Hellobee Boards


September 2015 Moms!

  1. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Do you get to go today for the repeat scan? Thoughts and prayers that is goes well and everything you hear is reassuring!

  2. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I'm sorry to hear about the issues that came about from your anatomy scan. Did you manage to get your appointment today? Here's hoping everything is absolutely fine.

    @CarrieLouWho: Congratulations on the boy and your placenta moving!

    We had our anatomy scan today, and everything looks A-Ok! He was being super cooperative, and gave us a good look at everything. My placenta seems to look good so far through the ultrasound, so that's comforting too. And we super confirmed it's a boy. I think my mom was still really holding out for it being a mistake and me having a girl which is just annoying. I'm happy with my little guy!

    Hope you ladies are doing ok!

  3. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: Yay!! Glad your scan went well! That is super annoying about your mom - I'd be annoyed too! I think two boys will be great!

    I had a mini vacay over the weekend in FL with DH, so that was fun! But on Sunday I was super emotional! I don't know what is was? Just freaking out that soon life as we know it (including these types of vacations) will be changing? I know the change will be awesome, and it is very welcome, but ughhhhh, so many emotions, so today I am exhausted from all that

  4. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @mrscobee: @2PeasinaPod: thanks ladies!! Me and DH are in the waiting room of the MFMs office right now actually! Fingers crossed, hoping for the best.

  5. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: yay for a great scan! And mothers are like that, ugh!

    @mrscobee: ahh yes, I remember those freak outs. Totally normal, and probably healthy. Things will change for sure, but definitely for the better

  6. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts


    Yes, I know life will change for the better. And it wasn't like DH and I have been lacking on alone time together (we've been married 7 years), but we had a lot of fun, and I'm feeling like I'm closing a super nice chapter in my life (and now I'm almost crying as I'm typing this LOL)!

  7. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Lots of luck with your scan today. I hope everything looks perfect! Oh and OUCH with your abs tearing! I know that you said it doesn't hurt, but yikes...that just makes me cringe hearing it.

    @mrscobee: I had this little freak out after LO was here. He was so colicky, and DH and I didn't sleep in the same bed at the same time for more than an hour for at least 4 months. At one point, I asked him if he thought we'd ever have a normal life where we could relax for half a second again. It was very life changing for us (I know everyone says that, but it was still shocking to me). We went from a very carefree life to a very strict, scheduled life, and that was hard for me. Now it's our new norm I mean, I had THE best Mother's Day morning yesterday chasing LO around our downstairs and listening to him giggle. Then we sat and watched a show together where he kept leaning over to get kisses from me. Heaven on earth!

  8. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @mrscobee: @2PeasinaPod: thanks ladies - so, some good news for sure, we've basically ruled out Downs and she definitely ruled out Trisomy18, thank god.... we decided not to move forward with the amnio, as this isolated indicator seemed just that, isolated. All of the other things they look for came back totally normal, AND i had the Harmony test, which was negative.

    The one thing that did turn up (and was a little tough because the MFM ruled out a cyst in the abdomen and said it was the gallbladder, and we were so glad, then came back in with the u/s tech to take another look and turned out MFM was wrong) -- anyway - the baby does have a small cyst in his liver - fluid filled, and it was the same size as it was 4 weeks ago... SO, we're not really sure what that means yet, but we will be going for regular ultrasounds to track the cyst to make sure it doesn't get larger. MFM is calling later after she speaks to a Pediatric surgeon she knows to get some more information, and I plan on googling shortly, but I'm hopeful that it's just an asymptomatic cyst that doesn't affect the livers function....

  9. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @hellobeeboston: That is great news that they were able to rule out some really scary things!! Here's hoping the cyst does not get larger and resolves itself by the next ultrasound or is like you said, inconsequential to liver function. So glad you got some good peace of mind in the meantime though!

  10. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Glad to hear things went well and hoping the cyst ends up resolving itself over time!

