Hellobee Boards


February 2016 moms!!

  1. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: thanks! My cousin was born on a leap year - I think it would be kind of cool

  2. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I am so, so sorry. I really hope you get good news, but we're here to support you either way.please keep us updated!

    @ladybee: luckily no. I FINALLY got my progesterone prescription yesterday, so I'm hoping that stops any more spotting!

    @fancyfunction: congrats on the ultrasound! How fun!

  3. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @fancyfunction: Glad to hear! I'd be happy with a leap year baby myself!

  4. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    Just got back from my first ob appointment. Baby is measuring right on track and heart rate was 175 (or something close). DH came with me and we both love our doctor and the practice we chose. I had only been to one annual exam since my insurance switched. Next check-up in three weeks!

  5. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: Great news! Glad to hear you're happy with your provider, too.

  6. NeonPink1234

    cherry / 107 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: yay! That's great news!

  7. NeonPink1234

    cherry / 107 posts

    @Crystal: wonderful news!! I'm so glad there was one healthy baby!!

  8. NeonPink1234

    cherry / 107 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: this just breaks my heart. Fingers crossed for a miracle but I understand wanting it to be over with. So glad you got in when you did.

  9. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: that's great news!! Congrats on making it through your first appointment and good thing you don't have to wait too much longer for the next one! Though I'm sure it feels like forever!

  10. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @saboma: @NeonPink1234: @ms.line: Thanks. It was such a relief to see it squirm around on screen.

  11. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    Hi everyone. I've been MIA for the past few weeks. Been so busy at work and so freaking exhausted with first trimester exhaustion that i haven't had the energy to keep up with the thread in the evenings. I am having a slow day at work and just caught up on the past 10 pages. I am so sorry and sad for the losses I read about

    My only update is that I had my first appointment with my midwife last week. I was 9w5d. They tried to get a heartbeat and couldn't, but assured me it was completely normal. She said something like we had a 10% chance of hearing it. I hope that's true! This is my second pregnancy, but my first was a surprise and i only found out at 8w and didn't see a doc until almost 12 weeks, so then ultrasound at 13w is when i heard the heart beat for the first time. I was hoping to get a dating ultrasound this time just for fun but never got around to scheduling one. I am confident of my dates though as I know when I ovulated and my midwife calculated the same as me. Now my NT scan is scheduled for August 5 and my next midwife appt is the week after. So I guess i am waiting to early August to actually hear or see the baby! I am jealous of everyone who has been able to hear/see something already!

    I saw the discussion on whether you will find out the gender and we definitely will. I have no desire to wait and I feel it is an equal surprise at 20 or 40 weeks, so i feel no need to wait! I also really want a girl so if I end up with a second boy, i like having the extra time to get used to it. This will be our last kid, so this is my last chance for a daughter.

    As for symptoms, i occasionally feel nauseous but if i eat quickly, it goes away. It was the same, even less, with my first. I have also had days of extreme exhaustion to the point i actually take 1-2 hours in the afternoon (on weekends) which is so unlike me. And I've had sore boobs and bloating so i look 6 months pregnant by the evening, but it goes away the next morning so i don't think i have an actual bump yet.

    The symptom i hate the most is my ultra-sensitive gag reflex! Does anyone else get that? I had a cough for a few weeks and if i coughed too much, i would gag and puke! It has happened like 4 times already in the past couple of weeks. It happened a lot in my last pregnancy but I remember it only started sometime in the second trimester.

    I read some of you comment on how time is going soooo slow and i totally agree! I want to be out of the first trimester already!! I want to tell my boss and get it over with and to stop worrying that something will go wrong!

  12. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    yikes that was a long update! i plan to participate more from now on, so will be briefer in my comments. I guess i like to write, lol.

    @TemperanceBrennan: that's great. It is so important to be happy with your care provider. I really didn't love our OB with my first but told myself all that mattered was that I was getting good care medically. I regretted that when it came closer to to the birth and i expressed a desire to try going med-free and his response was to say "oh, you're gonna get the epidural!". Not to mention i didn't love his earlier comments on how i must be eating so much hence how much weight i had gained once between appts.

    @Crystal: so glad for you!

