Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: Oh no! Hope the meds clear it up quick.

    Man, this kid is so unpredictable. Yesterday barely napped all day. Right now she's going on 2.5 hrs napping. If I'd known she'd nap so long I'd have napped myself!

  2. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts


  3. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @IRunForFun: DD is taking a huge one in the swing right now. So glad as she has been really tough on dH today!

  4. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: How are you feeling?

    How's everyone else doing?

    I feel like DD's digestive issues are getting worse, not better. It's only been a week and I know it can take a while for dairy to clear the system but she's still randomly having green mucousy poops and last night wouldn't sleep at all. She grunted and writhed and cried on and off all night. When I hadn't gone to sleep yet at 2:30 am I begged DH to take her so I could just get an hour of rest. I slept an hour and 45 mins and in that time DH said she still didn't sleep. I let her go on her belly next to me in bed after that and she finally slept for 2 hours but of course I didn't. I'll prob call the ped Monday about starting Zantac.

    Thank goodness it's Friday so DH will be home the next 2 days. I feel like I'm losing it!!

  5. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Peasinapod: Sorry it's taken me a while to respond. DS is not in daycare or preschool. My DH is a SAHD. It's tough when he wants my attention and I am feeding DD. I spend lots of time reading books and singing songs. Unfortunately, he is also hitting DD. I haven't been able to figure out how to deal with it. I have tried praising him for being gentle, putting him in timeout, and ignoring it while helping DD. It's getting better, but he still does it occasionally.

  6. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @IRunForFun: I hope that you can solve her problems. Nonsleeping babies are so hard to deal with.

    DD is doing well. I had a weight check on Monday at one month old and she was up 3 lbs. Sleep is mostly good. She is in her crib overnight with two wake ups. Most of the time, I am only up about 30 minutes. However, last night was an hour and a half. Naps are great on me, but if I put her down, she is up 15 minutes later. That makes life difficult for DS.

  7. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: Oh no! Maybe it is time to try meds!

    Our nights are pretty consistent. It hasn't taken 3 hours to put her to sleep thank goodness.. And 2 wake up's; eat and go right back down. If I'm not so lazy I can prob put her in something other than my bed! Day time is def still the toughest. So hard for her to fall into a deep sleep. Good news is she take a paci from my mom! She just won't take one from me

  8. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @IRunForFun: Oh, baby! Poor kid and mama. Hope you guys figure out some solutions soon.

    @Mrs. Toad: Jealous of crib sleep! You have a good one.

    @snowjewelz: Nice routine! Yeah I'm positive some of the bad sleep habits are due to my laziness. Ha.

    On that note, I can't tell if DD has just become a bad sleeper or if it's due to all the sickness, poor kid. I took her to the doc yesterday because her congestion and cough were starting to sound chesty, but negative for RSV thank goodness. My other DD finally started an antibiotic and is feeling better. I just hope it's the start of wellness for all of us! Boo winter (even 80 degree ones). That said, I'm still not that tired and am functioning well. Phew for being low sleep needs!

  9. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: I'm sorry. I really hope she learns to roll soon. Sounds like that is how she is comfy.
    @Mrs. Toad: we need to get her in the crib. Sounds rough about your son.
    @babypugs: so glad that is isn't RSV!

    LO has been fussy today. I accidentally ate a little dairy last night so I wonder if that is it. We are going to try the RnP in her room tonight. Fingers crossed she doesn't have a bad night and I end up walking across the house 20 times!

  10. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @babypugs: so glad no RSV!!

  11. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @IRunForFun: I'm alive. Wearing a mask and my throat is way, way worse.

    Sweats are the worst. Changing 4-5x a night and stuff is literally drenched, it's happening really bad after I take the amoxicillin, so I'm assuming my body is not liking it? I started eating again yesterday, but am now drinking less (not meaning too as I am just clenching my jaw shut with the throat pain, gahhh! Food is staying in, so that's good.

