Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsStar: hahahaha, that's hilarious! My son is also really interested in the baby...we talk about development a lot and he sings louder at school "so his baby can hear him"."

    DS apparently gave DH and I the plague. I feel SO FREAKING awful. Stuffy nose and horrible cough. I've had a low grade fever off and on since yesterday (nothing over 99.8), but it's the cough that is killing me. I coughed so hard tonight I threw up. And I'm not sleeping great because my nose is stuffed and I keep coughing. I might have to call and see if I can take anything because I'm miserable. I was waking up every 1-2 hours last night. And DS has been a pain in the butt this week (probably still recovering himself and we have my sisters visiting) and it is making it so much harder. He seemed like he was over it in 1.5 days, but I'm going on 48 hours and feel no better. And since DH is sick he has even less patience for DS's bad behavior (even though he can take meds and slept better than me last night πŸ™„), so I feel like the parenting needs to fall to me. I just hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

  2. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @MrsStar: That's adorable

    @bookwormmama: I hope you had a better night's sleep last night! I had a horrible cold (maybe the flu?) that I'm just coming out of and combining that with pregnancy was just the worst - particularly in the sleep department. I hope yours is short-lived! I took some cough medicine that my OB said was ok, plus benadryl at night as a decongestant and to help me sleep.

  3. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsF: we were kind of wondering if DS had gotten the flu, but it passed really quickly for him and his temp never got super high, so hopefully we don't actually have the flu. But it certainly feels like it! I've had off and on chills and sweats, but my temp is never very high. It's been horrible. I think I might have slept a little better last night, but still not great. Now my cough is much more in my throats and I feel like I'm coughing more...my throats has gotten really scratchy. I have a regular appointment tomorrow morning, but maybe I need to call today. I've been doing lots of honey and lemon, which I've been told is one of the best things for coughs, but it doesn't feel like it's touching this cough! Some decongestant might help everything overall though since I'm breathing through my mouth a lot...I guess I need to call!

  4. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: @MrsF: Wow I hope you guys start to feel better soon. Being sick while pregnant is no joke.

    I officially converted my 19 month old's crib to a toddler bed today. We'll see how naptime goes! She's also been undressing on the few occasions she hasn't been able to escape the crib, so I decided to just bite the bullet and change it. Maybe having access to her toys will distract her enough to not take all her clothes off!

    And I finally organized her closet and the baby clothes. So I've done all I can before we buy her a dresser. I also discovered some summer clothes in her size that we got from some friends that I didn't know we had! So that's great.

  5. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bookwormmama: sick and pregnant totally stinks. feel better soon!

  6. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: Sounds terrible I hope you can get some relief soon!

  7. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: @winniebee: @MrsF: thanks ladies. I called the OB nurse line today and she gave suggestions for what I can take. I've been taking cough syrup (plain Robitussin) and Sudaphed, and today was maybe a little better. But I went to bed 4 hours ago and I haven't slept at all because I've been coughing constantly. And I feel guilty because my husband is trying to sleep, but I can't go anywhere because my sisters are sleeping in our living room and we only have a 2 bedroom house. I just want to get to sleep! I have my glucose test in the morning, so at least I'm seeing my OB, but waiting this out is horrible.

  8. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    Not sure I'm feeling any better, but I had my 24 week appointment today and my doctor suggested taking benedryl and sudaphed tonight to help me sleep. My cough is driving me crazy and my back and ribs are killing me!

    In better news, I passed my glucose test! They did the test on a glucose monitor (that was like 3 times the size of personal ones) right in front of me, which was cool. I found out right away, much better than waiting a week like last time! I had the fruit punch drink this time and I thought it was better than the orange one. It tasted like Hawaiian Punch.

