Hellobee Boards


June 2017 moms!

  1. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: thanks for the feedback. I've been considering starting the same. Glad to hear it's helping!
    @math.nerd: congrats and welcome!
    @MrsF: so glad to hear the wedding was a success!

  2. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @math.nerd: Congratulations and welcome! Being pregnant with our second was so scary for me because I had such a hard time after my first was born. Doing it the second time was so much easier for us though. The confidence of already being parents is just a huge game changer!

  3. math.nerd

    apricot / 253 posts

    @rattles: Thanks!
    @MrsF: Thank you! I'm telling myself that the second time around will be different because I'M different now too - but I'm not 100% convinced that's true yet So it's nice to hear that I won't completely forget what I've learned once this second one comes around- and you're going for round three so that's a good sign too!

  4. newlypregnantlady

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @rattles: No problem! It did take 2-3 days for me to start feeling better, so don't give up if you start and it takes awhile to work.

  5. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @newlypregnantlady: awesome, thanks! I've only been nauseous (not sick) so far, but because it got so bad last time, I'm trying to head things off proactively.
    @math.nerd: I totally agree with @MrsF. Going from one to two was infinitely easier for me. I didn't have PPD to deal with, but it still took me months and months to feel like I was keeping my head above water. After my second, we were out and about and feeling almost back to a new normal within a couple of weeks.

  6. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @MrsF How are you sleeping now? I keep waking up REALLY early and not being able to go back to sleep.

    Also, today I officially graduated from nausea to full blown morning sickness, while walking my dog in the dark haha, it was hilarious in retrospect, though not while it was happening.

  7. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @msmilkshake: yeah - I've been having the crazy early waking problem as well. It's 8pm and I'm in bed right now. Fingers crossed for tonight!

  8. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    I just had my first puking session this morning My 2 yo sat outside the bathroom alternating between yelling "you throw up mom?!" and pretending to puke himself. At least he wasn't overly upset about it? I only threw up once in my last pregnancy and I don't remember it being as bad as this morning. It sucked, but I also felt a little better after puking, which is a nice change from the constant hungover feeling I've had for days.

    How's everyone else feeling/doing?

  9. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @bookwormmama: you poor thing. That's miserable, and toddler imitation is always insult to injury, I think. I hope you feel better soon!

    My kids both have ear infections and were up 5 times last night, between the two of them. We're basically spending today on the couch with excessive screen time for everyone. I'm hoping the unisom/b6 will help soon.

  10. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @bookwormmama: Oh no!! Although I kind of laughed about your 2 yr old!

    I'm actually feeling a lot better, I think my morning sickness is subsiding, and it did right around this time the last time around too. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. I'm counting down till my 1st appt though, and I'm getting really nervous for it. It's next Friday.

  11. MrsT927

    olive / 51 posts

    I've been lurking for the past week and have decided to finally poke my head out of the sand

    I got my BFP for baby #2 last week and have been swaying behind not totally believing it and being insanely excited/terrified.

    Early symptoms this time have been much more mild than with my son. Little to no real nausea (yet)- just more of the hotflashes and waves of hangover. Which of course is great, except that it makes me extra nervous about the stickiness of this little one. Trying to relax and think positively instead!

    EDD is 6/21
    First midwife appt is 11/9

  12. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsT927: congrats! How old is your first LO?

    @rattles: @MrsBrewer: I have to laugh at him/the story....at least he brings laughter into the situation. After going potty this morning he ran back to the toilet and said "I need to throw up!" And made the gagging sounds. Thanks kid. 🙄

    @rattles: I hope your LOs start to feel better! Five wake ups in the first trimester sounds awful

  13. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @bookwormmama: Well he has a good memory!! My LO who's only 16 months has been following me to the bathroom every time now, like just when I have to pee (which is all.the.time!!) So now she's like super interested in it! I'm like, well maybe this is a blessing in disguise, maybe I can potty train even before this LO is here! hahahaha probably laughable!

  14. MrsT927

    olive / 51 posts

    @Bookwormmama : Thanks! My little guy turned 2 in August.

  15. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    So, it's official!! We are having twins!!! God is so good! We didn't get to hear the heartbeats, but we got to see them!! I go back in 2 weeks for a follow up u/s and hoping to be released then! Here are my two sweet peas!!!

