Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Mamas!

  1. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @dc yoga bee: any pix of the nursery? while you wait ...

  2. just_ju

    cherry / 195 posts

    Had my baby shower yesterday - I forgot how overwhelming showers can be! It was an amazing day, we had a great time seeing our family and friends, and we are pretty well stocked for baby now, thanks to their generosity. I was bad about self-care though, and didn't drink as much water as I should have and was on my feet a lot, so I'm feeling kind of bleh today. Hoping that stretching my sore muscles and drinking tons of water will make me feel better so we can get some shopping done today - time to buy the car seat!!

  3. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @andthewildones: Sure!!

    @just_ju: I'm glad you had a good shower. It is nice to feel that much love! I was pretty tired too.

  4. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Baby girl's nursery!

  5. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @dc yoga bee: !!!! so perfect, and hello puppies.

  6. just_ju

    cherry / 195 posts

    @dc yoga bee: so sweet!! The decor is adorable - totally in love with the tassels over the crib!

  7. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @dc yoga bee: that's grea that you had mostly everything done! The nursery looks super adorable!

  8. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Thank you!!

  9. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @dc yoga bee: the nursery is soooo cute!!! I love it!

  10. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @dc yoga bee: So cute! And your puppies look like they've made themselves right at home!

  11. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @dc yoga bee: love your nursery! Hope baby cooperates and comes soon!

  12. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    I'm in the hospital in labor since 1pm.

  13. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @cascademom: good luck!

  14. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    Just came out of my 37w and my blood pressure was borderline high and I was 1cm dilated. They want to do an ultrasound and bloodwork next week at my 38w appointment.

  15. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    I'm going to be heading in for my 39 week appt in about 30 minutes. I have to make a decision if we are inducing tonight or not (doctor is recommending it but said he will support whatever I decide). I'm leaning towards asking for a membrane sweep instead. Don't laugh at me but I am terrified to have 1 done. I am such a wimp when it comes to vaginal pain/discomfort and I find my cervical checks to be terrible since I'm still so posterior. It still seems like the lesser of 2 evils though. I'm thinking a short amount of intense pain is preferrable to spending another night in the hospital. I have a 20 month old and I would rather be home with him and not in my hospital room.

  16. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    @Meltini: I'd do the sweep and see what happens.

    Just left my 38 week appointment. Everything looked great, and everyone was glad to hear that I passed the kidney stones. They all keep telling me that they think I will go early. I really want to make it until next Wednesday, so that I can work with the girl that's going to fill in for me this summer a few days.

    I am starting to feel big and uncomfortable, and because I'm hydrating so much and she's right on my bladder, I am having to pee constantly. Sleep is crap because I'm up peeing so much. I'm glad it's summer, so I can take the kids to the pool and just hang out.

  17. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Meltini: I'm a total wimp too, but I would try the membrane sweep first, and go from there!

    @MamaB: Yay! I go in for my 38 week appt tonight (technically 38+4) I really hope they tell me I'm more dilated! I'm sooooo ready to have this baby!

  18. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @Meltini: @MrsBrewer: Good luck with your appointments today!

    DH made his FIRST name suggestion last night. I couldn't believe it. I thought we were so close to finalizing a name. Two steps forward, one step back. At least the nursery did get painted this weekend.

  19. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Corduroy: Baby steps, right?? hahahahahaha

  20. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    So my doctor is out of town so I saw a different doctor in the practice today (who I had never met before but really liked). He said my cervix was still too thick for a membrane sweep to be effective and he also said we should hold off a few more days for an induction. At this point he thought it would be a long induction which I would like to avoid. I'm disappointed but strangely relieved as well. I see my doctor on Thursday so I will ask again about a membrane sweep and see if things are more favorable. I'm still at 2 cm and my cervix is soft but thick and I'm a bit more anterior than last week.

  21. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    I just got back from my checkup. I'm 39w1d. I was about 2-3cm dilated, 70% effaced and had a membrane sweep done. The doctor felt things were pretty favorable, so we'll see if that does anything! Today is my 37th birthday... we'll see if baby wants to share it?! I am having some very mild contractions now, but nothing too strong or consistent.

    I did end up scheduling an elective induction for Friday, May 29th at 7am. I feel really conflicted about it... not sure if I should cancel it or move it back?!?!? Also not sure what time of day... they said I could pick any time and I randomly picked 7am.

    The consent form I signed for the Friday induction said that if your Bishop score is >8, your chance of a c-section is no greater than via natural labor. My score was a 10, but I think that maybe a 9 is more conservative. He felt I was 2-3cm dilated, so it scored it as a 3-4 rather than a 1-2. If he'd scored it as 1-2, my score would have been a 9.

    Anyway, part of me just wants to wait to go naturally... it felt kind of wrong to choose baby's potential birth date, which doctor would be on call, etc. On the other hand though, my family can only stay in town until June 7 and I will have no help otherwise. My husband has a lot of medical problems himself and it is very hit and miss whether or not he will be able to help out with the girls. He has zero leave from work, so he would only be able to take off when the baby was actually being born if she came during the week... right now I have scheduled for Friday morning (which he happens to have off), so that would potentially give him Fri-Sun with baby before going back to work Monday. I really like the doctor on call that day and the next day too. I could wait and schedule for the following weekend, but that would risk going into labor during the week and him only getting that one day... it also would cut down on time I'd have help from my parents... Decisions, decisions!

