whatever the recommendation is. It all evens out in the end!

    @MOMTOLITTLEB: What a pain, that your insurance is changing RIGHT before you deliver! Hopefully it works out for the best! Insurance stuff makes me super nervous.

    @psw27: Uggs for me daily too - they're the easiest thing!

  17. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @MOMTOLITTLEB: that is crazy... I mean, better leave would be awesome but starting over on the deductibles would be lame. Good luck at your meeting, I hope they have good answers!!

  18. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Mother @#$#$^@#$!@. I just got the call that my glucose test came back abnormal and I need to take the 3 hour test. $#@%$!#@$!!!!!!!

  19. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @ValentineMommy: ughhhhh I'm sorry....

    I had to freakin' beg my doctor's office for information. I finally got a curt/annoyed tone email on Sunday afternoon that I had passed. I'm really annoyed by my doctor and midwife situation but feel like there is nothing I can do at this point.

  20. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: Wow! It's 65 degrees here today

    @MOMTOLITTLEB: Ugh, that stinks!! Insurance stuff can be so overwhelming. We had a few issues during my last pregnancy and it was so frustrating! Hope yours works out!!

    @ValentineMommy: Oh no!! I hope this is one of those situations where you'll pass the 3 hour (even though I know it sucks to have to do it...mine made me feel horrible!). My one hour test is Friday and I'm already a little anxious since I had GD with DS1. I had a dream I failed the test and my result was 512 When do you have to do it?!

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Friday. I am so not happy. I passed the 1 hour with both boys, so I'm surprised, to say the least. It doesn't help that I have bronchitis as well. What does having GD entail? A special diet? What does it mean as far as my baby's health? Is she going to be like 20 pounds? Lol

  22. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Ugh, I feel you because I've been having coughing fits for a week. I was pissed when I failed my 3 hour test, but after a few weeks, I got used to it. Mine was pretty easily controlled by diet. I had to check my blood sugar 4 times a day (first thing in the morning and after each meal) and keep a log because if it couldn't be controlled, I'd have to be put on mediciations. Basically, you just can't eat a lot of carbs/sugar, but I did in moderation (just paired them with protein to balance it out). I was a wimp about needles, so honestly, if I can do it, anyone can lol. It completely got me over my fear of needles (I had surgeries as a kid and I've always been terrified, but these babies healed me of that )

    He was 8lb 13oz at 39 weeks, so big, but not insanely huge (as a comparison, DS2 was 8lb 3oz at 39 weeks without GD, so it didn't make that much of a difference).

    I hope you don't have it and this is just a blip! If you do though, it's okay to take a few days and be pissed. I was annoyed that I had to think about every single thing I was eating, but honestly it wasn't too terrible!

  23. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    @lilteacherbee: ugh haha, we haven't been 65 since October! We're turning to slush now and supposed to freeze overnight. Hoping for another snow day tomorrow!

  24. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    First time mom here... As I start filling out a birth "preferences" form, I realized I have a fear of catheters! No fear of pushing a baby out but a catheter, count me out. Are they are scary as they sound? Can anyone put my mind at ease?

  25. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    30 weeks today. My nephew is stable. My kids put themselves to bed tonight. For tonight things are looking good!

  26. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: I've had catheters with my c-sections. For me, they put it in after the spinal tap, so I don't feel it. Then they leave it in awhile until I'm no longer numb and can walk to the bathroom. With DS1, getting it taken out was awful and I remember it hurting (even though it lasts literally like 10 seconds, if that). With DS2, I barely felt a thing! FWIW, I'm a major baby when it comes to these things (like, I haaaate Pap smears and dread them so much). The catheter was more annoying than anything when I couldn't get comfortable, etc.

    @littleblessings: Glad to hear it! Hang in there!

  27. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: I was pretty scared of catheters at first too, and it was actually one of the main reasons I wanted to avoid an epidural. Mostly I thought it would be so uncomfortable and gross. But I ended up getting an epidural so the catheter was necessary and it was so not a big deal. I was numb so I didn't feel anything, and while it might have been gross for DH to see my pee in a bag, there was so much other stuff going on that I totally didn't/don't care.

  28. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @JennyPenny: Agreed. Catheters are gross by nature, but there was so much going on and I was so tired that I didn't even care. I don't remember it hurting coming out. Maybe just uncomfortable.

    So DD's birthday party was a hit! The petting zoo we got was so worth it. I'd totally do it again. All the kids were so into it and kept them completely occupied for an entire hour. It was awesome!

    But now, DD spiked a fever and threw up twice yesterday, so we're headed into the Dr this morning. DH has been super busy with work and even staying up till 3am one night. So no progress has happened on the room or otherwise.

  29. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Aww, I'm glad to hear she had a great party but sorry she's not feeling well. Hope she gets better soon.

    We've been making good progress on DS's big boy room. I want him ready to move in there by the end of Feb. We've nearly finished construction on 3/4 of the pieces of furniture we're building for the new room. DH is out of town this weekend, and I'm thinking of sending DS to the beach with my parents so I can have a whole weekend by myself to sand, stain, and sew and basically make a ton of progress.

  30. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    Hey April mamas!

    How's everyone feeling?