    B is a champ, had the first nap of last two days in the crib for just under and just over an hour each. Let me put her down as much as possible (playmat, bouncy chair) yesterday after DH went back to work and I was on my own. Wearing my mask and trying to have as little contact as possible (almost impossible). We are following 8 week EASY to a T right now and she is doing really great with it! 2-3 night waking and bedtime is creeping earlier (!!!)

  12. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    Sharing our sched if anyone interested!

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: I just can't imagine her being awake an hour and half after every feeding like that. She is still so sleepy all the time. She has been stirring around 7 all week, so I feel like we are working towards a schedule.

    She was asleep at 830, then up at 9( not sure why she has done it all week) but put herself to sleep, without the paci, so slept 9:30-3:30! I was about to check she was still breathing when she woke up. After that she was up every 20-30 mins till she finally pooped and went back to sleep till 715. DH was rocking her one time and LO1 heard him and thought it was time to get up. So he rocked them both and luckily she went back to sleep in her room. I hope it is as good tonight. My parents are coming tonight and DH and I are going to go to an early dinner. I so need time away from kids.

  14. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @babypugs: So glad there's no RSV!!!

    @sunnyday: Wow! 6 weeks here and we are not even close to a schedule. I'm pretty much still just going with whatever because she's so unpredictable. I need to try harder though b/c yesterday she slept 6 hours in the afternoon, only waking once to eat, and then didn't sleep all night. Gosh I hope you feel better soon! Seems like the sore throats should have cleared up? I'd call the doctor again!!

    @Smurfette: 6 hour stretch, amazing!! Enjoy dinner tonight!!

    I think DD is going through a growth spurt. She's been averaging 21 ozs in 24 hours and today she's already eaten 18 since midnight. And it's only 3 pm! She didn't sleep great last night. Only in bed with me and longest stretch was 2 hrs 45 mins. Each stretch got shorter. 2 hours, 90 mins, 1 hour etc. So tired. Hoping DH will take a shift tonight so I can get a 3 to 4 hour stretch.

  15. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    B is two months tomorrow! Wahhhhh time flying.

  16. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @IRunForFun: we see our doc Monday for her 2 month appt (and shots!) so I will be stealing his time as well and getting him to take a peek at my throats and assess the situation

    ETA why does my phone autocorrect throat to throats!? Every time! When is anyone ever meaning to type throats? Does any species have more than one? Lol

  17. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: we've been dealing with the same hitting issue. I would normally just ignore and I know she's just testing boundaries and looking for reactions but she's pretty strong so it's dangerous with a newborn.

  18. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    Sleepy B! Been asleep since I buckled her into her seat seat leaving the doctor's office.

    She did not take the shots well. Like my DD1, react to shot, scream, console. DS didn't even care (!!) and DD2 would not stop screaming, tears, legit angry. The nurse even took her from me at one point and she was like "this is terrible!" B was SO sad, and cried so much, gah. Otherwise appt was good. Doc checked her throat because of me and all good and checked all the usual things. He didn't seem concerned with her growth, but I don't know why I'm hung up on it, she was just 11lbs. She dropped her percentiles all quite significantly (from 50th-75th in all categories to 30th-50th).

    I'm feeling better finally, but right now super tired. Weighed myself because I just have to at the doc and 167lbs. So thats almost 30lbs lost at 2 months pp.

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: poor B!! I think 11 lbs sounds great for two months. What was her birth weight? Good job in the weight loss! I'm jealous!

    She slept in her crib all night! Swaddled in a little nest. First stretch was 6 hours so I got 5. Then she was up every 30 mins or so, stupid paci. She also is pooping multiple times a night. Why!?

  20. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @sunnyday: Awww. I am not looking forward to those shots! I'm sure the doctor would have said something if B's drop in percentiles was concerning. Glad you're feeling better; hope you get your energy back soon!

    @Smurfette: Yay for crib sleep! How'd you make the nest?

    We are waiting to see the LC now about getting LO back to the breast. My pumping output has suddenly dipped dramatically and I don't know why. We had to supplement yesterday and today. Hoping we can start nursing again and my supply will go back up!