  11. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    This thread is soooooooo quiet! LOL! I think we are all at least half way there right? I stole this from another thread - anyone care to provide an update?

    How far along:

    Total weight gain:

    Stretch marks:


    Names picked:

    Nursery theme/progress:

    Birth plan:

    Are you taking classes:

    How long are you taking off:

    Baby shower plans:

    Where did you register (or plan to register):



    What are you most fearful/concerned about:

    What are you most excited about:

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby):

  12. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    I can go first!

    How far along: 24+4

    Total weight gain: 26 lbs (yikes!!! - hoping it slows down)

    Stretch marks: None


    Names picked: Not totally decided, still leaning toward Matthew, but currently debating on middle name.

    Nursery theme/progress: We need to get on this! All we have purchased is a rug! No theme, just trying to make it cute for a boy!

    Birth plan: Absolutely none. Other than just healthy mom and healthy baby!

    Are you taking classes: Labor, newborn care, and breastfeeding, starting in July.

    How long are you taking off: ~ 12 weeks

    Baby shower plans: 2 showers (one with MIL's church friends and family, and one for my friends and family, and then maybe one at work). I am stressing about these (don't really like to be the center of attention).

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Amazon

    Milestones: Looking forward to end of 2nd trimester!

    Struggles: Knock on wood, I have had it pretty easy. Except my boobs have grown too much, can't find a bra that works, so I either have a uniboob or am very uncomfortable.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: The actual labor and delivery. I am soooooooooooooo freaked out.

    What are you most excited about: Being a parent and meeting our little one.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): Nothing too significant. We have a pretty quiet summer ahead of us

  13. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @mrscobee: Thanks for trying to restart! I was just getting sad about how our thread doesn't seem to have a ton of participation. I'll play along!

    How far along: 21w, 4d

    Total weight gain: 13.5 lbs

    Stretch marks: None yet...hoping it stays that way!


    Names picked: None We can't decide on anything we liked! We loved LO's name from the start, so it's really hard choosing another boy's name that we like just as much!

    Nursery theme/progress: It will be the same as LO #1's nursery...jungle theme!

    Birth plan: Repeat C-Section!

    Are you taking classes: No...this isn't our first time at this rodeo

    How long are you taking off: I'm actually hoping for 4.5 months. I have a different boss this time around who is far more lenient. Hoping she gives it to me!

    Baby shower plans: None...second boy to be born at the same time LO #1 was born (their birthdays will likely be 5 days apart), so I have all of the clothes and saved all of the gear from last time.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Nowhere...see above!

    Milestones: Our 20 week ultrasound looked really good, and so far, no signs of placenta accreta! Woohoo!

    Struggles: Lots of hip pain this time around, and I'm still struggling with getting my energy back. A few days ago, I had a huge bout with morning sickness all day again. And I'm struggling with finding clothes that fit this time around too.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: This is our 6th pregnancy with 1 living LO, so I'm constantly fearful that the other shoe is about to drop.

    What are you most excited about: Watching the boys grow up together. I'm so excited to be a mom of boys and I really hope they're best friends.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): My SIL just had a baby about a month ago, which is super exciting! We'll be buying a new car soon...otherwise, not too much!

  14. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: I know, I was getting sad too! I hope others play along! Thanks for playing! Yay for no signs of placenta accreta! That sucks that you are getting morning sickness again! Yikes! I got a little sick yesterday in church - it was hot in there, and I was sitting behind a woman that smelled like a combo between baby powder and an old woman - we had to move, because I was going to throw up LOL!!

    Hugs to you on your fears - hoping everything continues to go smoothly for you! I can't relate to the losses part, but can relate to the fears. I fear similar things (high anxiety regarding pregnancy, not the same I know, but can definitely relate to letting the negative feelings creep in). Under fears, I should have put "too many to list" instead of *just* the "labor and delivery" part - ha!

    And yay for two little boys!! Although I'd love a girl, a part of me is also kind of hoping for another boy some day since LO#1 is a boy! I have a brother and DH has a sister, so we've never been a part of a family with same gender kids - the bond is probably so special!

