Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: how fun! I'm glad he's finally able to feel it. Your DS sounds like the cutest.

  2. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: thanks, he has a great/very strong personality! It often drives me crazy, but I definitely wouldn't change it because he's really fun and hilarious to have around.

    Today he was talking to the baby and she started moving and he got to feel her kick again. It's really awesome and amazing to watch your toddler experience the pregnancy of his future sibling. I hope he remembers some of it because he's been so sweet and interested in all of it! We've talked about the umbilical cord and placenta and how they work (after seeing them on the Bump pregnancy app). I showed him a picture from when he was born with his cord and he was totally weirded out by it, ha!

  3. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @bookwormmama: oh my goodness I am so sorry for your loss, I was really hoping for a quick recovery for her.

    So cute about feeling movements though! My 4 year old loves trying to feel the baby kick.

  4. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: ha, my kids ask to watch the little video on the What to Expect app each week and then announce to everyone they see that day how big the baby is. My 4 year old asks way too many questions. She said to DH the other night, "I know the baby can come out two ways - Mama can push her out or the doctor can do surgery. But where does she push her out from?!" Now she watches me super carefully in the bathroom in case the baby "falls out." In all seriousness though, it's been really fun to watch them get excited and suggest names and such!

  5. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: that is hilarious! We read two or three weeks ago that the ear bones and nerves were maturing, and I told him the baby could hear him better, so he has been shout singing at our music class every week "so his baby can hear him better." I also tried explaining the baby could come out a different way than he did (he knows the doctor had to cut my belly to get him out), but he thinks belly buttons are vaginas, so he's still confused on how all that works. Kids' understanding of pregnancy and childbirth is hilarious 😂

  6. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: @rattles: wow those are adorable stories! My toddler doesn't really seem to get it yet. She's 18 months and I've been telling her that her sister's in my belly and that she can give her kisses, but half the time she just kisses my boobs! Or she'll kiss my belly and then go kiss "papa's baby". We have a couple big sister books but I'm not sure there's much I can do to make her understand at this point. She'll be 22 months around my due date.

    But in other news, we completed our move. So now I'm just slowly putting the apartment together. Unfortunately we went from carpet to hardwood and DD has had several bad falls already. And her crib is basically just the mattress on the ground and she has figured out how to move the crib so she can escape. I haven't fully babyproofed her room yet so I'm a little nervous about it. Ugh and I've gained 30lbs at 24 weeks, which is super depressing. With my first pregnancy I gained 25lbs total. The MS meds I've been on help stop the vomiting but I've been eating constantly to help with the nausea and it's catching up with me.

    But I hope everyone is doing okay. Having a happy valentines hopefully!

  7. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: my first two are 23 months apart and while I don't think DD1 really understood things while I was pregnant, she was super happy once the baby came. I love that age spread! I do think your DD will get it more in the home stretch when she's even a few months older. I think the Joanna Cole book and the new baby Daniel Tiger episodes are pretty good for an almost 2 year old. Congrats on the move! That's a huge feat when pregnant with a toddler!

  8. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: I think it took him awhile to grasp the baby thing. And he will be 3 in a couple weeks! He has had a couple friends have baby siblings recently and my sister is pregnant, so I think that's helping him understand more. We've also taken him to all my ultrasounds (mainly out of necessity, but I thought it would be a good experience for him too) which I think helps him visually understand. I think he's still going to be in for quite a shock come June, but there's no way to perfectly prep them for that!

    We've read big brother books, but I think the Bump app has really helped him. He likes seeing the fruit size of the baby, but they have a 3D feature that gives some facts about the baby and you can see how the baby grows. We look at the 3D feature and then read the facts and talk about how the baby grows.

    Congrats on moving! We moved to a house with hard woods when DS was about 15 months. It was a tough transition for me because he was falling a lot too! He's always been a wild child, so he had a lot of bumps and bruises that summer! I got some of those foam mats and used them in his play space in the living room and that helped a lot. Rugs don't seem to protect as much as carpet, but the foam tiles are a cheap way to pad the floor! We got rid of them last summer because they were so beat up and they were a nightmare during potty training, but they worked great for that young toddler stage!

  9. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I missed your mention of suggesting names the first time. When I ask DS what he wants to name the baby he says "I don't know what I'm going to name my baby yet" with his hands out, palms up. It cracks me up every time!

    We haven't told him our name ideas because we like to keep that a surprise and don't want him accidentally telling people. My mom tried really hard to get DS's name out of us before he was born and ended up guessing it at a family Christmas party we weren't at. We were kind of annoyed and I know she will tried to get it out of him, so we just haven't told him, haha!

