Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MissLace: I would definitely ask the doctor for a note. Mine gave me one last week to WAH full time until delivery (and I'm due the 26th). You'll feel much better at home!

  2. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @lilteacherbee: oh man!! I can't imagine keeping up with an 18 month old! God bless you! lol

    Fingers crossed for you that they're able to schedule it for you! That would be a big help to know the official day!

  3. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: Awww!! I hope it doesn't get worst for you!

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @bubblegum: Yay, I'm glad you passed! I'm feeling pretty good. I feel like if I stayed this size 10 more weeks wouldn't be so bad. But knowing that I still can get quite a bit bigger in that time makes me feel ready to be done.

    @MissLace: Oh man, that sounds awful. I'm so sorry!


    persimmon / 1188 posts

    I'm still disappointed about my GD diagnosis but I know that managed properly it might not be too terrible. I met with the diabetes educator yesterday and my meal plan doesn't seem too terrible, will just involve planning. Biggest problem right now is I've come down with a miserable stomach bug and I have no appetite! I also can't really get to the store because I'm so weak and shaky. I'm going to try trusting my husband to pick up a few things that meet my requirements and don't seem like they'll make me vomit. Another interesting week of this pregnancy!

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: I'm sure it will! haha...

    @lilteacherbee second pregnancies are hard! Toddlers are not easy to wrangle with a belly! Props to all the 3rd time mommies to be in this group! I'm struggling with just the 1 to chase!

  7. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @psw27: Omg girl....it's so flipping hard. Luckily, my 4 year old is a big helper. It's the 18m old that's .... a lot to handle lol

  8. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @ValentineMommy: mine is 2.5 and is good on the stairs so I don't have to carry him that much but I'm still completely pooped by the time I get him to bed. Even just helping him get in and out of the tub or getting him in his stroller is getting exhausting.

  9. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    SO and I are talking induction dates since he has to request time off now or it won't get approved. My OB said any time during week 39. We are hoping to start induction the night of April 12th if he can work 1st shift that day. If not it will definitely be April 13th. So excited to have a semi-final date if I make it that far.

  10. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: woohoo! That's so fun to have a set date. You'll make it, fingers crossed!!

  11. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @psw27: @ValentineMommy: Exactly! I wanted mine close in age (and they were all "planned"), but man. I'm exhausted! The 3 year old will play independently and usually keeps the 18 month old entertained, but when he's at school, the little one takes all my energy! I keep telling myself it's a phase and eventually he'll mellow out (I hope!). DH asked me yesterday if we won the lottery, would I have a fourth?! Hahahaha, nope!

    @littleblessings: So exciting!! Fingers crossed she keeps cooking!

  12. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    @MissLace: ugh I'm sorry! I hope you can get a note to work from home soon! Even just 1 day in office would make your life easier!

    Thanks for all the reassurances about the catheters! Our midwives told us they typically don't leave them in due to UTI increase and I guess that scared me more! I'm debating an epi just to make my life easier and more restful, but the midwives allow eating and moving without! Hard decision to make!

  13. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    So I had to leave my shift at work and come upstairs to check myself in to L& D. I've been having worsening headaches, edema, vomiting and rising blood pressures. I checked my urine for protein (I work in the ED) and it was the max the test reads. So I'm getting the full eval for preeclampsia. I'm actually most upset bc DH, also a doctor, told me I was making a mistake coming to get checked out and implied I was just exaggerating my symptoms. He wasn't very supportive of me coming to get evaluated. After I checked in he came up to check on me, so I guess that's a start. I definitely don't want this baby early. But I do want to be safe and avoid seizures or any badness. Baby looks great though. Still awaiting lab work and for my pressures to settle down some.


    persimmon / 1188 posts

    @yellowbeach: I'm so glad you got yourself checked out. The other day I had a headache, feeling very lightheaded and vomiting. In the end I think it was a bug but at the time it was scary because I am 30 weeks pregnant! We have to take precautions when we're responsible for ourselves and the babies. I hope you are doing ok.

  15. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @yellowbeach: I'm so glad you got checked out. I hope everything is okay. Two of my friends are married to doctors and they both complain that their husbands never take anything seriously... I am so glad you trusted your gut (and medical degree!) and got checked out. It doesn't hurt to get checked! Fingers crossed for good results!