  15. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I'm in!
    How far along: 22 weeks
    Weight gain: about 10lbs
    Stretch marks: no new ones, but it's hard to tell
    Names: Maxwell Warren (after DH's dad)
    Nursery: generally fish/ocean/bright colours
    Birth plan: to labour at home as long as possible, to avoid as many interventions as possible, to be able to labour in any position, to have access to a shower/tub. But those are all just 'it would be nice' based on my birth with LO
    Time off: we get a year in Canada
    Classes: probably not this time
    Shower: my mom briefly mentioned one, but I don't know...I didn't think you had showers for second babies
    Registry: just an Amazon wish list for myself
    Milestones : hit the halfway point, finally feeling baby move regularly, saw him growing well on the ultrasound
    Struggles: fairly sure I have SPD- going for a midwife consult and a physio consult, but the pain is awful.
    Fears: another 40+ hour labour and terrible recovery,
    Excitement: just about everything!
    Other events: planning my sister's bridal shower, tons of stress at work, not much else!

  16. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    I'll play too! Thanks for kickstarting, @mrscobee!

    How far along: 23 weeks exactly
    Total weight gain: I'm up about 5 lbs. But I had a decent amount of weight to lose before getting KU, so I think I'm on track with how much I'm gaining.
    Stretch marks: none so far
    Names picked: DH and I have totally different taste in names - I think his choices are boring and he thinks mine are weird. At the moment, Peter and Curtis are topping the list of what we're considering.
    Nursery theme/progress: no progress at all so far - yikes!
    Birth plan: I don't really have one, besides "get the baby out of me...preferably with an epidural"
    Are you taking classes: we're taking a two-day childbirth/childcare class in late July
    How long are you taking off: hopefully between 10-12 weeks, barring any unforeseen hits to our finances between now and then
    Baby shower plans: a friend has offered to throw us one, but nothing is nailed down
    Where did you register (or plan to register): not sure yet. We're getting a TON of baby stuff from my brother and SIL, so we'll take stock of that first and then figure out what else we need.
    Milestones: everything went well at our anatomy scan, and finding out the sex has made it that much more real that there's a little person in there!
    Struggles: really bad hip/back pain, trouble sleeping, headaches (although those have mostly cleared up)
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: honestly, I'm already freaking out about sleep deprivation, nursing around the clock, etc - and especially how it will affect my husband and our dynamic. I'm worried about our ability to deal with the stress without melting down.
    What are you most excited about: just getting to meet the little guy!
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): our anniversary, my birthday, some work travel, a wedding with my family and then a weeklong vacation with DH's family. June is pretty packed! After July, we're locking it down and making everybody come to us.

  17. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Yay! This is fun!!!

    How far along: 23 weeks exactly
    Total weight gain: Don't hate me, but I've lost 20 lbs in the first 12 weeks and haven't gained any back yet. I did the same with my last pregnancy too.
    Stretch marks: no new ones
    Names picked: Still deciding - options are Preston, Lucas, Campbell, Theodore/Teddy... Ugh, we are having a hard time this time.
    Nursery theme/progress: PBK Madras/Alligator theme
    Birth plan: same as last time, labor at home as long as possible, delay epidural as long as possible, have a baby
    Are you taking classes: I'm not sure, need to decide soon!
    How long are you taking off: 12 GLORIOUS weeks
    Baby shower plans: My bestie wants to do a sprinkle since we're having the opposite gender, nothing big
    Where did you register (or plan to register): Amazon, Babies R Us
    Milestones: lots of baby boy rolling around these days - love that!
    Struggles: we had a lot at the beginning, things have calmed done now, hopefully for the duration
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: all the things that might/maybe/could go wrong. Typical preggo worries. Also, missing sleep... I love sleep.
    What are you most excited about: Having a newborn again, all the snuggles.
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): super, crazy busy at work, trying to potty train our 2.5 yo DD and transition to big girl bed.