  10. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @rattles: I'm really excited to see her with a sibling. She's the most social kid ever! On the first day of our parenting class/ mom's group, she went and sat in all the other mom's laps. And she's always running up to kids and babbling in their faces. Once DD2 is mobile I'm sure they'll be chasing each other everywhere.

    @bookwormmama: foam mats are a great idea. Even with shoes she's been slipping and sliding all over the place. And she's got this horrible bruise under her chin that looks so awful. She seems totally unphased by it though, thankfully. She doesn't seem to know how to walk anymore, she just sprints everywhere!

    We're also keeping the name a secret, but this time around we're telling people we just don't know because people got so offended when we wouldn't tell them!

  11. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: my son never seemed to care much when he fell (or falls...he seems to care less now!) or got a bruise. Half the time I had no idea where they came from! He got a nasty black eye from our picture window and he barely cried. It looked awful!

    We are telling people we are still thinking about it and will wait until she is born to pick the official name. People weren't angry or offended towards us at least, but my family was extremely annoying with trying to figure it out!

  12. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: my kid is covered in bruises on her shins! I bruise like a peach and it looks like she got that from me. I actually have several bruises right now that I'm just assuming are from the move because I have no memory of getting them!

    I'm glad no ones given you drama about the name! People were so rude to us, I couldn't even believe it.

    I've asked my DD a couple times if she knows the baby's name and she just shrugs. It's so cute because she basically has all the mannerisms of talking but just babbles gibberish.

  13. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: we have had wood floors since DS was born so it's a bit different but we used foam mats in a few areas and he eventually stopped falling over as much. He's a weirdo though, and doesn't really respond to minor pain. Also can't believe people were rude to you about baby names! Why do people think they have a right to know stuff like due date, sex, and name?!

    We probably won't pick a name for a couple months yet.

  14. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    Do other people have their glucose test coming up? Mine is next Friday. My doctor didn't mention anything about fasting beforehand and I can't remember what I did for my first pregnancy. The lab sent me an appointment reminder and it said to fast for a glucose test, but pregnant women should follow their care team's advice. I guess I need to ask my doctor what she wants me to do.

    I really don't want to end up with GD because I feel like I already have a hard enough time figuring out things to eat that sound good, are safe to eat, and don't give me heartburn. I didn't have it with my son, so is that a good sign? Or does it just randomly happen?

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bookwormmama: Mine is at my next visit at 24 weeks (which I think is a little early....I thought they did it at 28 weeks?) My nurse said I don't need to fast, just don't eat anything sugary right before the test. I haven't had GD in any of my pregnancies so I'm not sure if it is specific to the person or to the pregnancy.

    We have known we are having a boy for 2 months and are nowhere close to choosing a name yet. We probably won't for another few months!

  16. GreeneB2

    cherry / 120 posts

    @bookwormmama: I just had my 24 week appointment yesterday and they gave me my "juice" for my 28 week appointment. My obgyn said I could eat a normal breakfast, but once I started drinking the juice I had to finish it all within 5 minutes and then couldn't eat anything between the hour I drank it and received my test.
    I'm still really nauseous in the morning, so there's no way I could go without anything in my belly.

  17. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @bookwormmama: mine is next week at 27 weeks. I was told to eat a normal snack or small meal (but not heavy carb or sugar) one hour before my appointment. I would call and ask what they want you to do.

    I am busy preparing for our vacation to Maui in a few weeks. So excited! Except the swimsuit shopping; it's difficult!

  18. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @winniebee: Mine will be 24 (well almost 25) weeks as well and I thought it seemed early too. I think I did it at 28 weeks with DS too. Thanks for the info from your doctor. I'll probably message mine and double check with her.

    @GreeneB2: @Iced Tea: thanks ladies! The nurse did give me a hand out about it, but it didn't say anything about eating before. It is first thing in the morning, so I definitely don't want food to mess with it, but I know I'll need to eat something! I'll probably message or call my doctor just to be sure.

    @Iced Tea: have fun in Maui! We talked about taking DS to a waterpark for his birthday in March, but then I thought about needing to find a swimsuit and it just didn't seem like such an appealing idea after I realized that, haha!

  19. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: mine's in 2 weeks (at my 28 week as well). They told me to eat a usual breakfast, no donuts
    @Iced Tea: Maui! What fun! Can't wait to hear about it!

  20. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: my OB told me to schedule it at any point between 24-28 weeks and not to fast beforehand. I'm planning on eating a protein heavy dinner and breakfast beforehand because I'm also paranoid about testing positive and then having to take the 3-hour.

    @Iced Tea: have fun! Maui sounds great.

    I got a prenatal massage gift card for Xmas and I'm trying to schedule a good time for it. I'd like it to be sometime late in the pregnancy but their weekends fill up FAST so I may need to schedule it during some vacation days my DH has coming up.

