Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: mine has slept on her tummy since week 2, when my mom put her down down on her belly out of habit (?) from when she had kids in the 80s. She's always been easier to put down than my son, and I sorta attribute it to that, so we just went with it. No freaking swaddle issues, which is nice because I'm the worst swaddler ever. I will add, she only ever sleeps near me, either on the spare bed for naps or in our bedroom right next to the bed.

  2. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    Back to the christmas discussion, for my son's first Christmas, when we had less toys (and he was 7 months old, which is so different developmentally than 4 months) I got him a B-toys drum. I think it's called the parum pum drum or something. Anyway, it's a drum with some other toys in it, an egg shaker and a tamborine. He's 3.5 (today!) and he and his little friends still play with it.

  3. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @OhCaptain: yeah we have major swaddle issues over here! she has such a strong startle reflex, but I bet being on her tummy would help hat. She wouldn't be able to flail her arms quite as much.

  4. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: no tummy sleep yet! But she loves her side.

    I have am Amazon wish list going for Christmas/Hanukkah. I think we are getting a zoo membership from DH's dad and step mom. Other items are some expensive books, like the complete Winnie the Pooh, some wooden stacking blocks, clothing. DH wants to get her the Lego death star... But I think he'll settle for a smaller Star Wars set. Every Christmas eve BIL and DH assemble Star Wars Legos!

  5. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: zoo membership is a great idea!

  6. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @OhCaptain: DD got the B toys drum for her 1st brith day and still loves it too! I feel like we get a lot of mileage out of the B toys we have (zany zoo too).

  7. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: yeah, she's never once startled awake on her tummy.

  8. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    R just rolled from her tummy to back!! Wheeee!

  9. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I want the Lego Death Star SO bad. Maybe I can justify it by getting it for L. 😉

    @buttermilk: Go baby! 😄 We've let her nap on her tummy once or twice, but it didn't make much of a difference in her nap (aside from her letting us put her down, I suppose), and it totally freaked me out. I'm just dealing with too much anxiety about SIDS already to add another risk factor in right as she's at peak risk age. And at night we have no issues swaddling, and she sleeps on my arm, so it wouldn't really make sense.

  10. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    Gahhh I'm so behind! We've had a ton of visitors (still do). My parents are here and ILs arrive tomorrow, M's baptism is Sunday. My parents leave then and ILs stay another week. Whewww. It has been nice having my mom around, she is cooking and cleaning like crazy for me. ILs not so much...

    So, responses-
    @Mrs. Microscope uhh not a mom fail! If M falls asleep in the car seat (almost never), I definitely let him keep sleeping in there in the house! Although I don't think he has ever slept more than another 30 mins or so.

    @Torchwood re: the waking up dry thing, M has done this a handful of times. Very weird! He is usually a very heavy wetter!

    @buttermilk M is also all about the hands too, especially in his mouth. It's pretty funny! M also LOVES seeing himself in the mirror in the swing. He grins SO big. He's trying to laugh, I think, but can't quite figure it out he does this dog panting sound, LOL.

    Re: sleep, we have really good nights and really bad nights. It does seem like "sleep begets sleep", but for M the amount of sleep seems related to how bad of a reflux day he's had. Thankfully the last few days have been pretty good. He has been sleeping about 7:30/8pm until about 2 or 3am, then back to sleep till 6 or 6:30am. I am pretty happy with that, although I'm also losing another 45 min-1 hr of sleep from having to pump in the MOTN since he's sleeping longer. We still have a lot of nights up every 2-3 hrs though.

    About sleep/rolling/tummy, I am having a lot of stress! We really slack on tummy time due to M's severe reflux. He tolerates it for MAYBE 3 minutes then starts crying and the pressure on his belly usually makes him spit up. I feel so bad. We do a lot of time of holding him on our chest or "standing" on our laps so he gets time holding his head up and I think his head and neck is pretty strong! He's good at holding it up, just a little wobbly. But since he doesn't sleep in a crib and really doesn't spend much time flat on his back except for diaper changes, I worry he is not going to learn how to roll over.

