Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: Great Great News.

  2. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Anyone have any cravings? I'm literally eating close to a whole watermelon everyday! Something about the cold texture, I can't get enough! Haha. Also, has anyone else gotten linea nigra? It developed for me a few weeks ago, I'm so suprised because I'm fair skin with blonde hair.

    -24 weeks (hooray for viability!)

  3. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @MrsKRB: I need to stop watching travel food shows. All I want is to go to Hong Kong and feast. Wish we still lived in the city so we had more Asian cuisine options. I'm craving mostly spicy food...still.

    I had a linea negra with DS1 (I'm fair too) and I was surprised how long it took to go away pp! I don't have one yet...

  4. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: so glad everything is looking good with the baby!

    @MrsKRB: yay for viability! As for cravings, I've been craving sweets but I'm not supposed to have any due to my gestational diabetes.

    I've also been dealing with allergies and constipation. So fun


  5. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @MrsKRB: I've had no cravings. I still in fact fight with a lack of appetite. But thankfully no where near as bad as it was. I've also developed a really light linea nigra. But I'm a darker complexion with dark hair. Is it uncommon in lighter complexion women?

    @starlitsky: Don't even get me started on constipation... I've been battling it since week 4...

    On the more fun side I attended a cloth diaper class last night. Learned a lot and feel way more comfortable about doing this cloth diaper thing.

  6. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @RKitty: Yay for cloth diapers. I love mine and we're using them for #2 so we'll start seeing the savings this time.

    @mrskrb: not yet, but I did last time. And yep, it took a while to go away.

    I can't wait for warmer weather so I can get out side and go for walks to try to get exercise.

    On the constipation note, Miralax was my friend post birth. I'm glad I still have a big bottle cause that is another not fun part of recovery.

  7. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: so glad to hear you had good report!

  8. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @RKitty: I thought it was more common with women with a darker complexion, but I could be wrong!

  9. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MrsKRB: I can't say I have any interesting cravings. Just generally hungry - haha! I don't have a line yet..... we'll see....haha. CONGRATS on viability-- YAY

    @brownepiano: I am jealous that warm weather is in your foreseeable future......it snowed here yesterday! I would L O V E to be able to go for walks outside - I'd probably be more active if I didn't have to drive to the gym.

  10. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @RKitty: @brownepiano: Yay! I'm a cloth diaperer too! I love them. My son potty trained himself at 2 years and 2 months, so my diapers are sitting and waiting for new baby. I do need to get the elastics replaced on them though.

    We had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday and baby is for sure a boy (which we've known since 11 weeks, but it's nice to confirm). Everything looked normal. He was already measuring at 383 grams (which is 0.84 pounds) which seems kind of big for 20 weeks! My app says at 21 weeks they should weigh about 3/4 of a pound. We get to go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound because the person forgot to make sure there was a 3 vessel cord. She showed us the cord, but didn't do the thing to look for 3 vessels.

    We still cannot decide on names. I LOVE Luke. My husband does not like Luke, but has pretty much said I'll get to name the baby whatever I want. Last night we came up with Hank. What does everyone think of Hank? The full name would be Hank Harry Hanson or Luke Harry Hanson.


  11. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I like Luke!

    Just got home from my monthly appointment. Still have a complete previa, but baby is growing well. So well that I'm actually measuring a week and 1/2 ahead (in the 99th percentile)!! I thought my bump grew a lot the past few weeks!

  12. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I like Luke, I don't think Henry flows very well with Harry Hanson.

    @Alba4: Glad to hear baby is thriving in there!

  13. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @brownepiano: @Dr. Pepper: What brands/types do you ladies recommend? I've just tip toed into this cloth diapering stuff and it's a little overwhelming!

    @Dr. Pepper: I have an appointment on the 4th to redo our US too. I was told our spawn did not cooperate for his US and they need to attempt it again...

    And I personally like Luke over Hank... and that's a lot of Hs in a name!

  14. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: I like Luke! I think hank Harry is too much since both are nick names for Henry, IMO. I do like Hank though with a different middle name.

  15. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @RKitty: I only have bum genius 4.0 pockets, so that is all I can speak about. I never tried anything else. But they work great for us. We found it easier to use cloth wipes as well at home, but daycare used disposable wipes.

    We found someone that made cloth wipes from receiving blankets and used those. For wipe solution, we just used water with a little California Babies Diaper Area Wash mixed in a small spray bottle.

    We sprayed dirty diapers with Bac-out to keep icky smells away.

    Other essentials were planetwise wet bag or wet/dry bag and planetwise diaper pail liner.