  18. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Love your name choices!

  19. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    Hey y'all!

    How far along: 20w 5d
    Total weight gain: 6# as of Friday's prenatal
    Stretch marks: nothing new, old ones are just itchy!
    Sex: unknown because somebody was super uncooperative at Friday's anatomy scan. Have scheduled an elective for Wednesday to hopefully figure it out!
    Names picked: none, and we probably won't pick one until the kid makes their arrival
    Nursery theme/progress: baby'll room with us for a while, but my Little Dude's room has a giant dinosaur mural on 2 walls
    Birth plan: get to the birth center, rock & roll through labor, squeak by with no c-section (just like last time!)
    Are you taking classes: just the group prenatals (Centering is one of my favorite parts of being at the birth center)
    How long are you taking off: as long as I want? I'm a SAHM
    Baby shower plans: probably none, maybe a sprinkle/playdate with friends
    Where did you register (or plan to register): no registry, we kept everything important from the first go-round
    Milestones: a lot of wiggles lately! Also my SPD kicked in by 18 weeks, not fun.
    Struggles: sleep, patience, mood swings
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: balancing time with the baby and time with my Little Dude (who is 3)
    What are you most excited about: watching the Little Dude and the baby interact; not being pregnant anymore (it's fine now, but being in my 3rd trimester during TX summer is not something I'm looking forward to...)
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): completed my triathlon at beginning of May; my birthday is this weekend; I got an inflatable pool the other day (see above re: TX summer) that I can't wait to set up and soak in for the next 4 months.

  20. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @kgbee: you completed a triathlon while pregnant!?! Now I am feeling super lazy! And currently have gained most weight ughhhhh!!

  21. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    @mrscobee: It was a baby (hah!) triathlon, very small distances, good for beginners & pregnant folks.

  22. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @kgbee: Good for you! I miss running so much. I wasn't allowed to run during my 1st trimester, and it's hard to get back into it when you're exhausted and 3 months pregnant after nothing. Hoping to train for a half marathon once I get the go ahead from the doctor after I have this LO!

    For those of you who registered and already have a LO, what are you registering for? Different gender clothes or more modern gear? Just wondering if I should register for the completion discount on some things I know we'll need new.

  23. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    fun! thanks @mrscobee:

    How far along: 22 weeks
    Total weight gain: umm, i can't remember - 8 or 10 lbs?
    Stretch marks: not yet, HOPING they don't show, slathering my belly in Bio Oil daily, i didn't get any first time, hoping it stays that way.
    Names picked: NONE, zero ideas.
    Nursery theme/progress: we're doing a navy blue accent wall and just re-painting the rest white, baby boy is inheriting most of his big brothers stuff so we need to transfer it all
    Birth plan: epidural and healthy baby & mama
    Are you taking classes: not this time
    How long are you taking off: 14 weeks, hoping to squeak out 2 more... @Mrs. Oatmeal: SO jealous of your year - i wish the U.S. would get their maternity leave act together & give a year
    Baby shower plans: none
    Where did you register (or plan to register): i wasn't going to register at all, but I do need to figure out what we need
    Milestones: Lots of kicking! especially after eating!
    Struggles: sleeping has gotten better, i'm a stomach sleeper so it took me a few weeks to adjust to sleeping on my side
    What are you most fearful/concerned about: hmm, many things i guess... Paying for 2 in daycare, having 2 kids in general, how my son will handle the transition, the tiny cyst in the baby's liver which i'm really hoping will be nothing....
    What are you most excited about: Exactly what you said @2PeasinaPod: !!!! i really hope the boys are buds, i'm super excited to just double my love for my sons, i can't even begin to imagine how wonderful that will be.
    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): getting a million things done around the house before the babe, crazy work schedule, i feel like they're cramming my schedule before i'm out on maternity, and enjoying the warm weather & the BEACH!