    BUT his head is getting pretty flat/misshapen and I am so so so paranoid he's going to need a helmet! Does anyone else's baby have flat head? I guess it is from sleeping in the RnP?! I don't really know what to do, I am trying to do more tummy time and turn his head in the RnP (to the extent I can). We are going to try to transition to the crib but even there we will need to to a wedge and prop up one side of the crib to incline, and honestly I don't even know if that will be sufficient for the reflux. M's GI doctor said just keep sleeping in the RnP, but his ped said he should try to go to the crib for the flat head. Ugh.

    For those of you who still swaddle (M flails like CRAZY so we would not sleep without the swaddle), what's your "swaddle transition plan"? M has not rolled over yet but (like I said) I am not sure he has much opportunity to. Trying to work on that. We use the Swaddle Me velcro swaddlers and they are starting to get tight. They make a size up, but I wonder if we should start transitioning out? Use something different? I am a little nervous about putting him in the crib in the Swaddle Me swaddler (with no arms out) since he's getting to "prime rolling age" - I worry about SIDS too much. I don't know what to do. Ugh. So for now... we're still totally tight swaddle in the RnP at almost 10 wks old!

    As for Christmas, have not thought about it! LO will get lots of stuff from family so I am not too worried about it really! But I need to think about it.

  11. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Torchwood: if we had room for the death star, I know it would happen. But we don't, so I think the boys will settle on another class of ship. Last year it was a rebel Ghost, so I bet this year they will pick an imperial ship

    No rolling yet, just push ups! At least that means we can still safely swaddle. No flat head from the RnP as far as we can tell, though P is getting pretty long, and will outgrow it by the end of the month.

  12. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @Torchwood: When I was browsing Pottery Barn, I saw they have a Millenium Falcon bed. It's sooo expensive though.

    @MrsADS: I worry about C's head flattening since there is a super mobile baby in her daycare room so she's almost always in something. She definitely has positional baldness. Do you have a bumbo?

  13. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: We don't do tummy time at all, aside from the minute or so it takes her to fall asleep when DH lays her on his chest to nap. We follow RIE in a lot of areas, and one of the big things is to not put baby into a position she can't get into by herself. She really enjoys "play time" on her back on the floor or in the pack n play though, so that's when she works on her muscles. And she's upright when we wear her, so her neck gets more of a workout then. She'll probably be a little behind on things like rolling belly to back, but I'm not worried about her to adhering to some official timeline as long as she's clearly making strides. She doesn't have any flat head that I can see (and ped didn't mention it), but from my research the main concerns with flat head are cosmetic (assuming no underlying issues causing it) and it can self correct or become less noticeable by preschool age, so I don't plan to worry too much if it happens.

    I haven't given any thought to swaddle weaning. I guess I should! Maybe the Merlin suit? She's not ready to not be swaddled, that's for sure.

  14. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Ms. RV: I NEED it! Disney buying Lucasfilm is the best thing that could have happened for this merchandise loving Star Wars fanatic.

  15. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @ms. RV don't have a bumbo but maybe I should get one, hmm. Honestly, M doesn't spend that much time in "baby holders" (car seat, swing, etc) - only in the car seat if we go somewhere and maybe 15 or 20 mins a day in the swing. Just RnP for night sleep and some naps (we hold for the first part of naps usually too). I usually hold him the whole time he's awake. So I guess the RnP is the culprit? IDK. Re the baldness, I don't think M has positional baldness but he totally has a baby horseshoe- bald (well, he has baby fuzz) on top, a lot of hair in the back and on the sides! He looks like a little old man. So funny.

    @torchwood I'm trying to do more floor playtime on his back too, he likes it on a good reflux day and I think it's good for his muscles, like you said. Glad to hear you're still swaddling too. I don't know what to do about it. Like everything says once they roll over, stop swaddling? I'm trying to prepare myself. Not sure if I should shell out the $ on some larger size Swaddle Me swaddles or try to move to the sleep suit or something. Uggh. He sleeps well in the swaddle, I hate to mess with it. But he's getting old enough now that once we transfer to the crib, having him swaddled makes me anxious (what if he rolls over and gets stuck?!).