    I also had my follow up ultrasound for my placenta location. Baby is still a girl! She was moving A TON because of the glucose drink and it made the tech's job kinda difficult. But she was able to see the stuff she needed and my placenta is 2 cms from my cervix, which is the very minimum they want to see, and because I've had a c-section they want to see it a little higher than the scar area. So I will be going back for another ultrasound in 8 weeks. It sounds like it didn't move quite as quickly as they were hoping, so we will see what happens. I'm glad they are taking extra precautions around the scar tissue because I do have concerns about my placenta attaching to the area where my scar is. I'm not married to a VBAC or a RCS, and I think this will really only affect the birth, so I'm not overly worried about it moving or not, so long as there are no complications!

    ETA: Oh! And baby weighs about 1lb 6oz! Kinda crazy we are getting into the pounds now! She's measuring right on track (which is similar to DS I believe), so hopefully she will be similar size to big brother (he was a little less than 7.5 lbs).

  9. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @bookwormmama: Great news re your placenta moving. I'm hoping for some movement on mine as well at my 28 week ultrasound. Good luck with your sickness! I hope the meds work soon and you can get some sleep

  10. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @bookwormmama: great news about the glucose test and the placenta! I'm debating whether I should go in on a Saturday or just take my toddler with me. When I've been to the lab on weekdays there's literally no one there, but on Saturdays there's practically a line out the door!

    I'm worried about this baby being huge because I've gained so much weight already.

  11. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: Glad you had a good appointment! I hope that your cold is better soon. It's awful to be sick and pregnant

  12. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: @newlypregnantlady: @MrsF: I thankfully slept a million times better last night, but definitely still exhausted. I'm hoping things are getting better. I am coughing less and feel like things are getting better overall. I think I just need some downtime after this week!

    @newlypregnantlady: I thankfully didn't need to bring my toddler with. My sisters were visiting, so I scheduled my glucose test and the ultrasound for yesterday so DH could come with to the ultrasound without us having to wrangle DS. I feel so sluggish and crappy after drinking the glucose drink I don't think I'd have the energy to chase my toddler! I understand the dilemma though!

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I'm eating like a cow - literally ate dinner last night and dessert and then my friend's husband was eating his dinner when I was visiting an hour later and I nearly grabbed the food right off of his plate. Also, really out of breath lately and breathing like a rhino. I don't remember this happening until much later!

  14. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @winniebee: I'm right there with you. I'm eating everything and then feeling kind of sick afterwards (probably because my stomach is compressed) but still wanting more. I'm short of breath just going up the stairs or having a fast conversation - I can't imagine what the third tri is going to look like this time!

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MrsF: I'm still working out some so I'm surprised I feel so out of breath all the time Glad (?!) I'm not alone!

  16. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @winniebee: I was like that with my son. I ate ALL the time. I had two full sized breakfasts almost every day. It was really bad in the first trimester, but I think I still ate a lot through the second. I didn't gain crazy amounts of weight, so I guess my body just needed that. This pregnancy has been way different in that way...I don't have much of an appetite at all. Even if I'm feeling hungry at night I don't always feel like eating.

    I also struggled with shortness of breath with my son. It was pretty ridiculous! I was like 9 weeks when it started and I would be out of breath just from walking across the room or talking. I ended up starting Zyrtec and Flonase after it was recommended by a pulmonologist. They both helped a ton. It's been warm the past couple weeks in my area, and my allergies always get bad when the weather changes. Do you think that could be an issue?

  17. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    I've been MIA and have been catching up, but I wanted to say, @bookwormmama: I'm so sorry for the loss of your niece. Saying a prayer for your family!
    Glad you are feeling better!! Awesome that you passed your glucose!! Mine is right after I hit 28w. So, in 3 weeks (so crazy how time is flying)!

    @Mrsstar: Things are coming along slowly. We have all our nursery furniture set up, so that's a plus. We kind of need everything to be ready by 34w. The MFM said they won't stop my labor after that, so pretty much the entire month of May!

    @newlypregnantlady: I've gained soooo much weight already!! I'm embarrassed to admit... 40lbs!!! I'm at the higher end of acceptable weight for twins though. I swear it's all gone to my thighs!!! Lol! I've tried to be a bit better with my eating. I didn't think I had flown off the handle, but the scale doesn't lie!! Lol!