    We used a simple human garbage can for dirty diapers.

    Diaper cream- we loved grandma el's. It smells so good.

    For night time, we used hemp doublers to decrease leaks- we had a heavy wetter.

    I think that was about all of our essentials. It seems like a lot at first, but never having to run to the store because you are out of diapers is awesome. And never having to buy any diapers ever again after first purchasing them is super awesome.

  16. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @RKitty: I used prefolds and covers and found them easy and very affordable. I didn't have to deal with daycare, but all of our babysitters managed to figure them out just fine.

    I have Nicki's Diapers prefolds (the Imagine Smart Fit, but the Great Fit ones look like the same thing too). Since prefolds come in sizes we tried to skip a few sizes to buy less. We got mostly size medium, and have 6 smalls and 6 larges for night time (we fold them together). This has gotten through one kid so far!

    I have a few different brands of one size covers. I like the Bum Genius ones I have but they haven't always had the best fit. Most of mine are from a chinese orphanage store that isn't making them anymore. If need to get more, I might get some Alva ones or Kawaii, or used Bum Genius. It's actually hard to find just the covers sometimes because pocket diapers are more popular right now.

    @Dr. Pepper: If you want Hank, I would use it as a nickname, and go with Harry or Henry instead. Luke and Henry are both nice, solid names!

    I tend to lean toward a little less traditional names, but I always aim for something still straightforward and spell-able.

  17. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @RKitty: I second @Dr. Pepper on the wet bags. Planet wise have held up better than anything else. And a simple step trash can is all you really need for dirties. I got patterns that were being discontinued and got them a little cheaper that way.

    We use Bum Genuis detergent, but everyone seems to have a favorite. I wound up going with that brand because it works and I can buy it at Babies R Us when I forget I'm running out!


  18. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @RKitty: @brownepiano: I forgot about detergent! I started with nellie's laundry detergent, but after that ran out I just used powdered tide. I know a lot of places say not to use it, but it worked great for us.

  19. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @RKitty @Dr. Pepper: cool, i just used powdered tide free and clear, too! i bought a whole bunch of nb adorable diapers but my stash once baby hits 15 lbs is complete. i am very very excited to go back to those cute diapers. i might have gone overboard with nb diapers--all of them are patterned! (only 2-or-so of my medium sized diapers are patterned and the rest are a solid color)

    DrPepper, I like both names.

    @MrsKRB: woooo linea nigra!! i don't remember when i got it with my son, and it was the whole belly line and faded a few months pp. no sign of anything yet... 25 1/2 weeks, now. and YAYAAYAYAYAYYA viability!

    @brownepiano: Yes, planetwise are great. I also love the hanging had cylinder zip up bags from Kangacare--no trash pail to deal with, super easy, keeps the smells in. I have 3 of those. I have smaller slantwise ones for the diaper bag.
    Undecided if we will do cloth wipes, disposable wipes, or mix of both. I never used a sprayer or anything more than just tide and the occasional bleach and/or blue dawn strip. But we have in home washer/dryer and do it every 1-2 days.
    @Alba4: What does having previa mean for you and baby? Any indications about the birth, or does it depend on if it moves before term?

    waiting for glucose tolerance test... Boring. Feeling pretty shaky. FYI, chug the drink, ice cold, and put it on ice. It helps a little bit. I got orange. Eww. I was going to do jelly beans but I decided against it do the timing.

    -25 1/2 weeks

  20. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    Any one have tips for a cold?

    My head kills and my ears ache. Seems to happen everytime I get stuffed up. Also totally peed myself while blowing my nose. Ugh. 😫

  21. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I think Tylenol is safe to take. I was really sick @5 weeks this pregnancy. I had sinus congestion and a bad headache... I bought a nettipot and it helped sooooo much. I was able to avoid antibiotics!

  22. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @pastemoo: if my placenta moves far enough away from my cervix, I can have a vaginal birth. Since I have a complete previa, which means my cervix is totally covered by the placenta, it is medically dangerous for me to go into labor, so I'll have to have a C-section @37 weeks. There is still time for it to move, but my Dr. says complete previas are less likely to move. This is why I'm psyched the baby is measuring big.

    Good luck with your GD test. I hope you pass!!!

  23. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: Benadryl is safe. You can take it to try to clear out congestion. Unfortunately that's about it for meds (other than Tylenol and Robitussin). I take lots of zibc, vitamin c, and echinacea to shorten my colds.

  24. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Alba4: @brownepiano: thanks girls. I've been taking Tylenol and just now drinking some hot water with lemon and honey. Cannot wait for DH to get home ....and hopefully avoid him getting a man cold, lol.

