Hellobee Boards


September 2015 Moms!

  1. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @ChelseaRose: Ohhh, sorry! Lots of people fail the one hour and pass the three hour, so hopefully that's you! Good luck!
    @2PeasinaPod: Good luck! Hope results come back great!

  2. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @ChelseaRose: ugh bummer. But yeah, lots of people fail the one hour and pass the 3 hr, just curious, what did you eat before?!

  3. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Thanks. I failed the one hour last pregnancy, but only barely (132). This time I failed so horribly (188) that I'm pretty sure the doctor will just send me to the specialist and possibly not make me do the 3-hour test. I didn't eat anything before (per lab slip instructions) and somewhat warched my carbs that week. Overall I have only gained 5 pounds this pregnancy (started very overweight though) and don't have a sweet tooth or even much of an appetite at all. Also, my fasting glucose and a1c were fine when tested during the first trimester.

  4. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: thanks. I hope so too!

  5. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @ChelseaRose: Blah...boo!! I hope that you pass the 3-hour with flying colors. Just annoying that you have to go through with it. I failed so miserably with LO1 (205) that they sent me straight to an endocrinologist.

  6. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: thank you! Still waiting to hear from my doctor. The nurse called late in the day and he was at the hospital, so hopefully today I will know something or at least at my appointment on Friday.

  7. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I just got my results...143. I have to go for the 3-hour. Total bummer, but not nearly as bad as it was with LO1. I'm REALLY hoping that the 3-hour comes back ok. She said they'll take 4 blood draws, and if 2 out of the 4 are bad, they diagnose you with GD. I know my fasting number will be down because it was never high when I had to prick myself with GD with LO1, but I'm worried about my hourly numbers. I'm confident that my 3-hour will be fine, but my 1 and 2 hour might do me in!

  8. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: that's such a bummer that you have to do the 3 hour test. However, with a 143 it sounds like you're likely to pass. Good luck! How soon are you doing it?

  9. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I'm not sure...it's such a big chunk of time, but I've heard that the longer you wait, the less likely you are to pass. I don't know how true that is, but I have to call to make an appointment. Just a bummer that I have to give up almost 4 hours of my time.

  10. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: @ChelseaRose: @hellobeeboston: @Mrs. Oatmeal: I have my glucose test in Minday afternoon. I need to start researching what to eat the day of and the day before the 1 hour test. I also have an ultrasound to check my placenta previa, TDap and this am shot. It will not be a fun appt, except for the ultrasound.

  11. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @babynumber1: oh shoot, I forgot about the day before! I had pizza last night. I'm going with egg whites, one piece of toast and cheddar cheese this morning. Hopefully it's fine!

  12. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I have my glucose screen today as well! I'm not eating anything (mostly bc our fridge broke so we have no food in the house...), so I'm hoping I don't end up feeling too ill. Good luck, hope yours goes well!

  13. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @elljay: good luck!!! Sorry to hear about your fridge - that is the worst (ours is close to dying, hoping it holds out a little longer)

  14. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @babynumber1, @hellobeeboston, @elljay: good luck on your glucose tests! Hope you have better luck than me! And my doc let me know that I had to fast both for the 1-hour and the 3-hour. I find that it depends on which doctor you go to that the instructions vary so wildly. And then that makes me question the validity of the test. Blah...hope we all pass in the end!!

  15. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: if I fasted I feel like I would pass out! I'm half way through the test (sitting in the room with 5 other preggos waiting, ha!) and all of the sugar makes me feel dizzy. Yuck.

  16. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I know it. Try walking around the waiting room a little bit. It might help the nauseousness settle!!

  17. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    @elljay: @hellobeeboston: Good luck ladies! My appt isn't until 3:30 on Monday, so there is no way that I could fast. You would find me passed out under my desk by 11am!

    @2PeasinaPod: When is your 3 hour? That sounds terrible to fast and then wait 3 more hours to eat!

  18. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @babynumber1: I just scheduled it for Saturday morning at 7:15am. I need to get it over with first thing in the morning or I won't last! She said overall, the appointment takes about 3.5-4 hours because they take my blood fasting first, then I drink the glucose, and they take it at 1, 2, and 3 hours. I know from having GD with LO that my fasting blood sugar has never been a problem...and as long as I can walk after eating (or drinking glucose) my 2-hour has never been elevated either. If 2 out of the 4 numbers are bad, they diagnose me with GD. Really hoping I can walk so my fasting, 2, and 3-hour numbers look good, and I pass!

