Hellobee Boards


December 2015 Moms!

  1. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Foodnerd81: haha she likes curious because she's obsessed with monkeys. but honestly, she doesn't really "watch" any of them. she dances to the music and then plays while it's on as background noise. except for frozen, which she'll dance and sing to for a longer time (even then, 15 minutes maybe?) and re the maternity clothes, i did the exact same thing! i'm wondering when i'm going to need them back! we don't live all that close to each other, so it might be a bit of a pain to get them back, so i might have to secretly tell her next time i see her.

    @AprilFool: HA, my DH is allowed to be tired right now because we're night weaning at the moment - getting rid of LO's last feeding, and that's mostly on him. that said, once that's over, he better keep his mouth shut

    @maybebaby: i hear you on the being tired...i'm already craving the 2nd tri energy burst (which i probably won't get this time around since my toddler is exhausting, haha)

    @lovehoneybee: i'm going to have to check out the Greatest Stories episode! thomas is usually on when she wakes up and we bring her to our room so we can snooze a few more minutes, but none of us really enjoy it. also, i never feel guilty about tv. i know they say no screen time before 2, but that just seems ridiculous to me. She doesn't watch a ton of tv, but it does serve its purpose. Also, i'm using it to help drop nursing sessions, it's a great distraction tool! as suggested by our ped

    oh and re maternity clothes, one thing i really loved wearing last time around was elastic waist skirts! i got away without needing any maternity skirts because those got me through the summer. i have to find those, because i probably didn't give them away.

  2. LulaBee

    pear / 1837 posts

    Just had my first appointment with my new OB and I really like her! She made me feel at ease through all of my anxiety and crying....

    Saw baby on ultrasound, everything is right on target for Dec. 6 due date. So hard to believe.

    Sorry I've been MIA on here- I'm torn between excitement and absolute dread. Mostly absolute dread. It's hard for me to get excited about maternity clothes, etc. because I feel like it can all be taken away so fast.

    But I vow to be more active and positive from here on out! Luckily, I bought a bunch of baggy dresses after my son was born because I didn't want to have to deal with people asking about my baby/when I was due, so I've just been wearing those. Going to the beach next month and NOT looking forward to my post-partum/early pregnancy bloat in a bathing suit, but I'm going to embrace it because I want to be present for my daughter and be proud of my body.

    Also, she's never seen Thomas- we mostly watch Clifford and some random Mickey Mouse Christmas movie

  3. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @LulaBee: so glad you had a good ultrasound and everything was measuring on track. I can understand having a hard time relaxing into it! It's great that you like the new OB so much, I'm sure that will be a huge help.

    I do feel like the blump is hard to embrace in a swim suit. All you can do is fake it til you stop worrying about it I guess.

  4. myboxerstella

    pea / 7 posts

    I have to be honest, I feel a little disconnected. Everyone says they cry when they see their u/s, and I was just like oh, ok. I think after all I've been through that I just don't want to get too excited or attached. I feel like a total cold hearted person.

  5. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    December Mamas

    December 1st: skipper2010 (#2)
    December 3rd: berly (#1)
    December 4th: happybluebird (#1), shortiecake (#1), hummusgirl (#2)
    December 5th: truth bombs (#2), Lady Baltimore (#1)
    December 6th: lulabee (#3)
    December 7th: myboxerstella (#1)
    December 10th: maybebaby (#2), sotofamilia (#2)
    December 15th: nyxee (#1)
    December 16th: aprilfool (#2)
    December 17th: foodnerd81 (#2)
    December 19th: Mrs. Taco (#2)
    December 20th: littlemisskeiko (#1)
    December 22nd: mamabear2 (#2), Kali (#1)
    December 24th: lovehoneybee (#2)
    December 26th: pirouette (#2)

  6. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @myboxerstella: I just realized I never added you! I'm so sorry!

    I did cry at my first U/S. We had been trying for over a year with two losses, and I was overwhelmed with relief that he was there and there was a heartbeat (post-baby I cry at the drop of a hat--then, not so much). But I was still really guarded until after the NT scan. Plus, at the early sound baby is still just a blob. I mean, it's your kid and there's a beating heart that you made, but it's still a blob I had a much stronger reaction to later U/S, when he looked less like a jelly bean and more like a baby. No tears, but much more excitement.

    In awesome, I'm crazy news, we just found out we were approved for a townhouse (to rent). We live in a 2 bdrm shoebox like 45 minutes from my office right now. This place has SO MUCH MORE SPACE, and is less than 3 miles to my job. And walk-in closets. So of course we'll be moving when I'm in first trimester fog. Last time we moved I was 6 months pregnant!