    I wanted to update everyone that I passed my 3 hour glucose test so although it was a pain in the ass at least it's over with. I have yet to complete DD room's I am hoping to have it ready before the baby shower. Fingers crossed!!

    DS is in his new foot braces so that's been a fun ride and school is slowly but surely kicking my ass. Did I mention my next quarter starts in April. Jesus take the wheel. School while pregnant is a thrill!

  31. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Thank you for all the info! I will literally actually starve to death if I have to limit my carb intake lol! So, fingers crossed I pass the damn 3 hour test. I felt pretty sick after taking the 1 hour, so hopefully that's not a sign that I'm going to fail. DS1 was also over 9 pounds and I passed the 1 hour with flying colors.....so I can only imagine how big that would be DD if I did, in fact, have GD.

    @mrsmacSLP: I can't speak to how they feel going in (since I had csections I was super numb when they put it in), but coming out was no big deal at all. Barely felt it. Don't worry! I'm sure it will be the last thing on your mind when the time comes.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: So glad DDs bday was great, but that stinks she's not feeling well now! Hope she feels better soon!!

    @JennyPenny: Great job on the room progress!!! Our room is just about done, except for the dressers. The woman is coming to pick them up this weekend to start the refinishing. I can't wait!

    @bubblegum: I'm just exhausted! These last months are going so so slowly. So glad you passed the 3 hour test! Was it awful? So not looking forward to it. I can't even imagine what you're going through with school!!! How are you going to manage the quarter in April!??!

  32. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I can imagine girl! I give non-pregnant people death stares when they say their tired. I am sure they are but I'm like I'm growing a human here! lol

    The worst part of it all was not being able to drink water!! I'm just thrilled it's over! Oh no!!! Do you have to do the three hour too?? I honestly don't know about my Spring quarter being in April I'm thinking of not doing it but I'm just so close to being done. I just wanna suck it up and HOPE my teachers will work with me when it's time for me to give birth.

  33. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: Yea, I failed the 1 hour, so I have to do the 3 hour on friday. I'm really upset/nervous about it....I really need to pass!

  34. mrswilson2012

    grape / 93 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Good luck lady, you'll do fine! My doctor automatically does the 3 hour test for everyone. She doesn't offer the 1 hour test at all. I know a lot of mamas have failed the 1 hour but passed the 3 hour, so hopefully everything goes well!

  35. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    i don't remember if i updated you guys after my week long hospital stay 2 weeks ago, but i got a stent put in my left kidney/ureter and although i felt OK for a few days, as of last friday the symptoms are worse again. i feel like i have a super bad UTI all the time (and i just had them check my pee again on thursday and it came back negative), so they told me to check in the the urologist. Well he said that its totally normal to pee blood, and have it feel like your peeing razors and have to go all the time UNTIL THE STENT COMES OUT (which is AFTER i deliver in three months!!). i have no idea how I'm going to handle this. its SO uncomfortable all the time and i have an hour and half commute to work with a 1.2 mile walk each way, 3 days a week. Ughhhh.

  36. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I am sure you'll pass it!!! I failed the one hour with both babes and passed the three hour both times. Fingers crossed it goes by super fast for you though

  37. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MissLace: Omg, I can't imagine dealing with that!! I'm so sorry! There's nothing they can give you for the pain?!

    @ValentineMommy: Hope you pass too!! I'm siting here right now eating a cookie, so I'm seriously hoping I don't have it either 😬

    @bubblegum: I'm feeling mostly good, just exhausted all the time. My 18 month old recently dropped his morning nap, so literally from 7:30am-1pm, I'm chasing him around because he never.stops.moving (thank goodness my 3 year old is in preschool most mornings)! My oldest would watch a show for maybe 15 minutes at this age, but not DS2. I just feel huge and I want to cry when I realize I have 3 months left!!

    I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and have an OB appt and glucose test Friday. I'm hoping I get to schedule my c-section then!

  38. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: I don't even remember the catheter. It didn't bother me at all.I don't remember it hurting when it came out either, but I had an epidural so I could have been numb.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I'm glad the party went well but that's a bummer that she's sick now. I hope she feels better soon!

    @bubblegum: Hi! I'm good too. Just really tired and sore physically. I am having a hard time imagining how my body will feel in 11 weeks.... ouch.

    @MissLace: Oh my gosh. Wow. That sounds absolutely horrible. I am so sorry.

  39. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MissLace: Oh my god, you poor thing. That sounds so awful! Any way you can at least work from home??

    @MissLace:@mrswilson2012: @bubblegum: @lilteacherbee: Thank you!

  40. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @ValentineMommy: i work from home 2 days a week, and will likely be able to work from home mostly full time come april since I'm due the 22nd, but for the next two months i still have to go in to the office at least 3 days a week. they did give me some Oxy pills for the pain, which I'm really trying to only take when absolutely necessary (I've taken 1 per day the past few days even though the prescription says i can take it every 4 hours as needed). But even the pills don't seem to really help with the burning when i pee pain which i feel like is worse than the actual flank pain. i might see how it goes over the next week and maybe ask for a Drs note to work from home/bed rest for a while or at least one more day a week since anything helps. Ugh.

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