  19. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    @babynumber1: Thanks! Good luck with your test on Monday! I had my Tdap and Rhogam shots at this appointment too, definitely not an enjoyable morning.

    @2PeasinaPod: Thanks! Fingers crossed for good results at your 3-hour!

    @hellobeeboston: Hope you're feeling better now that you're through it! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be going down (tasted like the "juice" we used to drink at camp when I was little), but it definitely did not sit well once it was in there.

  20. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    I'm seeing my OB tomorrow so I can ask more about my results and doing the three hour test. My work is so crazy right now that I'm not sure how I will have time to get that done and I will probably feel too crappy to work afterwards. I would do it on Saturday, but you have to make an appointment and this Saturday is too soon and the next one is a holiday. It might even be too late to make an appointment for next Friday.

  21. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    My midwife group has everyone just do a 2hr GD test, since so many of their patients were failing the 1hr but passing the 3hr. Mine is scheduled for first thing Weds AM, and I'm supposed to do an 8hr fast beforehand. I am going to be SO HUNGRY afterward!

  22. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    Also: I was leaning over my laptop the other afternoon and the baby kicked me IN THE BOOB -- my breasts were hanging in front of my ribs/diaphragm, and so he could reach. It was SO WEIRD.

  23. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @kgbee: OMG, this made me laugh so hard.

    I had a heartbeat check this morning at 9 and my little guy was being a showoff...kicking like crazy during it. He's doing A-ok in there. I see MFM for an ultrasound on Wednesday to be sure everything is ok, and my OB wants me to come every 2 weeks now. I thought it was a little early for such frequent appointments, but whatever helps me know he's ok is fine with me!

    I also got my results back from my 3-hour that I took on Saturday and I PASSED! I'm so excited. I needed 3 out of the 4 numbers to be ok to pass and that's exactly what I got. She said my 1-hour numbers were still high, but as long as I just keep an eye on what I eat and exercise after eating, it shouldn't be a problem. She did comment how my 3-hour numbers were super low and asked if I felt dizzy afterwards. The end of the test was the worst. I felt so sick and dizzy by the time they took my 4th blood draw that I didn't know what to do with myself. I was sweating the whole way home and told my DH that I needed to eat something immediately before I passed out. It's a wonder how the heck I made it home. But all is good, and I don't have to be a pin cushion for 3 months!

  24. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @kgbee: omg LOL. Good luck on your glucose test tomorrow!! Bring a snack for when it's done!!

    @2PeasinaPod: yay!! Glad you passed!! You're going so often already! I also see the MFM monthly and my OB monthly, trying to line them up but doesn't always work. So many appointments!

    I passed my 1-hr, my number was in the mid 80s, yay!

  25. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Congratulations on passing your glucose test! Awesome news! And I do try to line up my MFM and regular OB visits. That will definitely get thrown off now due to the every 2 weeks with my OB, but I'll have at least 3 more ultrasounds, including the one tomorrow due to my possible placenta accreta just to continue to monitor it.

  26. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    We've been on vacation so I've been a little out of the loop, but congrats on all the good glucose results! I actually ended up failing my screen with a 159, but just heard back about my 3-hour and luckily I passed.

    How's everybody feeling these days? I've been getting some random aches and pains, especially in my mid-back and my right ribs right under my boob. I switched to a new bra today, so hoping that helps a little. I'm also finding that my fuse is a LOT shorter these days...I pity my poor husband considering I have 9ish weeks still to go...

    @2PeasinaPod: I had the same experience with my test, totally sweaty and nauseous afterwards - I came home and scarfed down a HUGE lunch and finally felt semi-normal again. Glad to hear you got good results!

  27. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @elljay: ok, glad I'm not the only one with a short fuse! Yikes. My husband had been irritating me and if my toddler whines I just have no patience for it! The heat doesn't help!

    Glad you passed your 3-hour test!!

  28. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @elljay: Congrats on passing your 3-hour. They shouldn't make pregnant women go through something like that. It's crazy to me!

    I am going on week 6 of my nasty cold. I can't seem to get rid of it and it's making me far more miserable than I should be. I keep telling DH that I feel so blessed to actually be pregnant given our struggles, but I hate being pregnant. I think it's exacerbated by the 6-week cold I've got going on along with the non-stop heartburn. I can't even drink water without having heartburn. I hate complaining, but I am done being pregnant and I have 11 weeks to go.

  29. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    @elljay: I had to switch to a more comfortable bra and it is a godsend. The underwire had to GO! My ribs and the top of my belly were killing me by the end of the day.