    Glad everyone is feeling more movement! So exciting!

    I'll be 26w on Saturday! We had some measurements done last week (24w5d). Baby girl was measuring 1lb 10oz and baby boy was measuring 1lb 14oz!! They are both right on track! That was awesome to hear!

    So, I didn't post after we had our echo done, but they found a calcium deposit (Echogenic intracardiac focus EIF) on our little boys heart. The doctors weren't too concerned since I've had an NT and BW done and passed both with flying colors. It's still a little concerning though and I'm praying it goes away soon! Any other mommas have this with their LO?

  18. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Winnie13: hey! We went though it with our second son. He had it at 18 weeks and it was gone by 22 or 24 weeks? They screwed up my blood work so I hadn't gotten my downs risk by the time of that 18 week scan...so it was nerve wracking until the blood work did come back. All is well with him. Of all the little issues to pop up, this one seems to be one that resolves without any fanfare.

  19. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Winnie13: My oldest had an EIF at her anatomy scan. We were freaked out but it ended up being nothing, of course. Sounds like you're in good shape with all of your other testing being normal!

  20. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @winnie13 glad to hear from you! Sounds like your LOs are growing so well--how exciting! Sorry about your echo results but it sounds like @winniebee had a positive experience and if the docs aren't concerned, you shouldn't be either. I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much!

    We just got back from the most glorious 10 days in Hawaii. DH had to take the bar exam since we recently moved to a different state so it was sooo wonderful to finally see him again and relax as a family. DD had the best time swimming in the ocean and was a champ traveler including a big boat trip and helicopter ride. I'm pretty sure I did everything my OB would NOT recommend but man it was worth it!

    I'm having so much heartburn/acid reflux though and it's bizarre because all of baby's movements are super super low and everyone comments that I'm carrying low. I thought heartburn happened mostly when baby is pushing up high in the chest. I use Tums (but HATE them) and also have been trying papaya extract pills. My next step is something OTC like Pepcid--can anyone recommend something that worked or warn me away from anything? Starting to feel big and not sure how I will keep growing!!

  21. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @Winnie13: for the last two weeks I've managed not to gain more weight, thank god! I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up because if I eat at around 9pm I feel so much less nauseated in the morning. I hope you get some good news soon. I feel like doctors tend to be very cautious when it comes to these things, and if they're not concerned I'd try my best to relax.

    I feel like this baby is so much less active than my first LO. So I'll worry a bunch and then lay down for a kick count and get tons of kicks. I think she's just lulled to sleep when I walk around.

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I've only had mild heartburn, so I don't know how much this helps. But I've found eating smaller meals helps me. And trying to eat things like milk, banana, and bread helps. Anything too greasy, with tomatoes, too cheesy, or too large makes my acid reflux come back. When I start to get that heartburn feeling I eat a small bowl of cereal and it helps for awhile. But I'm no doctor for sure. Also I've found that different brands of Tums taste different. I found off brand is chalkier and I only like certain flavors. My MIL loves mint flavor but I have to have the berry flavor. And I prefer the "Tums Smoothies" vs the regular. I think they're less chalky.

  22. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I have had horrible heartburn since the beginning. I had it pretty bad with my first pregnancy, but it didn't start until later on (like star of the 3rd tri I think). I take a generic prescription for Prevacid. I tried Pepcid with my first pregnancy and it didn't really do anything, so I moved up to Prevacid. I do a prescription for the generic because it's cheaper than buying 7+ months of the OTC stuff. I take one pill in the morning. I also added one generic OTC Zantac pill in the evening before dinner (the Zantac 75) because the Prevacid wasn't doing enough and my heartburn was still pretty miserable in the evenings. My doctor suggested adding it and it has helped. I have had people suggest doing one Zantac 75 in the morning and one at night, but I tried that and I didn't feel a big difference. Since I had just filled a prescription for 3 months of the Prevacid I just stuck with my previous routine. I buy the Zantac OTC because it's only like $4 a bottle and it lasts for a month. I still have heartburn, but most days it's a ton better than it was before I started this routine. It's been bothering me the past week, but I think it's related to my cold...I'm STILL dealing with a lot of mucus and a cough, and I think it's irritating my heartburn. I don't have the burning feeling, it's more like a regurgitation feeling in the back of my throat constantly.