  24. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    How far along: 21 weeks

    Total weight gain: not sure, maybe 8-10

    Stretch marks: yes, had them last time and they are back already

    Sex: boy

    Names picked:have not even looked at possible names or discussed with husband

    Nursery theme/progress: none so far! We are slackers. The room is filled with lots of non-baby stuff and needs to be cleaned out, painted, etc.

    Birth plan: hoping for a vbac, but will likely have a repeat cesarean

    Are you taking classes: wasn't planning on it. We will go on a hospital tour because I'm delivering at a different one than last time.

    How long are you taking off: planning for about 18-20 weeks after baby. I may have to work one day a month toward the end to make sure I keep our health insurance.

    Baby shower plans: maybe a sprinkle at some point this summer? Nothing had been planned or discussed.

    Where did you register (or plan to register): I made an Amazon registry for myself, mostly to keep track of what I need and also for the completion discount.

    Milestones: feeling movement daily now and loving it.

    Struggles: I'm getting over a really bad cold (possibly flu), so I've been very ill and uncomfortable.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: High blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.

    What are you most excited about: Seeing my little guy (2.5) be a big brother and how much fun I hope they will have with each other.

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): we are going on a mini-vacation (child free!) to Santa Barabara in a few weeks and I have a four day weekend this coming weekend for Memorial Day.

  25. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: I have a friend who wants to get back into triathlons, so we're planning to start training together next January/February for the summer races. It'll be great motivation to get my body moving after this baby!

  26. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    How far along: 24 weeks

    Total weight gain: 11 lbs

    Stretch marks: None

    Gender: Unknown (team green)

    Names picked: None… We have a shortlist of 4 for boys and 6 for girls.

    Nursery theme/progress: None, but we transitioned our toddler to a twin bed (currently on the floor as I need to finish finishing the bed itself). He’s moving to a new room and that’s the main thing we need to work on (painting first!). We will be leaving the nursery pretty much as-is in terms of paint, furniture, curtains, etc., but we need to hang some art since the only thing that’s up now will be moving with my son to his big boy room. We need more art for the new room too!

    Birth plan: Delivering with a midwife at a birth center. I had no interventions with my first birth and am hoping this one will be the same. Not much of a plan beyond that!

    Are you taking classes: Nope, not unless the birth center ends up making us. We did a (free) class before and don’t want to pay this time around (the birth center classes aren’t free) since we’ve done it before anyway.

    How long are you taking off: 12 weeks or 11 months! I’m off for the Fall semester, haven’t decided about spring yet, and then I don’t teach in the summer anyway.

    Baby shower plans: None

    Where did you register (or plan to register): Nowhere, though I have a secret wish list.

    What are you most fearful/concerned about: Bedtime for my toddler when the baby arrives, tandem nursing (but I’m also afraid to wean the toddler), and being home with two kids in general!

    What are you most excited about: little baby snuggles

    What else is going on in your life (non-baby): We’ve got a couple family visits coming up, a short cabin camping trip… That’s about it! Now that my spring semester is over I’ve been pretty busy with play dates, walks, and trips to the park or zoo though, so summer has already been fun. We’re just wrapping up with swimming lessons and I’m excited for some outdoor summer pool time too!

  27. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @ehh5000: @2PeasinaPod: I'm in the Philly area too! On the main line. We moved here last July.

  28. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    The results are in and we are having another boy!

  29. mrscobee

    clementine / 903 posts

    @kgbee: of course you are - this is the September 2015 group congrats!!!

  30. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @kgbee: hooray! So many boys this month!!@2PeasinaPod: i'm going to register for crib sheets, a new monitor, boy clothes, diapers, a new diaper bag, a Sleep Sheep and a humidifier. All things I would do without or buy myself- but I can use a completion discount, and if anyone wants to buy something, there will be a few ideas.

  31. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @kgbee: yay 2 boys!! Us too

    I wonder what the count is at this point on # of boys!

  32. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    Anyone getting pains in the front lower portion of belly when walking. I think this is round ligament pain. I just started having it the last week or so. Even walking from my car to my office it gets really tight and painful. Goes away as soon as I stop walking.