    Now that we've moved I can finally start the baby blanket I've been wanting to make for this baby! I'm excited.

    @kitty: my daughter sounds the same. She's always falling and rarely gets upset about it. Her favorite thing is flinging herself down on the ground and "accidentally" falling down. She thinks it's hilarious!

  21. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: @newlypregnantlady: I messaged my doctor after my last post and got a reply from a nurse like 5 minutes later. No fasting, just suggested to avoid a lot of sugar or carbs before hand. Not sure what to eat for breakfast since the smell and thought of eggs makes me want to puke

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: what about Greek yogurt with nuts and a little honey? Or maybe oatmeal or a green smoothie?

  23. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I dislike the taste of honey, but maybe I can do some Greek yogurt and fruit. I do a lot of oatmeal for breakfast, so that's an option, but I figured it would be kinda carb heavy. My first thought was peanut butter toast and a banana, but I was worried about the carbs.

    But I guess if I truly do not have GD it shouldn't make a difference. I just don't want to get a false reading!

  24. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    You guys got me worried about the glucose test...my dr. hasn't said anything about it yet! For my last pregnancy it was definitely at 28 weeks. My next OB appt is when I'm 25 weeks so maybe they'll talk to me about scheduling it after that? I also need to get a Rhogam shot at 28 weeks so I'm hoping I can do everything together!

    @Iced Tea We're going to Kauai next Friday--I'm SO excited!! I acutally LOVE wearing a bathing suit pregnant because I can just rock the belly and not worry about my tummy at all! I had to order a bigger bikini top though. I remember with my last pregnancy I tried on bikini tops at the start of the summer and DH is like "you know small children will be on the beach right?" hahaha. The girls are large and in charge for sure this time too!

  25. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I think my first one was at 28 weeks so I was a little surprised I am doing it so early! I was at a different doctor and hospital system last time though, so maybe they just do things differently here!

    Kind of unrelated, but we just signed our DS up for preschool! I can't believe it's already time for that, and it will be so strange to not have him around all day, every day. But he's so excited and I think it will be really nice for all of us. He will get a break from the baby, get to play with friends, and learn some more independence. I will get some alone bonding time with #2 and a little break from 2 kids 24/7! I wasn't sure I would get that, so I'm kinda excited for the extra bonding time!

  26. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    How is every one getting on preparing for baby?

    I feel like I'm no where near prepared enough! Pulled out all the clothes I have for baby boy the other day and don't have any where near as much as I thought! Hopefully have enough in newborn so really need to stock up on 0-3 months!
    Also, my 18 month old is still in the crib and was hoping to transfer her into a bed with her big sister before baby arrives but the money I thought I was going to use to buy her bed won't be available until july-ish which isn't a huge deal since baby will be in my room for the first 6 months at least but my 18 month olds room is getting full of baby stuff I've pulled out of storage plus other bits and pieces that get shoved in there.
    So who is rocking this getting ready thing and is there anyone struggling like me?

  27. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: We are planning on buying some new large baby items this time since we moved to a new place since our DS was a baby and we don't have the space for some of the things we used with DS. Thankfully my in-laws are buying some things and I'm sure my parents will as well. I did find an arm's reach cosleeper for $45 at a consignment store, which was awesome! DH pulled out a box of newborn toys from the basement and we found out it molded over the summer, so we lost a lot, including our Skip Hop playmat But I'm glad I fount out now, and not in June!

    I need to look through my DS's newborn and 0-3 month clothing and see what is useable. He was born in March in the Midwest, so I dressed him warmer than I will dress this babe. It's been a while though, so I need to look through it all! I have bought a handful of outfits I find on clearance. A lot of it has been more fall/winter since that's what's on clearance, but Carter's had a good sale for President's Day, so I bought a onesie set I loved and a couple other things. I figured I would space the clothing purchases out over the next couple months!

    We also need to rearrange our bedroom (and possibly get a new dresser because ours has never really worked for us, and will just take up space once the baby comes) to fit the baby's bed and a changing table.

    So yeah, we have a lot to do and it feels like my due date is kind of creeping up on me! But after traveling a lot to visit my niece and family for a month straight, we are on a spending freeze until we can make up some of the money we spent. You aren't the only one struggling for sure!

  28. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @bookwormmama: such a great deal on the cosleeper! I would love one myself but even second-hand theyre still crazy expensive grr

  29. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @bookwormmama: oh and glad I'm not the only one feeling like I'm struggling! I'll be 25 weeks in 2 days and my due date is just getting closer and closer. Dh, bless him, doesn't get why I'm starting to write to-do lists and worry about lack of time, you'd think at baby #3 he'd realise I like to be organised early.

  30. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: I know, the cosleeper was an amazing deal! I'm so glad I stopped into the consignment store that day! We wanted to get it because it's more compact than the pack n play, so it will fit better in our room.

