Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Mamas!

  1. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @78h2o: Baby is measuring ahead between 4 days and a week, and has since the beginning. And P was born 5 days early, so I'm guessing June 12th. Plus we have a big event at work that night, so I'd totally mess it up by going into labor, so it seems like the sort of thing I'd do

  2. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I think you have a good chance! Yeah, that's how I feel about my grandmother's birthday, though she passed away 4 years ago. My grandfather who passed away before Christmas was born on 5/6, so that would be a good birthday for this baby too!

    @Jess1483: lol, I love your reasoning!

  3. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @78h2o: Awww! Although that would be pretty early for you on 5/6! I love when dates have sentimental meanings though.

  4. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    My EDD hasn't budged from 6/4 and baby girl is measuring within 1 day of her gestational age. I think my mom went a few days late with me but went into labor naturally. I just hope she isn't born on a holiday, either Memorial Day or Father's Day, because I was born on New Year's Eve and it sucks! I'd be ok if she came a few days early, but I'm planning on working through Memorial Day and then taking off from June 1 on. I have no paid maternity leave, but my company is flexible with the time I take off so it doesn't make that much difference when I start, even if she comes a few days late.

  5. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    My EDD has not changed either. My mom basically went into labor on her EDD with me. I am really doubting I will go into labor early. My MIL's birthday is 6/20 and it might be neat if DS and her shared a birthday. But, that would mean I would go about 6d late and I don't know if I really want that. lol.

  6. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @78h2o: My LO was born two days ahead of due date. I've had a bunch of friends' second kids arrive two weeks early. My SIL went 5 days late. I have her due date with my niece. So as long as this one doesn't arrive on June 5th, we're good.

    With LO's pregnancy, I felt more active. I walked and walked up until the point that he arrived. This pregnancy, I feel so tired and exhausted. I feel so much slower this time around. I don't know if that will impact my due date or not.

  7. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    My anatomy scan is Friday so we'll see if my EDD changes at all! I'm just starting to really pop with a bump over the past week or so now!

  8. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts


  9. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: Cute bump!

  10. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @78h2o: cute! Love your outfit too.

    So, my doctors have been closely monitoring my weight due to the hyperemesis. At my last apt she told me I should be gaining 1lb a week from 22 weeks on, and should be up 12lbs at that point. Two weeks have passed, and I haven't gained anything. In fact, I've lost a pound, and have only gained 12lbs in almost 24 weeks

  11. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Hmm, well obviously you need to listen to your doctors, but I probably wouldn't worry about it too much. I think most people gain weight somewhat unevenly, where they will go for a little while without much/any weight gain and they will have a big jump. I am hoping mine will stabilize for a little while and be less than the 1 lb per week, since I've already gained more than I hoped. I would just do your best to eat when you can. How is your nausea now? Mine has been better so far this week. No vomiting and I am trying to wean off the unisom again.

  12. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    I had my 24 week appointment yesterday. Nothing too exciting there. In a month, I take my GD test and get my rhogam shot. Around 32 weeks or so, they'll update my MMR/Tdap since it's fading. I told my OB how our daycare/preschool is nearly a 100% immunized. She was relieved about that.

    Other than that, my butt muscles hurt a lot lately. I'm still on antibiotics from my cold. TMI, they've dried me up so much so that things got itchy down there, so a little Monistat and probiotics (which I love) to clear it up.

    I'm convinced that this pregnancy has been easier than LO's because of the probiotics. I was on so many antibiotics with LO that it really messed with my body more than pregnancy. Only a day more of antibiotics for me!

  13. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @cascademom: I am surprised they will do MMR? I thought that wasn't allowed during pregnancy?

  14. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @78h2o: me too. I was really surprised when she mentioned it in the rundown on upcoming activity with the pregnancy. She explained that they'll do it during pregnancy at my office. Both LO #2 and I won't have to worry about it at delivery, so that's a relief. Even my husband was surprised by it too.

  15. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @78h2o: I haven't thrown up since my ER visit last month, but I still get nauseas. Maybe they're concerned since she measured a week behind at my 20 week scan? I'm not sure. I really think I'm just not eating enough.