  16. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsADS: I know, she sleeps so much better with the swaddle that I hate to mess with it! Though since we cosleep, and she's right up against me, she wouldn't really be able to roll over? I already keep a rolled up burp cloth under her far side to keep her from accidentally rolling, but she really doesn't move until she's awake, and then she wakes me up. But I worry so much! And she has the old man bald hair too. I'm honestly not sure if she has any positional baldness. With not doing tummy time I don't see the back of her head much!

  17. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: lol R has that baldness too. We call it the "George Costanza." I don't rly have a plan for post swaddle yet. But I guess we will start doing one arm out, then two here in a bit. I need to rly commit to experimenting with this in the next week. Or lose the swaddle for naps at least. Also someone just gave us a bumbo today! Wasn't there some controversy about them though?

  18. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @buttermilk: There was. I don't recall the details, but it had to do with it being bad for their backs or posture I think? It's not something we'd use anyway, but I remember feeling bad I'd used it so much as a nanny (before I changed my views on some things).

    ETA- http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-03-15/health/ct-met-bumbo-posture-20120315_1_physical-therapists-developmental-benefits-babies

  19. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: we just kind of went cold turkey on the swaddle and he was fine. Granted, he won't go to sleep any earlier than like 9ish so far, but whatever, working on it!

  20. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Took a successful nap today with one arm out of the swaddle! And we heard a little giggle!!

  21. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: evelyn giggled for the first time today too! It was just the cutest thing!

  22. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    Question: Where is LO when you and DH eat? I am thinking about using my registry rewards to get a high chair. C does awesome sitting up with support (plus her doctor said we should be starting rice cereal at four months since she is so little for a formula baby). Right now we eat in shifts because we don't really have any place to put her. Maybe she'd like to sit with us? Or is that going to be bad for her to sit supported like that?

  23. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @OhCaptain: @buttermilk: When I tickle C's neck, he's started giggling. It's the best!

    @Ms. RV: He sits in his bouncer while we eat. We started solids with LO1 at 5.5 months which is probably what we'll do this time. We used a bumbo-like seat for him until 8 months or so when we got the high chair. Obviously, this time we'll already have the high chair, so it's just the situation of moving LO1 to a booster and giving C the high chair.

  24. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    Guys, my first baby is turning TWO in less than a week. The saying "The days are long, but the years are short" is so true!! ❤😭

  25. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @Ms. RV: so, this is one of those divisive parenting things, but I only have the fisher price healthy care deluxe booster (it comes with a tray). I follow baby lead solids and don't start until they are a bit older, six months, so they are usually able to sit more upright in it. We put our baby in the rock n play right now, adjacent to the table.

  26. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Ms. RV: Usually I hold her and eat one-handed or she's on the playmat on the floor rolling around.

    I used a bumbo with lo1 for the first few months and then a high chair and this time I'm looking at getting something similar to a bumbo and then worry about getting a high chair in a few months (still have the one from lo1 but it's stained and really scratched so would rather a new one). I'm not planning to start solids until 6 months so still have a few months to decide!

  27. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Ms. RV: bouncer currently. Like @OhCaptain: we do baby led weaning, so no cereal. Table food starting at 6 months.

    @lilteacherbee: our babies are NOT turning two!

    ETA: we have two Stokke trip trapps from Craigslist, so one for each kid.

  28. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @OhCaptain: FTM here! What is baby led solids? I wonder if our doc will also push for rice cereal since she is a small baby? Ugh so much to learn!

    Baby sits in a bouncer or we take turns holding her while we eat. I'm also often nursing while eating too.

  29. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Ms. RV: We eat in shifts. I eat either holding her (in my lap) or when she's playing on the floor during the day. We're doing baby led weaning as well- nothing before 6 months,, and definitely no cereals.

    We got our first family photos today! It was chilly, which LO doesn't like, and LO mostly smiles at us, so she didn't smile a ton (she can't see our faces when she's facing the camera), but I like the ones she's sent us so far! I'm really glad we were able to get some done while she's so small.

  30. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    @Ms. RV: our LO is in his bouncer or being held by us when he eats, but I'm also starting to think of the sitting situation as he is really strong!

    My main issue is related to the stroller though - we have the City Select and he has nearly outgrown the bassinet which means I would need to convert it back to the seat (the bassinet uses the frame from the seat so you can't have both unless you buy an extra chair). He isn't sitting on his own yet so I'm wondering if it will be ok to transfer to the seat soon and just recline it a bit? Does anyone have any thoughts? Or do some people put LO in a regular stroller seat (reclined) from the get-go?