  7. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @lovehoneybee: that's great! Moving while pregnant is stressful but it's got to be better than with a newborn.

  8. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    @myboxerstella: I don't think it makes you heartless, just cautious. I didn't cry at my first ultrasound either. I did cry at our 20 week scan when she showed me her little feet.

    @lovehoneybee: Congratulations! That commute is going to be awesome.

  9. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @myboxerstella: I don't think it makes you heartless. DH and I are both a little guarded this time after our loss last year. We like to say we are excited but very cautiously so. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. For us I think it will be more "real" once we get a little further along.

    @lovehoneybee: yay for a new place and better commute! Good luck with the move!

  10. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I realized I lent some of my maternity clothes to a coworker at my old job and she never gave them back! I don't even know if she still works there. Good thing I gave her the stuff I wasn't in love with, but still.

    @LulaBee: Yay for a good appt! I totally get your reservations, every time I get really excited I bring myself back down to earth to realize something could happen...but that doesn't take away what it is right now!

    @lovehoneybee: Yayyy! That is AWESOME news! More space is always better!

    @myboxerstella: I didn't cry the first time I had an ultrasound with DD, like others have said, it doesn't really seem like much at that point!

    So I'm debating switching doctors and I don't know what to do.

    Pros about my current place: right next to work and in the direction of home/daycare, LOVE (love, love) the PA who I see at all appts until 37 weeks, and obviously the convenience of already being a patient.

    Cons: I am not the biggest fan of the Dr (mostly because he never once talked to me about an episiotomy--before delivering or that he was doing/did it, I don't know if that is normal for them to just do it though?), I have a hard time understanding the nurses (I think this office caters to patients who speak Spanish and Creole, therefore the nurses are bilingual which is awesome but they have very heavy accents and I have a hard time understanding them), and lastly, the other patients can be downright ignorant (the last two times I have gone women have been blasting music from their phones, arguing with the people the brought to the appt, and just all around lacking social grace).

    If I go to a new dr it will be downtown which is 20 mins away and prone to traffic for my after work appts BUT I will get to deliver at my prefered hospital, one of the best in the nation. Sooooo....idk?

  11. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @lovehoneybee: congrats lady! So excited for you guys!

    @myboxerstella: don't feel cold-hearted! I am not a sentimental person and I didn't cry at one u/s with DS. Hell, I didn't even cry when he was born. I got teary-eyed when DH did, but that's about it. I'm more of an angry-cry type of gal myself

    Joining in a little late
    Location: NC

    EDD: December 10th

    How far along: 7 weeks today

    First child? Second - LO1 is 18 months

    First doctor appointment: My regular OP appointment is on the 30th for the 8 week check but I was sent to an outside imaging place yesterday though to make sure this wasn't ectopic because I have been having such hard cramps on one side. All was well and we got to see baby - heartbeat was so strong which blew my mind because he's so teeny. Measured 6 weeks 3 days, but OB has me at 3 days ahead so I'm going with that.

    Any symptoms so far? SO TIRED. I didn't have this extreme fatigue with DS so this is kicking my ass. And I'm hungry. So hungry all.the.time. and then cramping on my left side that was strong enough to make me call the OB!

    Who have you told? Oh man, too many people. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I had been keeping it a secret, but realized how much it sucks to have to deal with that alone. So with DS we told our families right when we found out. With this one we told our immediate families right away, and since it was just in time for Easter we ended up telling our extended families at their BBQ's and egg hunts. Oops. We suck at secrets!

  12. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @MrsTiz: Ahhhhh I'm so excited to see you here!!!! Congrats lady!!!

  13. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    December Mamas

    December 1st: skipper2010 (#2)
    December 3rd: berly (#1)
    December 4th: happybluebird (#1), shortiecake (#1), hummusgirl (#2)
    December 5th: truth bombs (#2), Lady Baltimore (#1)
    December 6th: lulabee (#3)
    December 7th: myboxerstella (#1)
    December 10th: maybebaby (#2), sotofamilia (#2), mrstiz (#2)
    December 15th: nyxee (#1)
    December 16th: aprilfool (#2)
    December 17th: foodnerd81 (#2)
    December 19th: Mrs. Taco (#2)
    December 20th: littlemisskeiko (#1)
    December 22nd: mamabear2 (#2), Kali (#1)
    December 24th: lovehoneybee (#2)
    December 26th: pirouette (#2)

  14. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @MrsTiz: welcome! I suck at secrets too. I can't help blurting out the news. I was much more concerned with keeping it quiet with my first. Now I've told a bunch of our play group moms already- but they would also support me if anything happened.