    Another consideration is that DD#1 was almost 9 lbs and I had a super long labor with her... the doctor today felt that if I was induced, it would likely take <8 hrs start to finish and that baby might be a little smaller. That would be a little better for my body with the prolapse issue (though I think it would probably mean I'd get an epidural, which might be worse for the prolapse).

    The doctor said since my cervix is already soft and dilated, they wouldn't do any gels or anything. I'd just come in and get a lose dose of pitocin to see if that would kick start things. He said if baby was in distress, they would turn it down or turn it off. He did say I could ask to go home and let nature take it's course if a low dose of pit didn't work.

    Thoughts??? What would you do?!?

    Oh, I still have a head cold, but it's not terrible. I'm hoping that it might be gone by Friday. I guess that's also a consideration. They don't schedule inductions for Sat or Sun and I don't care for the doctor who is on call on Monday... so it's either Fri or after Tuesday (but really the following Fri given my husband's lack of leave).

  22. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

  23. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    I'd leave it scheduled for Friday. You can always cancel it Thursday or even Friday morning if you change your mind.

  24. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @78h2o: Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you are getting so close. I talked to my doc about a possible induction (mostly when she was confused about which dates she'd be gone and I mentioned hoping I didn't go into labor then) and, while I've generally been opposed to them (unless medically necessary), it kind of sounded like an awesome idea, especially considering LO1's needs, you know? No surprises, everything planned (for the older sibling, at least). And with how big J was, it seems like that might be a good way to go for you. When would you have to decide if you want to go ahead with it? I'm also hoping for a Thursday or Friday delivery since DH started a new job and won't have any leave. My family is in town and can definitely help, but having DH available too would be so much better. Good luck with the decision, but I can definitely see the appeal!

  25. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    Just left my 37 week appointment. My BP was high enough compared to the rest of my pregnancy that they want me to head into the hospital for some additional monitoring / testing. The doctor said they may then decide to send me home, may keep me overnight for observation, or may induce. So things are up in the air for now. We went home and packed a bag really quickly and threw the car seat in the car just in case!

    I'd rather she keep cooking a little longer but if they decide she needs to come out now, we may be getting to meet our little girl sooner than expected!

  26. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: Happy Birthday! That definitely sounds like a tough decision. I can definitely see the appeal in getting the induction, and would maybe choose that for myself. It sounds really beneficial to have your parents around to help if DH is not in a position to help out as much. I agree though that if you keep it you can always change your mind in the next couple days.

  27. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Sounds like the same boat I was in a week ago! Hopefully everything goes alright and LO can keep cooking a bit longer!

  28. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Good luck! I hope your BP comes down so she can keep cooking a little longer, but obviously all that matters is that you are both safe! My bp was up for the first time today, 141/75, but they took it again at the end of the appointment and it was 123/75, so they said that was fine. My urine was also clear of protein.

    @Jess1483: I didn't really ask when I would have to cancel by... probably to be fair, by the end of the workday (4pm) Thursday would probably be best so that my OB practice could let the hospital know? I am really on the fence about it, but think I might proceed and just plan to back out if a low dose of pitocin didn't do anything.

  29. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Eko: Thanks! Yeah, I think it is fine how it is for now... I'm just going to cross my fingers that I go into labor on my own. Come Thursday, I will have a hard call to make about whether or not to push it back another week.

  30. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    So many of us are getting so close!

    I went to my 36 week appointment and had my growth ultrasound since I was measuring early last week. According to the US (I know they can be off) she is already 7 1/2 pounds ! I was not dilated at all! So we are going to stick with the original plan - weekly appointments and another ultrasound at 39 weeks. I really don't want to have to push out a 10 lb baby!

  31. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @rpparker: Don't be too freaked out. LO1 measured 7.5lbs at 37 weeks. I delivered at 40w5d and she was 6lbs10oz. I don't trust those things at all.

  32. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @78h2o happy birthday! Don't really have any advice but maybe your membrane sweep will work and you're little one will be here sooner than Friday

  33. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    @Corduroy: Thanks! I honestly have read and heard more stories of them being off by 2 or more pounds! I wonder why they even do them if they are so off!

  34. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @Meltini: sounds like we may end up in the same boat! always do what feels right to you and your body. sending good vibes!
    @rpparker: sob 10lbs!!
    @Mrs.KMM: good luck mama.
    @78h2o: sounds tough. i am one that in the end i'd stick with the baby's plan over a doctor's unless it was medically necessary to make a move. but good luck either way!!

  35. andthewildones

    cherry / 180 posts

    @MamaB: everything feels squished!! dh was asking what was so uncomfortable and i think he's officially tired of hearing about my bladder and rectum and bellybutton.

  36. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    My BP is still high. Ranging in the 150s over 90s. But they said baby's monitoring looks textbook great! They are going to come draw some blood for lab work, and they may have me do a 24 hour urine screen.

    @rpparker: My OB doesn't do them at all largely because they are so inaccurate.

  37. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Glad to hear that the baby is doing great! I ended up waiting around 4 hours for my lab results and my bp came back down to normal range by the time I left. Maybe you'll do the same and skip the urine screen!

  38. glitterboots

    cherry / 103 posts

    I'm really getting uncomfortable with people asking me how I'm planning to deliver. It usually goes something like, "So, will this one be a c-section because of her size?" Um, it's none of your business random stranger

  39. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @glitterboots: YES! I hate those questions. I also hate when everyone keeps saying to me "oh your belly still looks high". Like I am a short person carrying a baby, only so much room for this baby to go other than out. And, why does it matter??

  40. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @glitterboots @eko Uuuugh I've been getting the "are you sure there's only one in there?!" People are such morons...way to make me feel huge.

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