  16. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @cascademom: Yeah, I looked into it to see if I could get it again in hopes of conferring immunity to LO#2, but everything I read online said that you shouldn't get pregnant for a month after getting it and that it shouldn't be administered during pregnancy. I forgot to ask my doctor about it yesterday, but I will ask now that your doctor is saying it's okay. I know that they do recommend getting the Tdap/whopping cough one again just to confer immunity to baby before birth... they say to get it with each pregnancy. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/downloads/f_preg_chart.pdf

    ETA: @dc yoga bee: I'm sorry you are still nauseous. I am too, but much less than before and not as often. I haven't had any nausea today... in fact, Sunday is the last time I remember complaining to DH about it! Do you have any favorite foods that might tempt you, even when you are nauseous?

  17. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I'd try not to stress about it too much. At 20 weeks, I was only up 7 pounds and my OB was really happy about that!

  18. glitterboots

    cherry / 103 posts

    I feel really good about my weight this time. At 22 weeks I've gained 13 pounds- way less than I did with my first. Baby is measuring a week ahead, but my son was almost nine pounds so she will probably be big as well.

    On a less positive pregnancy note, I have hemmaroids for the first time in my life.

  19. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    @dc yoga bee sorry you're still dealing with the nausea! That really sucks. I'm impressed that you've been able to gain a healthy amount of weight even with that going on. So far I've gained 9-10 lbs depending on the day, and I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow. I haven't had morning sickness but I haven't always been very hungry, and I'm pretty much eating like I normally would. I'm trying to keep my weight gain to around 20 lbs, since I started this pregnancy pretty overweight, and my doctor seems fine with it thus far.

  20. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    I love how everyone is having low number in weight gain. My mfm told me I had to gain 24 lbs by this week . And I hit it. I know it is for both babies to grow as much as they can but damn I'm not looking dorward to taking it off. I dont have those kind of bodies where it just all falls off. Oh well if I can get these babies to a nice weight at birth it is all worth it in the end.

  21. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @BabyMats: if it makes you feel any better, I've gained almost 20 and I've only got one in there!

  22. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Ok, can I just saw that there are A LOT of super creepy/awkward maternity photos out there!!! What the heck are people thinking?!

    I have a Groupon that expires today for JcPenney portraits. I bought it to use with my LO and her cousins at Christmas, but with my grandfather's passing, we didn't get to it. I don't want to waste it, so I called this morning and made an appointment to take my LO after work. I know not to expect much in terms of quality, but I'm hoping to get some maternity shots with her. Maybe just one of her hugging my belly or something like that? I saw some cute ones on Pinterest with the kiddo listening to the belly/bump with a play stethoscope... not sure if we can pull that off, but I might give it a try (if I can find her doctor kit). I need to figure out what to wear now too! The Groupon was only $19 and comes with 1 print sheet and 3 photos on a cd, so hopefully I can get something out of it.

    If anyone has any other ideas for poses or what to wear, let me know!

    ETA: oh, I do have some big sister books and a little sister onesie, so I could try to do something with that too... have LO lay with her head on my belly reading a big sis book or have her hold the onesie on my bump?

  23. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @BabyMats: I've gained a lot for a second pregnancy with just one in there. It's way more than with LO. I've already hit 200. I'm eating poorly at times which is part of it, but the weight shot up quick this time.

  24. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @78h2o: I really like the ideas you posted! I'd suggest not to wear black, that'll make your bump look smaller. Good lu k, it should be a fun time!

  25. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Thanks! I kinda want to wear black because I feel huge! We'll see Unfortunately my friend that has some of my maternity clothes is now 8 days overdue! She has a lace top I kind of want to wear, but I don't want to bother with trying to pick it up.

    ETA: I just hope my LO is in a good mood and cooperates. Taking her anywhere is stressful these days!

  26. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: I like the reading ideas you posted! The only ones are good too. If I am feeling self conscious my go to in color is always navy. Maybe a shirt that is a print instead of solid. But, I would also be a person that would try to have the shoot focus on LO, so I would probably lean towards darker colors as well.

  27. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Eko: Thanks!

    So I actually planned to wear a navy dress, but when I picked my LO up from daycare, I could tell she was in a crazy mood. We had to rush to get there, and I couldn't get her to change her clothes, put on shoes, etc. She was wild! So I just wore the grey shirt I had on and my LO went shoeless. Apparently J didn't take a nap today (figures)... Our sitting was only about 10 min long and J kept running out of the room (and into the store) and was anything but cooperative. There were a few decent pics though, so I'm happy enough. I will NOT be trying to get photos with her anytime soon! That was nuts!!! (I'll post some of the pics in the gold bump thread tonight or tomorrow).