    @Mrs. Taco: I go to a practice that's definitely less convenient, location wise, because I really like the midwives there and I really like the hospital. I figure the inconvenience of driving there for every appt is worth it for a better birth experience. But my friend is the opposite- chose convenience for appts over any ideal birthing practices and she has no regrets either.

  15. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @MrsTiz: @Foodnerd81: And I've told 5 of my coworkers. 4 of them are my best friends here, in and out of work, and the 5th sits next to me and overheard the other girls screaming. Plus I figure it would be obvious soon. And I told my supervisor pretty much right away, because I was feeling terrible and she was worried.

    Plus the bee, my other BFF, my stepsister and my mom. I've had to bite my tongue with D's side of the family, because we want to try to tell them in person.

  16. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @MrsTiz: Hiiii!!!!! Glad you have you here and love that there is another angry crier out there, I swear crying when I want to scream just makes me feel better Hope the cramping subsides soon.

    @Foodnerd81: I guess that's what I need to decide. I've heard really great things about the hospital (it's like staying at a 5 star hotel) but then there are a few things I've read that they can get overcrowded so some people felt like they didn't get as much attention as they wanted. The practice I would switch to has been recommended to me by 4 people.

  17. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @lovehoneybee: I told the two teachers in classrooms next to me on a whim, it was a foot in mouth! I want to tell my supervisor but I want to wait until I get my contract renewal for next year (although I truly don't think there is a chance in hell they wouldn't renew). I've told my MIL, both sets of my parents, one of 4 sisters and the friends we hang out with every weekend, they knew the moment I didn't pour wine. I'm really trying to wait to tell my other sisters until they come for R's birthday the first week in June!

    I am having a HARD time staying awake right now...it is testing season at work and because I teach mostly seniors who don't test, I have a ton of free time (grading and lesson plans are all done!). Thank you HB for giving me something to do!

  18. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    I think I get to join you all! I'm not 100% of due date, but this baby will be a late December baby.

    Location: Fort Worth, TX

    EDD: anywhere from Jan 2to December 29th. (but I'm a C-section so the baby would be born in December!)

    How far along: I just got my BFP yesterday, and again today! (and it's my birthday!)

    This will be my fourth baby (I know, that's a lot of kids, but I want a big family!!! and now I'll have it) DD is 5, DS#1 is 3, DS#2 is 15 months (and might share a birthday with this one!)

    First Doc APPT: I have to call today and set something up. We just moved here, so I'll be a new patient.

    Any symptoms: tender boobs, but I thought it was because I finally weaned my 15 month old.

    Who have you told: DH and you all! I'm going to hold this news close to my chest because it is our LAST baby (getting my tubes tied after this) and I want to suck the marrow out of every second.

    This is all so strange. I can't believe this happened! We have been NTNP for three months and nothing, so it is weird to be here!

  19. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @MamaBehr: oh congrats- and happy birthday! What a nice birthday present! A wow- 4 kids! I come from a big family- 5 kids- and I love it so much. I sometimes feel a little tiny bit bad that we won't be giving C so many siblings but we are going to stop at two. Your kids are very lucky! I do feel you on wanting savor everything as this is my last pregnancy too.

    @Mrs. Taco: as far as the practice, for me it was influenced by the type of birth I wanted. I wanted to go med and intervention free, if possible, and this hospital is known for encouraging that. If I knew I wanted an epidural, then I think I might have been less picky. Right now I just want everything to go similar to the way it did with C so I'm sticking with the same place.

  20. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @MrsTiz: so exciting!! Congrats! Due date twins

  21. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @MamaBehr: congratulations and happy birthday!!

    Getting so excited to see first ultrasounds. I dont think we'll have ours until 12 weeks or more.

  22. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @Mrs. Taco: thanks! Angry-criers unite!

    @MamaBehr: Happy birthday lady!

    @maybebaby: twinsss!

    Going off MamaBehr here, is anyone else completely done after this LO? There are a lot of us here on #2+. I don't want anymore, but DH does so we'll have to figure that out as we go. I'm going to be savoring this pregnancy because it should be my last!

  23. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @MrsTiz: yes- this is our second and last. I will be getting an IUD after. I always said I wanted two or three, but I would say it's definitely two and through. So yeah trying to savor the good parts!

  24. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @MrsTiz: This is definitely our last. We were really on the fence about #2 for almost 3 years (well, I was, off and on. D was pretty set on one and done, but obviously changed his mind). Absolutely nott judging anyone else (my SIL is pregnant with #6!), but the environment is very important to us, and we pretty much just want to replace ourselves on the Earth.

    Plus we really couldn't afford more than 2 (and I don't think I could mentally handle more).