    @newlypregnantlady: this baby is so much MORE active than my son was, and she seems to be on a second shift type schedule. Really active in the afternoons/evenings and then a night when I'm trying to sleep. I'm worried it means we will have a baby that wants to be up until 1am every night!

    I feel like this pregnancy is totally destroying my body. I have a ton of stretch marks on the tops/fronts of my thighs, and I have been dealing with a lot of ingrown hairs on my belly and upper thighs that hurt. I think it's from things getting bigger, but it's so weird. I didn't have this with my first. I have noticed that my nails and hair seem to be growing faster than they did with my first too, so maybe that has something to do with it.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: that sounds amazing!!!!

    I'm starting with the heartburn at night too - it sucks! Also just super tired lately. Starting to feel baby move from the outside which is nice

    Has anyone heard from Rattles? I've been thinking about her.

  24. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @winniebee: I've also been wondering how she is doing and what kind of updated information she has gotten.

  25. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @winniebee: @bookwormmama: you ladies are the sweetest. Sorry to have been MIA. My grandfather died two weeks ago, and we had family in town for the arrangements throughout last week. Things are going as well as they could be, all things considered. I had my 28 week appointment today, and I've seen the MFM since I last checked in too. I'm still pregnant (obvi), we're past viability, and fluid/growth both look good. The kidney issue is what it is, but the more recent scans made the docs rule out Pierre Robin or other issues with the jaw which is a relief. As long as the good kidney can keep compensating fluid-wise and the cord can support the baby then they'll let me stick with my OB and hospital for delivery. I've been following the thread even though I couldn't keep up in real time, and I'm so glad you're all doing well!

  26. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @rattles: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing. I'm sure you know this, but take care of yourself. It is such a stressful and emotionally difficult time and I'm sure having visitors and dealing with your baby's kidney issue is making things harder.

    I'm happy to hear most things are looking good with your baby and that you've had more serious issues ruled out. Hopefully you continue to hear positive news as time goes on. I can't believe you are 28 weeks already, time is passing quickly!

  27. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @rattles: I'm very sorry for your loss πŸ˜₯ However I am so relieved to hear that the issue with this baby is confined to the kidney. I'm glad you'll be monitored closely but it seems like you are on the right track! Thanks for updating us!!

  28. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @rattles sorry about your grandfather but so glad that the really bad things are ruled out with baby. Great news you can stick with your current OB and hospital. Congrats for making it to 28 weeks!! How are you feeling?

  29. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: That sounds like such an amazing trip! Sorry about the reflux I had gastritis with my last pregnancy and they prescribed daily nexium and pepcid, which helped.

    @rattles: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. It sounds like you've had a lot going on. I'm glad that some things have been ruled out and that baby is doing ok. I've been thinking about you!

  30. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    Ugh ladies I'm seriously DRAGGING this week. I know I just got back from vacation but I've been getting decent sleep and working way less than normal so what gives? 25 weeks--is that a big growth spurt? Thankfully it is suddenly sunny spring here so I plan to spend some time outside exercising today after work. I hope that peps me up a bit. Any others feeling just exhausted for no apparent reason (other than growing a crazy karate kicking human)?

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: haha. Yeah. I'm a week behind you and battling a little cold but I'm just exhausted lately. So tired. Granted I run around like a crazy person working with 2 little kids but....still....zzzzzzzz.