  28. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Had our anatomy scan this morning... Little miss was NOT cooperative at all! She was curled up in a ball (which, since the windchill is like -20, I can't say I blame her!) and wouldn't move much. The tech got some measurements then we took a break so I could pee, eat, etc. and see if that would help things. Went back 15 minutes later for more u/s and got the rest. The photos kinda suck. They're dark - almost like they inverted the colors or something. I wish she had printed the cute pic of her feet! Oh well though. I even had to ask to see the anatomy (I guess since we already knew, she assumed it wasn't a bit deal?). Otherwise, everything looked great! Measuring 1 day ahead (21w1d instead of 21w), weight is 55% or something. I think my weight is up about 7 lbs from my appointment last month. My at home weight is 14 or so up overall but I think the doctor only has it at 9 lbs since I didn't see them until 9 weeks. Just hanging out until next month now!

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Anyone missing or need updates?? Couple unknown genders still!


    June 1: @78h2o (#2 ), @cascademom (#2 )
    June 2: @meltini (#2 )
    June 3 (maybe): @hocuspocus (#1 )
    June 4: @badwolf (#1 )
    June 5: @dc yoga bee (#1 ), @BabyMats (#2/3 ), @MrsBrewer (#1 )
    June 7: @mamatoboth: (#2)
    June 10: @MamaB (#1 )
    June 11: @merriment (#2 ), @Ifyoulikepinacoladas (#2 )
    June 13: @TarHeelBee: (#1), @MUI831: (#2)
    June 14: @Eko (#1 ), @Ash (#2 )
    June 15: @Corduroy (#2 ), @extrasprinkles (#1 ), @Mrs.KMM (#1 )
    June 16: @glitterboots (#2 )
    June 19: @Jess1483 (#2 )
    June 23: @rpparker (#1 ), @just_ju: (#1)
    June 24: @MrsKMM (#1 )
    June 26: @LindsayInNY (#1 )

  30. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @LindsayInNY: glad you had a good apt! I asked to see the anatomy as well, and she was like its stil a girl. I just wanted to make sure lol.

    I'm 24 weeks today! Happy Pregnancy Viability Day!!

  31. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    @LindsayInNY: glad u had a good appt. Bummer she wasnt as cooperative.

    @dc yoga bee: I have been waiting for this week but then my dr burst my buble and said for me 28 weeks is more like it so another month for me! She even put me on pelvic rest to make sure everything is fine til the 28th week. Ughh more waiting!!

  32. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @BabyMats: my friend delivered triplets last year at 27 weeks. They were all under 2 lbs, but they are doing well. But hopefully you won't be delivering anytime soon!!!

  33. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    @78h2o: thank you. That makes me feel better.I think my doctor was stressing the next few weeks being critical and to not overdo it. I hope I wont be delivering any time soon too. Glad your friend's babies are doing well!

  34. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    I am 23w today and I think I might have finally felt baby Ellie move last night! DH and I had a little "adult fun" and afterwards I felt what I could only describe as a gentle rolling and knocking sensation. It was really low down - like between the underside of my bump and my pubic line. Does that seem like a reasonable place to feel movement?

  35. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Yes! That sounds like it was her! My baby always starts moving and kicking after we have sex. That's exciting for you!

  36. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Sounds like it!! It almost feel like popcorn to me? Like a single pop and that's it. Mines down low too since LO is basically vertical (breech) in me right now.

  37. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @LindsayInNY: she's been breech at almost every appointment so far (my anatomy scan was the only time we've seen her head-down and she was back to breech at the OB's office the next morning).

  38. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @LindsayInNY: @Mrs.KMM: At my anatomy scan, my baby was breech to! My midwife said it was really normal! I wonder though when the baby will turn, and stay put??

  39. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: At 23-25 weeks, it's pretty normal for the baby to be really low. I mentioned this to my OB last week. She said that my uterus isn't that far up on my stomach, so the baby hasn't moved up yet. I've felt my dude quite a bit already. He's a low kicker especially when I don't eat soon enough.

  40. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Sounds like movement to me! Some of my Valentine's chocolate definitely got Miss Hattie moving this weekend!

    This is probably just crazy pregnancy brain but for some reason I feel like my bump hasn't gotten any bigger over the past 2-3 weeks. Maybe because I felt like I was growing exponentially there for a little bit and now it's just leveled off? Or I'm just getting used to it so it doesn't seem as big to me? I'm 22 weeks tomorrow and have an check up Friday so I'm sure she will tell me if I'm measuring off or anything. I'm sure it's just me over thinking everything again!

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