  16. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @math.nerd: Congrats and welcome! Praying for a smooth pregnancy!!
    @MrsT927: Congratulations!!
    @bookwormmama: Sorry you are so sick!! I've been sick to my stomach, but no vomiting yet! That is precious about your LO though!!

  17. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Winnie13: congrats! That is so exciting!

  18. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @Winnie13 Wow! How wonderful!
    @Math,Nerd Welcome! And yay math nerds!
    @BookWormMama My one vomiting episode thus far happened while walking the dog and she kept trying to eat it. Ew. So unnecessary.

    Today was another long day of nausea, but I am really excited for my Drs Appt tomorrow! I don't think I get to see anything, but I'm excited just to have something tangible to do!

  19. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    @Winnie13: Wow! Congrats!

    Still struggling hard here with the nausea. I've been on the max dose of Diclegis for about 5 days, and it helps but isn't enough for me. There's a very short list of barely acceptable foods I can eat. Smelling food cooking is horrible (even plain pasta or rice) so I've been getting take out every day to feed my daughter. I really hope this doesn't last as long as it did last time; it was 23 weeks and returned some at the end. I'm trying to find a part-time nanny to help us out, but I haven't found a great candidate yet.

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Winnie13: ahhhhhhh I am so happy for you!!! Congrats on two little peas in a pod. I wish nothing but smooth sailing from here on out

  21. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Winnie13: omgggg yayyyy! So excited for u! I just got the chills and am reminiscing about how excited I was to find out both took!

    @Iced Tea: ugh, I know. Smelling food. Garbage. My kids poops. Ugh. I have to breathe with my mouth.

    @MrsT927: congrats!!!

    @bookwormmama: too cute! My 2 yo did sorta the same. I've been gagging and dry heaving and he goes along and copies me lol. I did get it on video lol.

  22. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @MrsT927: welcome!

    @Winnie13: eek! Congratulations! How very exciting!

    @msmilkshake: good luck at the appointment! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

    @Iced Tea: hope you find some help soon!

  23. MrsT927

    olive / 51 posts

    @winnie13 : CONGRATULATIONS! You must be over the moon! Such fun news!
    @icedtea: Ugh, that sounds rough. Hoping you feel better soon.

    For those of you on pregnancy #2, 3, 4 or more, were all of your pregnancies and symptoms similar? I'm mentally struggling with how different I feel at this stage compared to last time. It has me totally freaked out.

  24. math.nerd

    apricot / 253 posts

    @msmilkshake: Yay math nerds - are you one too?? @bookwormmama: ha! Your son sounds amazing. Hope you're feeling better though.

    When I picked my son up yesterday the first thing he said was "there's a baby in there". Which was super weird because I haven't told him anything (he's only just under 3). And it was in front of my mom, who is not in on the secret yet. Luckily when I asked him where the baby was he pointed to a nearby building and said "In there!". Ha!

    @MrsT927: I'm still so early and I didn't have any symptoms this early last time, but this time I'm WAY more emotional. Everything I read makes me well up with tears. Very unlike me.
    Just remember - every pregnancy is different! And try to enjoy the NOT feeling terrible, if you can! I bet some of the mental struggle is hormonal too - like the intense feelings you're having about not feeling unwell you could actually consider a symptom of the pregnancy! Does that make sense??

  25. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Winnie13: Yay!!!! God is so good!! Congrats!

    So I still haven't had my 1st appt/ultrasound yet, and I still feel like I'm in disbelief.....like i still don't believe I'm pregnant. Silly I know....

  26. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @math.nerd I am! I teach 3rd grade math, but also just generally love it!
    @iced tea I hope you feel better soon!

    Appointment today went well, I really liked the doctor and tiny human's heartbeat was normal! This seems to really be happening!

  27. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @MrsT927: my first live pregnancy was with twins. I had a date with the toilet daily from weeks 6-15. With my second, I threw up twice but was nauseous pretty much the entire pregnancy. This is a lil early but I'm definitely gagging and dry heaving. But every pregnancy is different!

    @msmilkshake: cute lil bean!

    I had an appt with my ob and I like him. But sadly, no ultrasound. I'm like 5 5 so probably would not have seen anything. But won't see the dr for another 4 weeks so hopefully I get an us then.

  28. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @MrsBrewer: totally feel like that. It won't feel real until I see and hear the heart beat.