  21. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: http://www.hellobee.com/2013/09/03/surviving-reflux-colds-angle-sleeping-and-crib-nests/

    I just used the swaddle blankets from the hospital. Sorry about your supply. I hope the LC has an idea. What formula did you use?

  22. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Nutramigen. The pedi gave me 3 sample cans.

    The LC helped us latch and she nursed for a while. But the LC is so hands-on that I don't know if I can get it right at home. I got her latched myself and she nursed a bit but doesn't seem satisfied. I don't know if she's just generally being fussy though. So much second guessing!

  23. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: can you nurse and then see if she wants a little formula? That way you don't waste BM?

  24. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: I might. The LC basically said to let her cluster feed to reestablish supply and get her used to nursing. But if she refuses to go down tonight I'm sure I'll end up giving her a bottle.

  25. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: her birthweight was 8lbs 12oz. So really she started at gaining 1/3 lb per week in her first three weeks and in the last five weeks only done 1/5 lb per week.

    My weight loss would be great if there wasn't 20 more to go. I'm really questioning my eating (behaving, not over indulging) for my own loss and that impacting her gain? I've been sick in the last week so I know that last week counts for nothing, but now I'm just thinking I don't even want to work out, I want everything I've got to go into her, but I'm not even sure that's rational, lol.

    All my kids were born within 5 oz of each other. At 2 months my DD1 was 12.45lbs, DS was 13.2lbs and now the wee one at 11lbs. I know I probably don't need to worry, but I can't help but give it some thought.

  26. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: I wouldn't worry ( I know easier said then done) if the pedi isn't. I still have 30lb, well 40 to my goal weight, so I get it. It is t coming off like last time.

  27. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sunnyday: I also worry about affecting my supply with exercise and trying to eat better. I'm normally pretty thin but when nursing I hold on to 10 extra pounds. I don't know if that because I need to or psychologically I feel like I should.

  28. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    Just bought Janet landsbury's no bad kids. Now that I'm parenting a toddler and a newborn I'm realizing I had no strategies for discipline (my daughter only really pushes boundaries for attention, and before the baby came she got all she could ever want!)

  29. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Peasinapod: Sorry to hear that you are having issues with hitting as well. I also need to figure out some type of discipline. Please let me know if the book helps.

    @sunnyday: Glad to hear that shots went okay. DD gained 3 lbs in her first month, I believe that she is jumping percentiles. DS has always been big, and DD may be the same. Try not to worry if the ped isn't.

    @IRunForFun: Good luck getting her back to the breast.

  30. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Last night was bad just bad. Started out good. She feel asleep in the crib by herself and then it went downhill fast. No good stretch at all. Finally at 3:30 I brought her to bed with me so I got three hours, with her waking a couple times in there.

  31. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Smurfette: Sorry to hear that. We are doing well with a good first stretch. She goes down completely out for about five hours. Her second stretch is about three hours. Unfortunately, it takes two hours to get to the second stretch. At the two hour mark last night, I finally sent DH in to settle her. I had already fed her twice and was exhausted.

  32. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: she usually does 4-6 hrs. I don't know what happened last night. Two hours would be exhausting! That's rough.

  33. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: @Peasinapod: I worry about not eating enough to maintain my supply. I'm always starving and sometimes it's like, I just don't have time to eat more! I don't think I could find the time or energy to workout right now even if I wanted to.

    @Mrs. Toad: Awesome on the 5 hour stretch! But man being awake for 2 hours MOTN is rough. That happens to me sometimes but it's usually b/c I can't relax enough to fall back to sleep and it sucks.

    @Smurfette: Oh man! Sorry it was such a rough night. Hopefully it was just a fluke!

    We did OK. I did end up giving her a bottle of BM and formula around 8 pm because she was screaming. She settled right down and she slept in her rnp from 9 to 11:15. I nursed her and she went back to sleep in bed with me until 2:45. 3 hours is a good stretch for her! But then she started her usual grunting and fussing and ate again at 4:15. Slept till 7. I had trouble going back to sleep after the 4:15 feeding. So. Tired.