  13. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: i am so sorry you are going through this

  14. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @californiadreams: @NeonPink1234: thank you! ❤

    @TemperanceBrennan: how fun and exciting! Congrats!

    I'm not sure I love my ob, but I'm not sure I want to switch. He has GREAT personal reviews from a few people I know that see him, and he was very kind when I had my loss. However, he is extremely doom and gloom, which I understand that he wants me to have realistic expectations, but at the same time, I'm already freaking myself out enough.

    I think if I was an easy pregnancy patient without any history or complications, he'd he amazing. As it stands, I'm not so sure. I think I'll feel him out at this first appt Friday and go from there.

  15. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @Crystal: @ms.line: thank you!

  16. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: great news!!

  17. misolee

    persimmon / 1345 posts

    I officially graduated from my RE today at 8 weeks and 6 days. The baby was measuring on target (8weeks5days?) and had a strong heartbeat of 180. If something comes up, I'm still with my RE until August 6th which is my first regular OB appt. I was surprised at how excited all the staff were when the Dr announced my graduation. There were cheers and claps by the nurses and ultrasound tech. I was even given a free gift (pregnancy book, a baby spoon, and the standard registry catalogs for baby items). Very thoughtful of them.

    I'm heading out of town tomorrow bc my brother's getting married. I bit the bullet and told family members bc we are going to be together all weekend. Still waiting to tell friends and coworkers

  18. NeonPink1234

    cherry / 107 posts

    @misolee: yay!! Such a big deal to graduate from re to ob. One that many people only dream of. So exciting!! Probably a little bittersweet BC I'm sure you liked them. Glad baby is doing well!

  19. TemperanceBrennan

    pear / 1998 posts

    @misolee: Woo Hoo!!! That is amazing news! I'm sure it was a tough road. Here's to a happy and healthy seven more months!

  20. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    how is everyone's energy levels? i am so tired no matter how much i sleep or if i exercise. i really hope this improves in second tri....

  21. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @californiadreams: I went to bed at 9 last night! But my friend and her toddler were over and I think that contributed to my sleepiness - I can usually make it to 10:30 or so.

  22. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @misolee: that is so exciting! congratulations!

    @fancyfunction: i actually wish i would go to bed to earlier. by the time i get my son to bed, it is almost 8pm and i feel the need to zone out and watch TV or do other stuff then i stay up too late. 7 hours used to be enough sleep, but it not anymore!

  23. Bella214

    pea / 9 posts

    Hello - I am new to this blog - so far have really enjoyed reading everyones comments. I am due on Valentine's day! Cannot be more excited. I have had a great pregnancy so far, other than being constantly tired and naseous throughout the day. No sickness which is a good thing.

    We are going to our first u/s on Wednesday. I have been positive and happy throughout the last 10 weeks and all the sudden last night I started getting anxious about the u/s. Any one else feel like that? I am getting anxious about what if something is wrong. It's very strange, google doesn't help either! My husband tells me to relax but I'm starting to drive myself crazy! I just want to see our baby!

  24. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @misolee: that's a big step, congrats!!

    @californiadreams: I'm sooooo tired all the time and I yawn constantly! But I just. Can't. Sleep. I fall asleep fine, but wake up after only a few hours and have the worst time trying to go back to sleep.

  25. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Bella214: welcome! I think anxiety is normal, I feel the same way.

  26. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    @californiadreams: I'm definitely tired all the time, especially early afternoon. I stare blankly at my computer screen and don't get any work done between 3 and 4pm. Then I crash on the couch as soon as I get home from work, and barely have the energy to make dinner. Hopefully it'll pass!
    I'm also waking up in the middle of the night with really weird/scary dreams, and waking up much earlier than my alarm; so that doesn't help with the tiredness/lack of energy.
    We're almost at the second trimester! I've heard it gets much better, so hang in there!

    @bella214: welcome!! Definitely normal to be anxious about the first u/s. I heard my baby's heartbeat last week, so everything seems fine, but I'm still really nervous about the u/s this afternoon.