  29. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @MrsBrewer: my appointment is still a week and a half away and it's killing me!

    @msmilkshake: yay! Awesome update!

    @MrsT927: I think a lot of my symptoms are pretty similar (bloating, heartburn, lots of break outs), but I think my nausea and exhaustion are worse this time. I was never really tired during my first pregnancy (it kinda worried me since everyone mentions the exhaustion), but it's definitely different this time. Could be related to having a toddler this time too. My nausea feels like an all day hangover and I've gagged a ton more than I did last time.

    My hunger is back in full force (I am CONSTANTLY starving like in my first pregnancy), but at the same time most things don't sound appetizing. It's kinda frustrating because I think hunger makes my ms worse, but nothing sounds stomach-able. Ugh

  30. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @math.nerd: no puking today! But I did gag once and he made sure to be right there asking if I was throwing up, ha! He's so funny, it's one of my favorite things about him!

  31. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    Hello everyone! I was on the October POAS board and am so happy to join you all here.

    Location: Wales, UK

    EDD: June 10th?

    How far along: Based on my last period, the midwife I spoke to calculated I am almost 7 weeks but my digital hpt said only '2-3 weeks' so I'm not sure which is correct to be honest.

    First child? Yup! So ecstatic and clueless in equal measure ha.

    First doctor appointment: My 'booking appointment' with the local midwife team is November 8th. As a few of you have said though, it's difficult to quite believe until I have some kind of 'proof' from a medical professional so I'm not sure when they'll do a blood test or an ultrasound.

    Any symptoms so far? Have been exhausted for weeks - no nausea yet though.

    Who have you told? Just the husband, yesterday 😀

  32. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Tubbs: welcome! So they don't adjust due date to different circumstances?

  33. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @tequier021: I don't know when I ovulated so either could be correct but a bit of googling makes me think the ClearBlue digital are not so accurate in identifying the precise number of weeks but I guess I'll have to just wait until a scan tells me my due date. I'm assuming I'm 7wks tomorrow.

  34. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    Hm, or is 2-3wks on a digital the equivalent of 6wks in real life - because they count those first two weeks of your cycle? Ha - I said I was clueless! 😬

  35. MrsT927

    olive / 51 posts

    @Tubbs: Congratulations!! Yes, the clearblue weeks is from ovulation and the midwife/dr will tell you from last period. So 6/7wks really isn't all that different. Hopefully you get an ultrasound at your first appointment and they'll measure and tell you an EDD!

    @bookwormmama and @tequiero21 : Thanks! I do have some normal sympotoms, and found myself almost in tears this morning because I was frustrated at the dog and feeling too stressed for 6am! Lol.

    Emotional - check
    Moody - check
    Craving carbs - check
    Random hot flashes - check

    I am telling myself that it is all out of my control right now and that stressing isn't good for me or baby so I am just going to enjoy these weeks and try to stop comparing everything to my first pregnancy.

  36. math.nerd

    apricot / 253 posts

    @msmilkshake: A teacher! I have so much respect for teachers - I got my master's in education and a credential to teach math, but I was TERRIBLE at it so after a year in a 7th grade classroom I realized I needed to do something different. But I learned SO much in the process and I think teachers are just the most amazing kind of people. So thank you!

    @bookwormmama: Yay for no puking! Small victories, right? I think your son and mine are very close in age - I was due March 14... but he was a preemie. Maybe we were both on March boards?

  37. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @math.nerd: I was on the March 2014 board a lot before he was born! My guy was born St. Patrick's Day! I don't remember everyone that was on there, but it sounds like maybe we were? Fun!

  38. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    Hi Everyone!
    Congratulations to all! Im so excited to be joining this group....

    Location - Wisconsin
    Second baby!
    Estimated due date- June 15th!
    First appt. is Wed. Nov 2nd. (cant wait)

  39. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @bookwormmama: ugh - the throwing up is so horrible and so much harder with other kids around. From like 6 to 20 weeks with my second, M was following me around saying "mama achoo?"

    I haven't started throwing up yet this time but I'm right there with you on the constant nausea but wanting to eat but nothing sounding good. Yuck.

    This week has hit me hard

  40. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @rattles: Oh man I hope your kids are feeling better. That's brutal!

    @MrsT927: Congratulations! Welcome!

    @Winnie13: That's amazing! And so wonderful to see them on ultrasound

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