Welcome to our June 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome to our June 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
coconut / 8854 posts
Location: WI
EDD: June 8th
How far along: 3+6
First child? Nope, 2nd. My DD1 is almost 16 months
First doctor appointment: Oct 28th
Any symptoms so far? Just being super tired!!
Who have you told? Only DH so far. We will tell family after the first ultrasound. Probably for Halloween!
nectarine / 2148 posts
@MrsBrewer: ....yeaaaa no. We are in a lot of transitions at the moment. Plus, I really did not like having a summer baby.
persimmon / 1310 posts
Location: Tennessee
EDD: June 4
How far along: 4 +3
First child? No. I have my 19 month old rainbow baby. This'll be a rainbow baby too.
First doctor appointment: Somewhere between the 10th and 21st (6-7 weeks); they haven't given me one yet.
Any symptoms so far?
Fatigue, headaches, bloating, a little nausea. Basically waking up feeling like I have a hangover.
Who have you told? Only my husband. We agreed to wait, but he blabbed to his mom immediately. He is so poor at keeping secrets.
This baby feels sticky, and I got great blood test results, so I'm hopeful.
nectarine / 2994 posts
I'm here!
Location: New Zealand
EDD: no idea yet, will have to get a dating ultrasound done but I'm guessing early June!
First child: baby #3. I have a 4 year old and an almost 14 month old
First doctor appointment: will see my midwife probably early next week to get some folic acid and an ultrasound referral form
Any symptoms so far: dizziness, lack of appetite, upset tummy
Who have you told: hubby, my mum and my bff
I'm still in disbelief about this, lo2 took 15 months to concieve and I wasn't expecting a bfp anytime soon.
coconut / 8854 posts
@MrsStar: Yay!!! I'm in the same boat of disbelief. I needed Clomid the last time around because I never would ovulate. But this time I got pregnant on my own during my 2nd cycle!! Congrats!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Wow, June 2017 moms already? Hi from a June 2012 mom. It's a great month to be born! Congrats all.
coconut / 8854 posts
@pregnantbee: Hi!! I'm a June 2015 mom too, and now a soon to be June 2017 mom. I think June's a good month!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsBrewer: Oh wow! Congrats! Oh, and I won't be a June 2017 mom. My last baby is 2 mos old
kiwi / 556 posts
Hey guys! I'm actually a sporadic poster who created a new account because too many people IRL know my old account and I'm not ready to tell people I'm preggo!
Location: California
EDD: not sure yet. I ovulated really late in my cycle so I'm thinking early June.
How far along: 5 weeks?
First child? Nope. My first LO is 14 months, so this will be LO2.
First doctor appointment: early next week. We just moved so it's a new practice to me. I'm a little nervous. It's a much bigger practice than my previous pregnancy.
Any symptoms so far? Tired, some headaches, and I just today started getting some vague morning sickness. In my first pregnancy I had fairly severe morning sickness from weeks 6-22.
Who have you told? Just DH and my LO.
I keep taking HPTs because I just can't believe I'm pregnant! It's not a surprise (we were NTNP) I just am in shock, I think.
cherry / 146 posts
Hi everyone!!
Location: Maryland
EDD: June 8th (hey @MrsBrewer!)
How far along:4 wks 1 day
First child? Yes!
First doctor appointment: Oct. 20th
Any symptoms so far? Some cramping, exhaustion
Who have you told? My husband, my therapist, one close friend
honeydew / 7283 posts
Location: Boston
EDD: June 12
How far along: 3w5d (crazy early!)
First child? Nope - third My daughter is 4 and my son is 22 months
First doctor appointment: Not sure yet. I haven't even technically missed a period. My new OB office said to call after a missed period and they'll set up blood work so I'll call Monday. I've never had blood work to confirm before, but I guess each practice is different!
Any symptoms so far? Nope - just excitement. I've had bad morning sickness with each of my kids, so I'm trying to enjoy feeling good while it lasts.
Who have you told? Just my husband
honeydew / 7283 posts
It's so nice to join all of you ladies! I wasn't involved with HB when I was pregnant with my daughter, but I am still so close to the birth group from my second pregnancy. We still chat almost every day
@MrsStar: I'm happy to see another 3rd time mom!
nectarine / 2994 posts
Congrats to everyone so far!
I had hyperememis with my last 2 pregnancies so I'm desperate to not have it this time.
olive / 55 posts
Location: Canada
EDD: June 13
How far along: 3w 4d
First child? 3rd! (I also have 2 boys -almost 4 & 2.5)
First doctor appointment: TBD I haven't called yet
Any symptoms so far? Adversions to certain smells, slight nausea and fatigue. (I'm also sick with a killer cold so that is probably to blame for the last 2 symptoms). Didn't have any morning sickness with my boys!
Who have you told? Husband (who blabbed to our best friends)
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MrsStar: That must be awful It would be wonderful if you didn't have it this time!