  27. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @Crystal: oh hey, glad you're here! I've been following your story

    I am just about 12 weeks and dealing with constant nausea that got worst at week 11. I'm a teacher so not working but I am pretty miserable. The ONLY thing that helps is exercise! But I can't do more than an hour a day meghan
    I have my NT scan next week. I am nervous, I'm such a worried
    Anyone else getting an NT scan? I'm 31, low risk.

  28. saboma

    cherry / 105 posts

    Just had my first US and everything looks great. Only one baby in there. I'm surprised, because I had myself convinced we were having twins. But we're a bit relieved to only be having a singleton for this first pregnancy!
    Strong heart rate of 172bpm. Measuring at 11w4d, which is 10 days ahead of my dates. So I'm now due February 8, but I'm not hanging on to a number, just a general time frame.
    It was so fun to be able to see our baby! It was dancing around like crazy, punching the air. It's amazing how they can already move around so much when they're so small.
    They had me worried because 3 different people were measuring NT, but everything is fine there, they just wanted several pictures. Phew.
    Hope everyone else is having a good week. I'm off on vacation for the next 10 days, so don't know how much I'll be checking in. But have a great transition to the second trimester everyone!!

  29. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @pachamama: hope your nausea gets better soon. I'm getting my NT scan on August 5. It will be the first time I hear the heart beat too so I'm a little nervous when but excited too.

    @saboma: that's great!

  30. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @pachamama: thank you. ❤️ I'm impressed you are getting in an hour a day, I'm being a lazy bum! Has the dr given you anything to help?

    @saboma: yay! How fun!

  31. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @Crystal: No meds from the doctor... They just said "it's normal". I don't even use regular deodorant or lotion I'm so paranoid about chemicals so I am gonna try not to take any meds anyway. Did you see the new research on Zofran, that it slightly increases birth defects? No thank you!! And yeah an easyyyyyy hour of cardio. I've tested it out for a few weeks; rest days I want to die, cardio days I feel about 90%. Sigh.

    @californiadreams: oooo good luck! I'm sure it will go great.

    Had a dream about wildfires threatening me while camping. WTF pregnancy dreams.

  32. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    @TemperanceBrennan: Awesome that you got to see baby and everything looks great!

    @californiadreams: I hear you on the gag reflex. I can't brush my teeth without puking... which means I have to brush again... vicious cycle.

    @misolee: Cograts on graduating! I be that feels great.

    @Crystal: Are you going back into the Dr. today?

    @pachamama: Crazy dreams were one of my first pregnancy symptoms. I've had some doozies just in the 10 minutes I get from snooze alarm.

  33. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    We had our first real doctor's appt. today. She agreed to do an ultrasound since I'd only had one period since my iud removal. Baby was measuring just two days small, nothing to worry about and had a strong heartbeat at 168! We confirmed there's just one in there, whew! I feel so so much better getting to see our little munchkin. I want to run around telling everyone now!

    I need to be better about commenting. I always read and check in with how everyone is doing, but don't take the time to reply enough.

  34. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @kiddosc: that's great news!

  35. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @kiddosc: awesome news!!

    Yep, had my dr appt today! Everything is great! Next ultrasound isn't for another few weeks, I'm anxious to see our little nugget again!

  36. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @pachamama: I'm impressed you are so chemical free! I hope the sickness passes for you soon.

  37. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    I'm trying to eat healthier than my last pregnancy and totally failed this weekend! Can anyone relate?

  38. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @californiadreams: oh yeah. I'm eating like poop in comparison to pregnancy number 1.

    How early do you think you can feel that baby move? I swear I've been feeling flutters this weekend but I'm only 11 weeks.

  39. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @californiadreams: This is the longest I've ever been pregnant, so I can't really compare eating habit, but I feel like I'm doing okay right now. Not great, but not awful. I am having so many food aversions it's difficult some days, and then I mostly eat crackers and drink ginger ale all day long. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself with it.

    @ladybee: how crazy!

    I got a Doppler, and I can't hear anything yet, though I try every couple days for fun. (9 weeks 1 day today)

  40. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    Is anyone else's hair really dry? Mine normally gets a little oily, but it's sooooo dry right now! (Which is kind of awesome, and I need to figure out some 3rd day hairstyles!)

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