  16. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    How about another survey to keep us entertained? 😊

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    4. How many weeks are you now?

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    Feel free to keep adding questions!

  17. justjules

    apricot / 488 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    90% sure it will be Eden but we are not telling anyone IRL in case we change our minds.
    DS name is Ezra but if we have a third he/she will not have an E name.

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    Not a TON mostly because we will be moving across the country 8 weeks after the baby is born. So I can't really settle the baby in here.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    Keeping up with E when I'm tired, trying to not get too stressed about vbac

    4. How many weeks are you now?


    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    I wish I had cravings! I never did last time either.

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    Nothing really. E is only 15mo now so he doesn't understand much.

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?

    Not yet.

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜

    E sleeps 630-730 thankfully! I on the other hand..... not so much.

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    Spending time with E. I'm a little sad our time together just the two of us will be coming to an end soon.

  18. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    Probably Cole, but we are not 100%.

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    Literally everything. I haven't gotten anything out of storage or set up a nursery or anything. I need to wash and sort clothes, clean the car seat and pack my hospital bag too.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    Physical pain - my hips, back, etc. It is just so much more uncomfortable this time!

    4. How many weeks are you now?

    29 today!

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    I will work until the very end if possible. My leave is unpaid so I need to work as long as I can.

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    Definitely more fruits and veggies, which is a nice change from the carb overload of the first trimester and half of second trimester when I was sick.

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    We are working with my DS's teacher to put together a book about the baby and what will change around the house for him. We'll see...

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?

    I think my doctors office did that for me. I'm not even fully sold on the hospital they deliver at. I'm a game time decision!

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜

    I usually wake up 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom. My son is a good sleeper but he has his nights that aren't great - he's had an ear infection so that was a little rough. Otherwise, sleep is going okay I just want more!!

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    Getting to full term. I just want to make it to 36 weeks this time!

  19. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just a little update - officially diagnosed with mild preeclampsia and will get induced at 37 weeks no matter what - unless I advance to severe preeclampsia in which case they deliver right away. Glad I got checked out. They also detected a mild dysrhythmia with her heart. More tests to come on that front, so spending the night here.

    Feeling pretty good and calm. Nice thing if working in the ED is you know things could always be worse.

  20. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @yellowbeach: well that's good at least that you trusted your gut and got checked! 37 weeks is still pretty good! Sending good vibes to your little one and that the dysthymia isn't a big deal! 💗

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @yellowbeach: So glad you got it checked out and that you are both ok!

  22. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share? Annelise Mae (joining her brothers Desmond Elliott and Gideon Everett)

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives? Finishing the nursery (having furniture refinished), washing clothes and other stuff, packing hospital bag, maternity pics!

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy? Being uncomfortable because she's so low, exhaustion in dealing with my boys, time going too slowly lol

    4. How many weeks are you now? 29 today!

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor? I'm working from home now, and working up until my scheduled csec

    6. Craving any foods lately? Not really. My heartburn has amped up and it's making me feel crappy

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby? DS1 knows the drill...he's definitely ready. DS2 has no idea what's happening and I don't think at 18m there's much I can do to prepare him. The dog is definitely used to it, and probably not happy lol

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet? Nope!

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I sleep fairly good, except when DH is snoring. I get really irate about it too. Lol

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver? My sprinkle!

  23. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @yellowbeach: So glad you got checked out!

    @psw27: Fingers crossed you make it full term this time! I know having a preemie must make you a bit anxious!

  24. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Yay for being able to work from home! I always wished I had that option, but not really possible as a teacher lol. And I'm with you re: the 18 month old. I'm not sure there's much to do to prepare them, but at least they're used to having a sibling!

  25. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    Annabelle Kate

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    After my sprinkle, I'll start organizing her room and clothes. We also have a few purchases to make, like a new infant seat since ours is too wide to fit 3 across with our other seats.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    The exhaustion! Keeping up with two kids and hitting the uncomfortable stage is rough right now.

    4. How many weeks are you now?


    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    I'm a part-time photographer, so mainly a SAHM/WAHM, but I'm not scheduling anyone past mid-April, so I can get those edited before baby comes.

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    Anything sweet!