  25. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: Ugh, I'm sorry. I'm just getting over a nasty cold right now too. I took a Berocca drink every morning (do they have that in the States/Canada?) - it's a massive hit of vitamin C, B6, and zinc and is supposed to boost your immune system. DH and I have found if we take it at the beginning of a cold, it usually shortens the duration and lessens the severity. Hope you feel better soon!

    @pastemoo: Good luck with the GD test today! Hope you pass with flying colours!

    @Alba4: I'm sorry to hear about the complete previa - that is a bummer but yay for baby measuring big!

    @Dr. Pepper: Love the name Luke and like @brownepiano:'s suggestion of using Henry as the proper name and Hank or Harry as the real name (sidenote: did you know Prince Harry's real name is Henry?) I love the name Henry, as does DH, but not sure we'd commit to that being our boy name yet!

    In other news, I think I am experiencing the joys of sciatic pain at the moment. I never had this with either of my other two, but I've had a sharp pain deep in my left butt cheek (glamorous, I know) at random times over the last two days, but today it has flared up to the point where I am literally stopping to gasp for breath whilst walking, sitting, bending, picking up toddlers etc. It is absolutely brutal, it feels like someone is stabbing me at random intervals! Hoping it's just that I tweaked it and it calms down again soon but if not, I'll be calling my GP next week to get a referral to the physio! Ouch!

    Hope everyone else is well!

    ~22w2d. (I hate being towards the end of the month, I'm so jealous of those of you already past viability!)

  26. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I was told by the pharmacist today that pseudo ephedrine is ok! (WHAT?!)--it's a category C. You can always do a straight saline spray, though netipot is not recommended unless you use saline at this point.
    The OVIA pregnancy app has a nice list of what you can and can't use. Especially look for class A or B. Class C is "ok, but ask your doctor first." What symptoms are bothering you?
    Headache? (Tylenol) Fever? Stuffy nose? Cough? Something else? Some of the combo meds are not safe, but you can chose to treat the one thing that is bothering you the most.
    And sleep and tea always help.
    I hope you feel better soon!

    PS Re earache--I asked my OB about this today and she said, ask your primary (it's been bugging me since my first winter cold in early January)--so I can tell you in a week and a half when it happens.

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Alba4: Good luck. That is a little stressful, but it seems like you know what your options will be either way and that is good.
    @Ree723: OUCH! That stinks! I totally forgot to ask for PT at my appointment. I hope it helps you, and I hope it gets better!

  28. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @pastemoo: thanks for the reply! It's a head cold I guess. Headache and super stuffed up. Tylenol helps my headache. And I just dumped some warm salt water up my nose and that helped a bit. Lol.

    How come a netti pot isn't recommended?

  29. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: If you use regular water, it can give you an infection or push bacteria upward that wouldn't otherwise be there. In pregnancy our immune systems are weaker, so it's more dangerous to do. But with saline, I don't know if the salt should kill the bacteria, or that the saline is sterile, but it's somehow supposed to be better.
    (I heard someone getting amoebiasis from a netiipot while pregnant. horrible. CDC recommendations, though after that alcohol one, .... grain of salt and all http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/naegleria/sinus-rinsing.html)

  30. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @pastemoo: oh ok thanks. I used (already cooled) boiled water. Hopefully that helped.

  31. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: So great that your scan went so well My twins were 14 oz each at 21 weeks - so maybe the app is a low-ball?

    @Mrs. Champagne: Sorry you're not feeling so well --- hope you are improving today!!

  32. Madyetbeautiful

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    @MrsChampagne: I use peppermint essential oil as a natural aid for clearing headaches and stuffy nose and find it works well (breathe it in only, have been hesitant to put much of anything directly on skin). We use an atomiser/humidifier at night with a few drops if either of us has a cold. Hope you feel better soon.
    Have also been adding a few cups of epsom salts to my bath to help reduce swelling/stiffness/aches etc and it's good as a sleep aid and softening skin!

    Can completely empathise with the boob growth thing - mine felt so heavy (for me) all of a sudden this week, but does seem to vary each day. Definitely bigger though! Don't want to buy new bra every other week, so holding off for as long as I can.

    DH has nicknamed bump as our little "podge" (in a cute, endearing way, not in a "you're fat" way, lol). Starting to worry how chilled we are both feeling about it all, just buying things at a slow steady pace - concerned I might have a last min flap over it all (am usually hyper organised, so it's a bit out of character)!