@MissKriss19: Congratulations! Happy to see another mom of 3
nectarine / 2994 posts
Just booked my first ultrasound for next Tuesday to find out how far along I am - hopefully I'll be staying in the June group! Anyone else having early ultrasounds?
nectarine / 2994 posts
@MrsF: yes it was! Vomitted all day every day until 26 weeks with both kids and then random vomiting until they were born. It was horrible. Really hoping it doesn't happen this time since I have no idea how I'd cope with a young toddler to look after
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MrsStar: I'm so jealous! I think my new OB does an ultrasound around 7 weeks - which is really soon of course but feels like forever...
kiwi / 556 posts
@MrsStar: I didn't have GH with my first but I definitely had severe ms. I'm also really worried about how it's going to go with a young toddler. I'm already so tired. But I'm trying to still do our regular activities while I can!
coconut / 8854 posts
@MrsStar: lucky! I wish I had an ultrasound this early! My first appt isn't until the 28th!
honeydew / 7283 posts
I just called the office for my new OB (who I've never actually met before). They scheduled me for a blood test a week from today to confirm and said that they usually do the first appointment / ultrasound at 10 or 12 weeks. They had told me they do an ultrasound at 7 weeks a few months ago when I made an appointment for an annual and told them that we were TTC.
A few weeks doesn't matter in the big picture but it feels huge right now!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
I'm cautiously jumping in...
Location: Texas
EDD: May 31/June 1 (One is based LMP and the other ovulation. My doc wants to wait to set it until my 1st tri u/s.)
How far along: 5 wks 6 days
First child? 3rd! I have two little girls born in Dec. '12 and Nov. '14.
First doctor appointment: I had an appointment last Wednesday because I've had some spotting. I'm on progesterone supplements and praying this baby hangs in there with me. My next appointment and first ultrasound are 10/12 at 7 weeks.
Any symptoms so far? Mild aversions, fatigue
Who have you told? Oh man, way more people than I'm comfortable with! My 3.5 year old is telling everyone accidentally by asking, "can we PLEASE tell them the secret about your tummy, Mama?" in front of them. I'm glad she's excited but wish fewer people knew so early! We told my inlaws, siblings and best friend. She's told my parents, her entire class, our next door neighbors and the checker at TJ's. I also had to tell a couple of friends because I had a bachelorette party last weekend and knew I couldn't avoid notice in a group of 6 with bottle service.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@rattles: Congratulations! I really want to tell my 4 year old but that's exactly what will happen Our kids are super close in age - My daughter is Sept '12 and my son is Nov '14
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@MrsF: how fun! I'm excited to spread out the birthdays a bit, and I'm excited to have them all two grades apart. I would have waited to tell her for the same reason, but upon hearing the news, DH yelled, "we're having a baby!" loud enough that she heard it... I wonder where she gets it
honeydew / 7968 posts
Location: New Jersey
EDD: 6/17. Rut Ro, got cousins bdays in June around the same date so there may be conflicting parties. Lol.
How far along: 3 weeks 3 days? Haven't technically missed a period either.
First child? 4th!
First doctor appointment: have to find a new doc. Didn't like my old one
Any symptoms so far? None so far
Who have you told? Husband. Dying to tell everyone. But we've had a miscarriage before so I know better.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Iced Tea: hoping all our babies are extra sticky!
@MrsStar: I'm in total disbelief too. Intervention for first pregnancy, second was less than a year, this one was the first try!
@MrsF: ugh had bad morning sickness with my twins and had nausea pretty much the entire time with my third kid; hoping all our pregnancies are kind to us.
@rattles: o no! Haha I'm dying to tell my kids, especially my daughter because she wants a sister so badly but afraid they will blab to everyone lol.
Congrats everyone! H&h9 to us!
coconut / 8854 posts
Nausea is starting up here a little bit. Not too bad though thankfully. I'm 4+5. If I remember right, my first pregnancy I was sick between weeks 5-7
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@tequiero21: congratulations! I'm starting with a new doc this time too. She had great reviews from my friends, but my experience with the office staff so far haven't been impressive. I hope you find a good fit!
@MrsBrewer: I hope it's just enough nausea to feel confident that the baby is cooking along but not enough to be too debilitating!
@MrsStar: I hope you can avoid HG this go around! I didn't have it, but with my second there was a day where I threw up 9 times before noon and ended up hospitalized for fluids. I was on nausea meds and still getting sick until 18 weeks or so. I'm hoping it's better this time!
kiwi / 501 posts
Congratulations to you all!
I'm cautiously joining, but feeling positive! I had an FET on 9/22 and I just got confirmation witj my 1st Beta! I go back Thursday to make sure it's doubling!
Location: Florida
EDD: June 10th
How far along: 4wks4days
First child? Yes! I'm so excited and still in shock!
First doctor appointment: My first u/s will be 10/20!! We will also find out if it's 1 or 2. We put in 2 embryos, so I hope it's twins! I just can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!!
Any symptoms so far? Tired.. very tired.
Who have you told? Pretty much everyone... DH entire family knew we were going through IVF and knew we were finding out yesterday. I've been very open about my infertility, and I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, so I don't mind!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Winnie13: woo hoo! Fx for twins!!!! I have a soft spot for twins ;)... Was this your first ivf?
kiwi / 501 posts
Thank you ladies so much!!
@tequiero21: Yes, this was our first transfer. We did a FET because I got OHSS and my transfer got cancelled back in July. Are your twins from your IVF cycle?? I really hope it's twins for us!
honeydew / 7968 posts
It's official! Now, my hubby believes me lol. Gotta call an obgyn tomorrow.
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