  34. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @Smurfette: @IRunForFun: She eats for about 30 minutes and falls asleep. However, she is up 15 to 30 minutes later. That doesn't give me enough time to fall asleep myself. Repeat for two hours.

  35. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: Sorry about bad night. How do you attempt/do her falling asleep on her own? Mind blown, lol.

    We had a good night in terms of sleep hours. I hoped I could take advantage of shots having her more sleepy. She went down in bassinet at 7:30, I went to bed at 8. Nursed 11, 2:10 and 5:30 I nursed her in bed and we stayed in bed til 7. Sleep 5:30-7 wasn't great, but I was happy to be horizontal. My throat feels almost better and it's such a treat.

    I have a solid to do list today. None of it happening, rainy and gross day, we dropped DD1 at school and now for laziness.

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: this is my issue too. I have trouble falling back asleep and then she is up again. She only eats once overnight but so hard for her to get in a deep sleep after it. So neither of us sleep.
    @IRunForFun: At least you don't have weight to lose!
    @sunnyday: I put her down super dowsy. Like her eyes keep closing in my arms. Then if she cries pick her up, calm her down, backdown, and repeat. Being doing for a month now. She just now is getting to the point she won't cry. But some nights it doesn't work. Then I just hold her till she is dead asleep, wait 20 mins and pray she stays asleep when I put her down.

  37. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @sunnyday: I'm so impressed with your schedule! How long does it take to get your LO drowsy enough to sleep? Does that count as nap time or activity time?

    Anyone else have a LO that is cranky all the time? So frustrating!

  38. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: Haha if I'm putting DD down anywhere besides in bed with me I have to do the "dead sleep and pray she doesn't wake up" method. Took 2 tries to get that stretch in the rnp last night.

    @babypugs: I wouldn't say mine is cranky ALL the time but probably 50% or more of her awake time she's fussing or crying. I kind of attribute it to her gas but who really knows. Sometimes I think she's overtired, too. At night between 6 to 8 pm is the worst, she'll SCREAM cry and nothing fixes it till finally she decides to eat and pass out. It's really frustrating. Sorry your LO is a crank - hopefully it passes as she gets older. 6 to 8 weeks is the peak of crying right??

  39. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Wow put herself to sleep AND a great stretch! And then I kept reading and saw that you a bad night. They are still young.. Hopefully will be more stable soon! I commend you for trying! I'm super lazy so every night I nurse to sleep and she is next to me.

    I nurse from like 7:30-8:30, she usually wakes up around 1 and then again around 4. The first wake up is super easy I nurse her laying down so I pop a boob in. The next one is more labor intensive since I want to feed her the other side so I have to get up. Naps are still all over the place! I'll be leaving her for the longest stretch ever tomorrow to get my hair done! Interested to see how she will do with my mom!

    @IRunForFun: I'm so sorry things are still so crazy! Are you going to try meds still? K is 11 weeks now and while still gassy I do notice the improvement. She used to hiccup ALL the time and hasn't hiccuped too much and the gas is def less crazy. And don't worry about a schedule! My first did not have one for a long time... I think this one only has more of a schedule b/c we kinda revolve around her sister's schedule!

    @sunnyday: Glad you are better! And I am finding it's SO hard not to compare! But I can tell this one is way more obsessed with my boob than her sister! And I think she did her best stretch after shots too lol!

    @Peasinapod: I love JL! I mean, I can only channel her up to a certain point, and not all her stuff works for us, but in general I find it waaaay easier to parent my 27 mo old with her methods! Or even if it's not easier, at least I'm calmer!

    @babypugs: They are probably still in the colicky stages.. Hope it will grow out soon!

  40. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @babypugs: she is super fussy between 5-8 even in her sleep!
    @snowjewelz: mine won't nurse to sleep unless MOTN. So I had to try something. Problem now is she won't sleep without a swaddle and they aren't allowed at day care.

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