  33. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Front of belly is probably muscle or ligament stretching. Front of *pelvis* is likely symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and it is my nemesis; I had it last pregnancy starting around 6.5/7 months, and this time around it started at 18 weeks. NOT COOL, BODY.

    What is SPD? (my explanation)
    The female pelvis has a natural gap in the front (tied together with lots of connective tissue), so we can birth giant-headed babies. The ligaments are supposed to stretch during labor/delivery, and therefore are affected by the same relaxin hormones that make all of our joints more flexible (and more prone to sprains, lovely). SPD happens when the joint relaxes to the point where it can slip out of alignment, which causes inflammation and discomfort (knife to the crotch is a typical description). For me it feels like the joint (or the two sides of my hips) pops out (sometimes with an audible "click"), and luckily I'm usually able to flex and jiggle myself back into alignment. Others are not so lucky. Chiropractic treatment is said to be effective at managing the pain, but really it'll only resolve a few weeks after pregnancy, once the relaxin levels taper off.

  34. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @kgbee: oh no! Sorry to hear about that. Does wearing a support belt help?

    I think I m having muscle pains as it stops as soon as I stop walking. I walked pretty far yesterday and it was really bad at first but then seemed to ease up. I probably need to drink more water.

  35. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I'm going to pick one up in another month or so, to help particularly with sleeping.

  36. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I've actually had that a little bit in the past week. Not every time that I walk, thankfully.

    @kgbee: I was having pain like you described earlier on around week 10-11 and it lasted for a week or two. It was awful. Every time that I would go from sitting to standing and walking it was excruciating. It also hurt to roll over in bed and I would wake up from pain every time I had to roll over. I'm sure it will probably come back at some point in time later on. I didn't have it in my last pregnancy, but I've heard that it tends to get worse with each subsequent pregnancy.

    At my appointment yesterday (22w3d) I got my order for the glucose test. I can't believe we are at that point already. I was instructed to do the one hour test fasting, which is different from last time when I was told it doesn't really have to be. Also, I think my current OB had a different cutoff (140) rather than the lower cutoff last time (130), which I failed by two points last time and had to do the three hour test (passed it). I really hope that I don't have to do the three hour one again because with a toddler it's hard to find the time to set aside for something like that and it was not fun to be stuck in the lab for that long.

  37. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    So quiet around here! How's everyone doing? Having a good weekend?
    25 weeks today- time is flying! Feeling plenty of big kicks and rolls which is exciting.

  38. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: hi!!! Lots of kicks and rolls here, and i'm 25 weeks tomorrow too! The weekend has been nice. We had friends in from out of town, our toddlers are the same age and they have a 4 month old. Good glimpse into what's coming, eek! Honestly, the toddlers seem to be WAY tougher than the baby

  39. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Hey there! I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow... Time is flying, I'm starting to feel panicky about how quickly things are going!
    Lots of movement here too... Except something crazy happened Wednesday night and it was like I hit an exhaustion wall and couldn't do anything but sleep. Same thing Thursday and Friday. Friday afternoon was better but then I overdid it I think and felt bad again yesterday. I got a little panicky bc baby's movements slowed down a lot Saturday afternoon but were better Saturday night. So weird. I think I feel better today... Fingers crossed!
    Glad to see everyone's updates! September will be here before we know it!

  40. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: omg i know - it really is going pretty fast! i hope you're feeling better! i get so freaked when I feel like the movement slows down....

    i'm already sorta over being pregnant, it felt more fun/exciting the first time.... i have also been SUPER tired sometimes, but i'm trying to do as much as I can while I have *some energy and I know i'm just going to get more tired as I get bigger and it gets hotter.

    @ChelseaRose: they usually do the glucose test around 28 weeks right? I'm going to ask about it tomorrow at my appointment - assuming I'll be doing that the next time I see them. My mom had gestational diabetes so i worry I might get it - but we'll see.

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