    D will be getting fixed after this one, and I will be getting another IUD (because I loved having no periods )

  25. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @MamaBehr: Welcome and happy birthday! I tested early the week of my birthday! What a great present!

  26. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    And one more update so I don't forget!

    December Mamas

    December 1st: skipper2010 (#2)
    December 3rd: berly (#1)
    December 4th: happybluebird (#1), shortiecake (#1), hummusgirl (#2)
    December 5th: truth bombs (#2), Lady Baltimore (#1)
    December 6th: lulabee (#3)
    December 7th: myboxerstella (#1)
    December 10th: maybebaby (#2), sotofamilia (#2), mrstiz (#2)
    December 15th: nyxee (#1)
    December 16th: aprilfool (#2)
    December 17th: foodnerd81 (#2)
    December 19th: Mrs. Taco (#2)
    December 20th: littlemisskeiko (#1)
    December 22nd: mamabear2 (#2), Kali (#1)
    December 24th: lovehoneybee (#2)
    December 26th: pirouette (#2)
    December 29th: MamaBehr (#4)

  27. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @MamaBehr: Welcome, congrats, and happy birthday! 4 kids is awesome, I come from a family of 6 and love every minute of it!

    We're 99.9% done at 2! I would LOVE a third but unless we can win the lotto I can't see it happening...well I mean it could but it would be a change in lifestyle and at this moment that is not something we are willing to change.

  28. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @lovehoneybee: +1 on the can't afford more than 2. Plus, I am not a very patient person so being outnumbered by children sounds like my idea of Hell. DH is dead set on having like 6 kids. Help!

  29. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @MrsTiz: ️congrats!!!

  30. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @myboxerstella: i didn't cry at all with #1, especially the early scans, and DH and I both kinda felt like we should have had more of a reaction, but i think it's 100% normal to feel that way! honestly, i didn't feel connected until i had the anatomy scan and found out her sex - we promptly named her and that's when i really fell in love

    @lovehoneybee: congrats on the new place!!!

    @MrsTiz: yay!!!! welcome! and so glad all turned out well with the side cramps, that sounds scary

    @Mrs. Taco: obviously in NY all of the hospitals are overcrowded, but i will say, i never found it to be an issue at all. i guess if you know they are understaffed, that could be an issue, but maybe you can tour the facilities and see what it's like? FWIW, my hospital is about 40 minutes from where i live (20 min from work, depending on traffic), but i'm almost certain i'll have a RCS, so i'm not too concerned.

    @MamaBehr: ahhhh congrats!!!! and congrats on weaning!! we are still in the process of gently weaning LO (16 months) and i'm so jealous you are done. any tips would be welcome we are also planning on a c section and tubes tied after this one (especially since we apparently suck at birth control)

  31. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts


  32. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    Also.. I'm a planner so I may or may not already have room themes picked out. And names. haha!

  33. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @MrsTiz: No room plans yet (bub will be with us for a while, and then sharing a room with E), but we already have a boy and girl name short list! We'll be moving really soon, and I want to wait and get in there before we make any real room plans.

  34. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @Pirouette: True. I think I am going to set up an appt and see how it goes before I decide!

    @MrsTiz: Yup, I've got a whole pinterest board (hidden of course!) for room inspiration plus I have my favorite names picked out

  35. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsTiz: i'm already planning LO's big girl room in my head! (we're keeping the nursery intact and just moving her, so i actually can start figuring it out super early, since i already know she's a girl!) the nursery is gender neutral, so that makes it easy. care to share your themes? (or names???)

  36. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MrsTiz: @MamaBehr: Congrats, welcome to the group!

    @MamaBehr: Happy Birthday!!

  37. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    Anyone up for sharing name ideas? We're not dead set and this could probably change but

    -Clara May
    -Lucy ?

    -Oliver Warren
    -Ben Foster

    all middle names are family names

  38. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    So far these are my fav...(I'm sure my mind will change so I keep a running list!)

    Boys: Nolan Edward or Finn Edward
    Girls: Stella Grace or Olivia Grace

  39. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @MrsTiz: Loveeeeee Oliver, it was an instant veto from DH

  40. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    Hazel Grace
    Estelle Grace
    Eloise Grace
    Grace Catherine
    Lucille Grace

    Grace is D's beloved grandmother's name, and needs to be in there.

    Maxwell Augustus
    Maxwell James
    Leo Henry
    Rory James
    Theodore Felix
    William Russell

    My favorite is Maxwell Owen, but D vetoed it because the intials would be MOM, which I think is a dumb reason to veto (he thinks the kid will be teased), but we both have unlimited, unquestioned veto power over every name.

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