    I've been stressing out about our stroller and it's driving my DH crazy, but the situation kinda sucks. We bought a Britax B-Ready with our first because we loved the idea of it going from a single to a double easily. Of course we bought it in 2013 and they've come out with a new model since then and have discontinued the second seat and other accessories for our version. I also found out about the City Select and it's configurations last year and I wish I had just gone with that one from the start. I like the way the seats sit much better! So now I'm trying to figure out ways we can sell the B-Ready and get the Select. My DS is a runner (ugh drives me crazy!) so I definitely will need a double for a while, and he likes the option of getting in and out of the stroller on longer outings. All the research on it drives my DH crazy. He should remember how crazy I was with research with my first pregnancy, haha!

  31. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @MrsStar: I don't feel the need to prep everything in advance this time, surprisingly. I got a video monitor (never had a monitor before) and some newborn cloth diapers. That's about it. I learned my lesson on clothing last time; I will buy some side snap tees for the beginning but wait to add anything else. Last time, half of the clothing I bought ahead of time proved unusable because my LO was too long and lean for the clothing I bought!

    All I really need to start is boobs, blankets, diapers, car seat and a place to sleep.

  32. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Iced Tea: I definitely feel less pressure about having every single baby product a month in advance! I usually remind myself I used very little in the beginning. A safe place to put the baby down, swaddle blankets, the boppy, and burp rags were probably the most used things! Well those and boobs like you said

    I'm feeling more stress about getting our space ready overall. It feels like we are already filled the brim in our little house so we need to purge and reorganize, but it feels like there is never enough time!

  33. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @MrsStar: I'm really procrastinating on getting stuff ready because I mostly need big stuff and we just moved and are tight on funds. My 18 month old needs her own bed, a dresser, we need a rug for our room. And I need to check out the state of our baby clothes and swing. Plus we really need a new shredder and I just broke our coffee maker! And I'll need new nursing materials (nipple cream, and hydrogel pads, plus new sleep bras).

    Basically besides buying a video monitor we've done nothing!

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    We haven't done anything yet! I'm going to order big boy bed and bedding for the 2 year old with Presidents' Day sale this weekend. We will switch him to brothers room sometime this spring. Otherwise we don't need to do much other than wash clothes, wash car seat, swing etc, and get another sound machine and newborn diapers. That stuff doesn't need to be done until like May.

  35. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    We also really haven't done anything to get ready. We already have 2 cribs, so I haven't decided if we'll transition DS to a bed before baby or not. I'll probably buy a few prints to put on the nursery walls but we're not painting. I do need to get the baby clothes down from the attic eventually to wash them, inventory them (we've had 2 fall babies thus far) and figure out who would like to have the girl clothes as hand-me downs ( ). I also need to see if our 3 carseats will fit in our nanny's car for when I go back to work.

    I had my 24 week OB appointment yesterday and I have to schedule my GD test for some time in the next couple of weeks. One annoying thing - they told me that I'd gained 10 lbs in a month. I was shocked but I haven't been weighing myself much so... ok. Weighed myself this morning at home and it looks like I've gained less than 10 lbs total since getting pregnant. I'm curious what their scale said! Maybe it just went in the computer wrong.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @rattles: I hope your ultrasound this week went well - I've been thinking about you!

  37. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    I'll admit I'm glad you aren't close to being completely prepared yet like me!
    After my post the other day I managed to give away the baby girl clothes I was holding onto, purchased some crib sheets today (thanks to a 50% off sale) and will hopefully go car shopping this weekend. After I get some bills paid in the next few weeks ill start focusing on prepping my hospital bag and crossing other baby items off the list.

    Also, turned 25 weeks yesterday! Can now see my tummy move when baby moves, my 4 year old thinks it's amazing! Heartburn is killing me in the evenings though and still having morning sickness every few days.

  38. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @MrsStar: I'm jealous that your 4yo thinks it's amazing. My daughter (4) is so not interested! I put her handing my belly yesterday and the baby kicked her SO hard and she said she didn't feel it. Still pretty abstract, I guess? She's a pretty astute kid...

  39. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MrsStar: that's so fun! DS1 is almost 5 and he is so very excited about this baby - he mentions how big my belly is getting almost every day. I can't wait for him to be able to feel the baby move.

  40. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @MrsF: @winniebee: yes it's amazing how interested in the baby she is! She's been asking for me to take him out now so she can share her toys with him. It's also been leading to some interesting questions/conversations e.g.. "daddy put the baby in you aye, how did he do that?"

    And overheard her talking to get 18 month old sister "mummy is going to have our brother and we're going to cuddle and play with him! Then when we're finished mummy will take him back to the baby shop!"
    Don't think that's how it's going to work, kid.

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