  32. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I'm a little ahead of you (28 weeks) and I've been absolutely exhausted. I've taken to napping for hours on the weekend and it helps a little. And I basically go to bed at 8-830. I try to nap during naptime but my toddler has decided that sleep is for fools!

    I'd forgotten that pregnancy makes me exhausted. My first LO was an average newborn (so no colic) and I just remember feeling so much better after she was born. I think I'm just bad at being pregnant! And I'm still pretty nauseated at times. My doctor is wondering if maybe I'm having some mild acid reflux that's making me nauseated. I have no idea, but right now I'm exhausted!

    But in good news I'm pretty sure I passed my glucose test. I haven't heard from the doctor but based on my number I think I'm okay!

  33. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: I was feeling super run down around 25 weeks too. I was miserably sick, but I felt exhausted and like it took forever for my cold to heal. I thought the exhaustion may have just been the cold, but I think I remember feeling pretty uncomfortable too and wondering about a growth spurt.

  34. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: The exhaustion is rough I'm actually feeling *slightly* more energy at almost 27 weeks, but my whole body just feels 100 years old. I'm legitimately worried about what the 3rd tri will bring. Glad spring has sprung for you - that can make all the difference!

    @newlypregnantlady: I'm still feeling nauseous too (or maybe it's again... I felt fairly good for a bit there. Not really sure what that's about, but reflux is an idea. I hope we're both feeling better soon!

  35. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    Passed the glucose tolerance test, thank goodness. I freaking hate that test and am loving the idea of never having to do it again.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MrsF: woo hoo! I have mine Monday. Yuck.

  37. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    Currently taking the 3 hour glucose testπŸ™„ failed the 1 hour by 2 points...... ugh!! Anyone fail the first but passed the second?

  38. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    I was just reminded about the glucose test on Friday. My ob practice only does 2 hours now to avoid the repeat of 3. How am I going to last 2 hours of not eating in the morning? I'm absolutely starving every morning when I wake up!

  39. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: do they make you fast before the test? My office told me to definitely eat, just try to avoid a super sugary/carb loaded breakfast. The nurse said they would never expect a pregnant woman to fast all night for the test in the morning. I know my instructions from the lab were to fast, but it had a note that pregnant women should talk to their doctors for specific instructions.

    @Mrs.Hawk71: have you gotten the results back yet? That sucks you had to do the 3 hour for a 1 point difference...I don't know a lot of people that failed on and passed the second, but I also don't know a ton of people that had GD in general. I hope you pass!

  40. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @winniebee: Oh, man! I can't even imagine!! I'm sure you were a nervous wreck with that wait! Glad it cleared up! We are praying it does for our baby boy. It was still there at the 24w scan. I go back on the 22nd and I'll be 28+4.
    @MrsF: That's a relief! Thank you!
    @Mrs. Pajamas: Your Hawaii trip sounds amazing!! How awesome! I definitely have had some heartburn this pregnancy! Tums have helped, but Zantac 75 is the real winner!! Hope it gets a little better for you!
    @rattles: I'm so sorry to hear the news of your grandfather passing. Definitely take care of yourself right now. Glad to hear the more serious conditions have been ruled out and everything else was looking good!
    @newlypregnantlady: @MrsF: Yay for passing your glucose!! Mine is on the 21st!
    @Mrs.Hawk71: Ugh, I'm sorry! Hopefully you pass this one with flying colors!!

    So, I had a normal OB check on Tuesday and din't get the best news. Babies are great, so that's a relief. It's just their momma that's not. I've been getting an increase of BH for the past few weeks. Probably around 5-10 a day, if not more. I told my nurse practitioner and she didn't like the sound of that. She checked my cervix and I'm soft and 1cm. Officially on pelvic rest for the rest of my pregnancy (sorry to DH) and I'm now at a higher risk for bed rest. They started me on Procardia to help prevent preterm labor and it's an awful little drug. Whatever I have to do though to keep these babies in! I'm praying I don't have to go on bed rest! I'm only 27w!!

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