    @Torchwood: Great pics! I think she kinda looks like you!

  31. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: baby led solids or baby led weaning is an approach to eating solids that mostly skips purées. You give your baby finger sized soft foods like avocado, banana, steamed veggies or even meat, and let them feed themselves. Very little food is ingested at first, but that's ok, because babies should get most of their nutrition from formula or breastmilk until they are one. We did it with my son, and loved it. It was nice not to have to spend the whole meal trying to get purées in his mouth. Also, there is research that suggests that waiting until 6 months regardless of whether you do purées or solids is good, as it gives baby's digestive system time to mature. Also, in my personal opinion, it's worth it to read the information out there about rice cereal, many believe that it should be skipped since it has little to no nutritional value. Again, something you just have to decide for yourself based on your own beliefs and your baby.

  32. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @kitty: our uppababy vista has 2 seats too. she is currently sleeping in the bassinet attachment at night and is also about to outgrow it. She hated strolling in the bassinet so much that we switched to the other seat a couple weeks ago and she is SO much happier. She is pretty small for it but I use blankets behind her to make it more snug, and it reclines fully so there is no issue about holding her head up, although she is pretty good at that too.

    @OhCaptain: thank you for that info!

    @Torchwood: great photographs. L looks just like you! 😍

  33. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @OhCaptain: @buttermilk: oh captain said what I was going to. We loved BLW and I think in part that's why my toddler is such a good, adventurous eater. I would definitely read what's out there on rice cereal. Peds tend to continue to push it, although it's not needed. @Torchwood: totally mama's mini me!

  34. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @kitty: is there an adaptor for your car seat? I think that's what my friend did. We have a britax b-ready so it just clicks in.

  35. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @Ms. RV: N is usually on the activity may or bouncy while we eat unless he's fussing and then he sits in my lap. We will use the high chair we already have when he starts solids at 6 months (dd uses a booster at the table now anyway).

    @lilteacherbee: it's crazy how fast they grow, isn't it?! I swear once they hit one, time REALLY flies.

    @Torchwood: beautiful family! L definitely looks just like you

  36. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @buttermilk: I could be wrong, but I think I remember the pediatrician wanting to discuss solids at her next appointment having something to do with her heart. Like, if she needed a balloon placed she would need to be a certain weight before the surgery. I haven't seen the ped since the cardiologist so maybe now that they are more confident that C won't need surgery I'll be able to do BLW. Or they still may want C to start solids early just in case her cardiologist visit in April doesn't go as well. Either way, you probably won't be pushed to give R solids if she is otherwise healthy.

  37. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Torchwood: Those are great photos! You guys are a good looking family!

    @OhCaptain: our plan is to do BLW, though my MIL thinks we are crazy. I basically told her blenders didn't exist before 1920, and babies survived before that. It shut her up fast! She also has been pushing me to give P cereal, as she started her boys on it before 4 weeks old. Um, NO! No food until 6 months, then BLW. No cereal here!

    @Ms. RV: P sits in our laps, or we sit on the floor while she is on the playmat for our meals. We have one of those Chicco clamp on high chairs that we will use when she can sit up. I like that I can clamp her to the kitchen island so she will be able to help/watch me cook! And no crazy big footprint, as we have very limited space in the condo!

    @kitty: We use the carseat in the stroller, clamped on in the adapter. Once she can sit up, we will do the transition.

  38. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Ms. RV: oh okay gotcha!

    alright ladies, i think i'm going cold turkey with the swing naps. little lady is outgrowing her bassinet with lightning speed and i have a lot more patience for trying to get her to sleep in the crib during the day when i'm not trying to sleep myself. she's currently napping in the crib, although it took an hour to get her down for longer than 5 mins. i'm committing to the crib for at least today - and then i'll see how the day went. wish us luck!!

  39. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    And here is my 3 month old cutie!

  40. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: She looks so cute and happy!! We were gifted one of those Chicco seats as well, but we don't have anywhere to clamp it. I love the idea of clamping it to the island, though.

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