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    My 3 year old is really excited and asks about her all the time. I think he'll adjust fairly well as he's a pretty easy going kid and he's older this time. The 18 month old has no clue and I know from last time that it might not be an easy transition, but it won't last forever!

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?

    Not yet, but I think we do that whenever they set a c-section date, so should be soon!

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜

    My kids just got over sinus infections and they were waking up all night coughing, so thank goodness, that's over! I'm taking half a unison at night to help with insomnia, so sleep is going well for the most part, aside from taking forever to get comfortable!

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    My sprinkle is next month!

  26. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @yellowbeach: I'm so glad you got checked. Will they be able to treat it at all? I know nothing about Pre-E except its something to watch for. Is your DH able to be with you?

    @lilteacherbee: It certainly does make me super anxious at times. Last time was spontaneous and they don't know why it happened so that adds to it. But, I feel pretty good usually and I'm getting my weekly shots so the odds are in my favor! As I tick towards the 30 week mark I feel more relaxed. If I make it to 34 weeks + I'll be relaxed cause I know LO would be okay!

  27. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I keep saying "baby" when he puts his hand on my stomach, which makes him giggle....but I don't think he has any idea what's going on lol.

    In other news: My sprinkle is next weekend and I can't wait! Friday I'm having my hair done (it hasn't been colored/cut in at least 8 months!), Saturday I'm having a maternity massage and mani/pedi, and Sunday is the sprinkle....plus I have off Monday for President's Day. It's going to be a great weekend!!!! I can't wait!

  28. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @psw27: I feel that way and I've never had a preemie, so I can imagine it's definitely stressful for you. I've had several friends that had micropreemies between 24-26 weeks and I'm always anxious until we get to 30 or so (one friend had twins, one at 23 weeks and the other stayed in until 24. The 23 weeker didn't make it and witnessing that from the outside broke my heart!). Modern medicine is amazing, though! How long was your LO in the NICU?

  29. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Um that sounds like the best weekend ever!

    @lilteacherbee: wow micro-preemies are a whole different world. I can only imagine the stress and worry. I've been following some basketball player whose daughter was just born at 1 pound (I think they said 5 months early) and I can't even imagine. My guy showed up at 5 1/2 lbs, 5 1/2 weeks early. He was in the NICU for 12 days because he kept having "spells" where he would forget to breathe. He had to go 72 hours without one and made it to 60-70 hours a few times and restarted the clock. It all worked out for the best. I'm sure this guy will stay put til like 42 weeks just to spite me!

  30. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @psw27: they are holding off on any Blood pressure meds unless my BP climbs over 160/110. Worst so far has been 151/108. They did treat me with betamethazone, the steroid that helps aid lung development in case things go south and we deliver now at 32 instead of 37.

    Unfortunately DH and I have the same job, so two of us out is a double-whammy and just not feasible (unless delivering or dying). He works 5 floors down from where I am so I do feel comfortable knowing that if something did happen he's a 5 min elevator ride away.

  31. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @ValentineMommy: that sounds like an amazing few days!

  32. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @yellowbeach: being in the same building is good enough! Hopefully your LO can stay put until 37 weeks and your BP stays low!

  33. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?
    100% set on Grant for a first name, middle name will be either Desmond or Oliver.

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?
    pack hospital bags, finish nursery, sterilize bottles/toys from LO#1, order pump.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?
    definitely having kidney stones and getting a stent put in (which i have to get replaced with a new one in 6 weeks, then removed after i deliver). it feels like i have a constant UTI and its miserable.

    4. How many weeks are you now?

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?
    working until i go into labor, but working 100% from home starting in April.

    6. Craving any foods lately?
    i just had a Five Guys strawberry chocolate shake for the first time and now i want one everyday haha

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?
    my daughter will be 20 months when her little brother is born so she's too young to grasp what is happening but she's great with all the infants at daycare so I'm not that worried. we also have a 2.5 year old dog and just got a 4 month old puppy two weeks ago (i know, I'm crazy), but both dogs are great with kids, just working on getting the puppy housebroken before the baby gets here!

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?
    not yet. I've tried, but that part of their website is down at the moment.

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜
    i generally don't sleep well at all. i average about 5 hours but thats super broken up with being generally uncomfortable, peeing, or my daughter being up/having a coughing fit in the middle of the night.