    I spent most of my life in Cyprus and have been craving the food from there SO BADLY! Seafood and mezes.... There just isn't the authentic version here in UK and I'm useless at making it myself. DH has no holiday available until April and I'm a bit nervous about flying while pregnant (any unknown risks etc), so am having to make do.

    I could do with some neutral opinions from the group on names, as we are keeping it secret from friends/family until after the birth. We both quite like the idea of using John as a middle name (for DH's deceased uncle, my dad and because we just quite like it in general), but we also like my maiden name as the baby's first name (Wyatt). 1) Do you think my family would find it weird using their last name day-to-day and 2) It would basically be my dad's name backwards - would people find this weird?! Also a little concerned my mum might end up with an expectation of her name being used in some way if we had a girl in future.
    We have a few other alternatives, but we've particularly liked Wyatt as a name for a while, but ruled it out due to concerns of what others might think!

    @DrPepper: Thanks for that info, we're tempted to use cloth nappies too.

  33. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: I like that idea and do not think it's weird! As for your family, I'm not sure what they will think, I guess it depends on the type of people they are? As far as not using your moms name in the future, I feel like she shouldn't be too upset since John is also your husband's uncle's name. I had planned on using my dad's name as a middle name if we had a boy, but since we are having a girl we are not using any family name and my mom didn't seem upset about not using her name.

  34. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: I like the idea of using family names, and whatever you choose your family will accept! (Eventually)

    My son and dad share the same middle name. If my maiden name wasn't so long I'd consider using it.

    We have made zero progress on names. I'm not too concerned since we chose DS1's name late in the 3rd trimester. Boy names are challenging.

  35. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I've been gone forever-- I'm sorry I didn't see this and answer! They're only monitoring growth right now- I have an US on Tuesday. I'm glad everything else is looking good so far! Mostly they said if it's just the one marker, they consider it a variation of normal

    Re: Colds- I diffuse essential oils-- breathe and onguard alternately. I've been lucky so far that it hasn't gotten to bad- my OB last time said I could take Robitussin, but I forget which version-- if you're still sick I'd call and ask if they'll let you take something like that!

    Re: Cravings- I'm still on the Sweet Tea train... and crap I can't have like ice cream (lactose intolerant) but that's about it.

    I can't eat meat at dinner anymore because my digestion is slow and I wake up sick all night and feel awful the next day.

    Re: Weight Gain- I'm still at basically zero pounds gained which is ok because I had plenty to spare. My midwife said as long as the lack of weight gain isn't due to HG or something like that, in my case, it's ok.

    I still have morning sickness, but it's not every single day- more like a few times a week.

  36. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: not weird at all! My maiden name is a top 100 girl name and my family would love if I used it!

    @Mrs. Pink: thanks for responding I haven't even seen an OB yet - still w my family doc who knows nothing about it. So I don't know what the protocol is or anything yet for monitoring. So you know how often you'll need ultrasounds and such? Hope you're doing well

  37. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: I've heard of Wyatt used as a first name, so I don't think it would be too weird. I also think it is much more common to pass down guy's names than girls, so your mom may not think much of it.

    In the end go with what you like! We named our kid an obscure name. My FIL did not like it and refused to call him by his full name for months (only using a nickname). He eventually got used to it and now adores his grandson.

  38. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: They're only doing once a month right now-- it could change if she measure's small this time, but otherwise just once a month

  39. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I'm still calling the baby nameless nugget when I refer to her on FB etc or "baby sister" when I talk about her to DD. We haven't gotten anywhere with names and I basically just stopped thinking about it LOL

    Ellis is her middle name (FIL's middle name) I think for sure but that's about it. My MIL got a little pushy about using her name since she was named after her grandma but has since backed down a bit... I'm just not drawn to her first or middle name

    I'm loving the kicking- hubby often misses it but he's caught a couple. I am not loving the fact that my belly feels like it's 75lbs and full of huge stones. For a little thing that maybe weighs a pound- this kid sure has some leverage when she does "whatever" it is they do when they push outward- stretch? I've seen my belly actually visibly mis-shape LOL

    DD did that too but it was so much later- or it feels like it was so much later!

  40. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: Wyatt was a top choice boy's name for my son--now his bbf's name is Wyatt so we can't really use it, but I still love it.
    @Mrs. Pink: mmm sweet tea! i feel like 75lbs of stones, too. ugh.

    anyone buying a going home outfit? Carter's has one piece sleepers on doorbusters till Monday, $7! I picked out some neutral ones, and can't decide, but for $7, I am going to get one, even though it's kind of early!
    (ETA only buying one, my son fit NB size for like a week or 10 days or something, but I do want one NB "outfit" for it to wear home!)

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