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?
    getting the nursery finished and working from home more often.

  34. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Wow! I feel like I missed a super active day

    @yellowbeach: I'm glad its not severe and hope it stays that way! I guess there's no way you end up being an April mama at the end of the day

    @mrsmacSLP: They took mine in and out too and it was no big deal. I think its probably best to just wait and see how you feel when you're actually in labor. I wanted to avoid an epi so I could move and eat, and honestly those 2 things were the FARTHEST thing from my mind during actual labor so it didn't matter. But I know plenty of women feel differently.

  35. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    Not yet - DS's top picks are Josephine and Dump Truck though.

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    Biggest things are getting DS in his new room, prepping some freezer meals, and doing some tidying in various areas of the house/car that I think will make me more sane during the crazy newborn days.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    Definitely keeping up with DS. He's figured out that mommy can't chase him very well these days, so he acts up for me at bedtime.

    4. How many weeks are you now?

    30 tomorrow!

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    Working until I go into labor. I went into labor at work last time, so we'll see what happens this time around

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    Veggie sandwiches. I don't know if its just cause I've ordered a few really good ones lately but oh man I am loving some grilled zucchini or chickpeas on a sandwich these days.

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    Our dog is probably plenty traumatized from DS so we haven't done anything with him this time around. For DS we just talk about it a lot. We plan on getting him a special present for when his brother arrives too.

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?


    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable? I get this one totally depends on if you have other kids that actually sleep... haha 😜

    I'd say its 50/50 whether I sleep through the night, but I've been fairly comfortable this time around. When I don't make it through the night its cause I have to pee...

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    Hmm... I'm really looking forward to actual Spring, though we have had the Spring-iest possible winter the last few weeks so I'm loving it. But I want to get going on my veggie garden and other outdoor stuff. Maybe I just want veggies to fulfill my veggie sandwich cravings.

  36. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    1. Do you have a name picked out? Care to share?

    Her name will be Nova Jade. SO picked Nova and Jade is after my deceased cousin.

    2. What's still on your to-do list before baby arrives?

    Pack my bags. Make the whole house spotless. Make freezer meals. Possibly moving.

    3. What's your biggest complaint/hurdle this pregnancy?

    Sickness and discomfort. Morning sickness has returned and I just can't be comfortable EVER

    4. How many weeks are you now?

    30w 2d

    5. For those that work outside the home, are you starting maternity leave a little early or working until you go into labor?

    Skipping this

    6. Craving any foods lately?

    Pizza, donuts, cheese stuffed anything, ice

    7. For those with other kids or even pets, are you doing anything to prepare them for baby?

    We talk about baby. DD knows everything about childbirth (thank you youtubers). She was watching OkBaby and then Jesssfam all natural water birth automatically started playing after. I come out of the bathroom to Jess saying "Owwwwwww". With DS he knows the baby is coming but I'm not sure he believes me when i tell him she's ours and will be living with us.

    8. Have you pre-registered at your hospital/birthing center yet?

    You don't register until induction day if you get induced.

    9. Do any of you sleep through the night or is everyone just as uncomfortable?

    My kids sleep through the night in their own rooms. I fall asleep about 3am. Wake up at 7:25 to send DD on the bus at 8am. Then I sleep til 10am when DS wakes up. I have lots of discomfort and lovely insomnia. Lol

    10. What are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks before you deliver?

    Hitting my pregnancy goals. Current goal is to make it to 32 weeks.
    Getting the kids all excited to meet their sister.
    Spending time with DD and DS before she comes.

  37. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @JennyPenny: ack hadn't even thought about the fact that this bumps me to the March due date. Am I still allowed to banter with my April ladies?

  38. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @yellowbeach: Absolutely! My 1st month board we all stick together regardless of when we actually delivered. I'd say you're stuck with us

  39. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @psw27: @MissLace: I'm seriously counting down the days lol!

    @yellowbeach: Of course!!!!

    I can't believe we're getting down to single digit weeks to go (did that even make sense?!) I have 10 weeks, and I can't wait until April. I find myself getting more and more impatient for April!

  40. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @justjules: Hey! My sister's name is Eden! Great choice!

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