    @2PeasinaPod: That is a crazy cold! I started taking Zantac twice a day and it has dramatically helped my heartburn. Its not nearly what it was my first pregnancy where I woke up choking on stomach acid every night. That's only happened twice this pregnancy!

  30. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @babynumber1: Holy cow! My heartburn isn't quite that bad! It really feels like I have a burp that's coming that just sits in my throat. Acid reflux I guess? It's more pressure than stomach acid though.

  31. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: @elljay: I also had to do the three hour test and found out that I passed! I was convinced that I would fail because I got 188 on my one hour test. I'm so relieved.

  32. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    @ChelseaRose: Congrats on passing your 3-hour! Definitely a huge relief not to have to worry about it anymore.

    @2PeasinaPod: Ugh, sorry to hear about your cold and that it's been hanging around so long. Will your doctor let you take anything for it? I caught a cold from my nephew about a month ago and my OB said it was okay to take Tylenol Cold, which wasn't completely effective but got rid of the worst of it.

    @babynumber1: I'll have to look for some good non-underwire bras - do you have a brand you like? I've heard good things about Coobies, but I hate buying bras without trying them on in a store first. Also, Zantac has been a lifesaver for me too! When we were on vacation I started waking up at night with the most insane heartburn I've ever had - like my throat was full of acid. Tums didn't even touch it, so I tried some Zantac and it's gotten so much better.

  33. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Hi All! Just checking in! I can't believe I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow? Where is the time going?
    I go in for a check-up tomorrow with the new Dr. I saw her PA 2 weeks and did my glucose test (passed, thankfully). But my platelet count is really low so now I'm being monitored for that to make sure it doesn't go lower. Otherwise I'm feeling great... Just freaking out about all the things that need to get done in the next 8-9 weeks!

  34. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Glad you passed the glucose screen! Time is going SO fast- I'm 30 weeks today. Platelet count- i don't know much about that- what can you do to help it?

    I'm doing all right! Serious, serious pelvic pain that is making things pretty miserable. I don't think I felt like this until 37+ weeks with K. So thankful for the pool to take some weight off.

  35. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: I hope your awful cold is improving! That sounds terrible!

    @CarrieLouWho: yup. Ditto. Haven't even started the baby's room yet. Eeeeek.

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: me too! 30 weeks. Exciting to be in the "3's" ha. Are you wearing a belt to help support?? The pool is KEY!

  36. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Thanks ladies...just annoying that it's lingering for so long!

    @elljay: I switched OBs, and this one is very big on letting things run their course. The first week, it developed into double pink eye, and I had to let that run its course. LO just got pink eye last week, and one day of drops...his eyes were clear. It's amazing what modern medicine does! Poor DH caught the cold now, but at least he can take something to make himself feel better.

    Congrats to everyone passing their glucose tests whether they be 1-hour or 3-hour! Great news all around!

    @CarrieLouWho: Hope you can keep your platelet count up! I'm not sure how you do that...but hoping it doesn't dorp too low.

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: Sorry to hear about your pelvic pain. Love the pool. It makes everything feel better!

    We haven't done much with the nursery yet. We still have LO #1's clothes in there and need to move them over to his big boy room. It's so easy to procrastinate! But we have to get out all of the newborn clothes and organize them. We had the week after the 4th of July holiday off and redid our office! I'm working in it right now, and it's such bright and cheery colors! All of our bedrooms are officially de-wallpapered and painted. The last room that has wallpaper is our guest bath, but that won't be done for quite some time.

    How is everyone sleeping? The heartburn is the only thing keeping me up right now. I'm still peeing only about once/night, but I know that will start to become more frequent!

  37. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Posting here in case any September Mamas didn't see this yet! Saying a little prayer for @mrscobee!


  38. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: must feel awesome to get so much done!! Wallpaper is brutal to rip off. Our bedroom has wallpaper under the layers of paint and we aren't sure what to do about it!!

    Had an US this morning. Baby boy is SUPER active. They thought he weighed about 3.5 lbs now. And they couldn't find the cyst in his liver but that may have been due to his position and not sitting still. Hoping it's gone.

    I'm sleeping pretty well. I have my snoogle on one side and a king pillow on the other and keep one of them between my knees on both sides. I haven't had any heartburn yet, fingers crossed. I'm also not drinking much before bed to avoid having to get up and use the bathroom!

    I posted on @mrscobee's post - I hope everything turns out ok!

  39. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Well, I had a regular appointment w/ my doctor this morning and she said there's nothing to do about the platelets and that it's likely just something my body does while pregnant. It's in the low range, but not overly low. I'll get checked in 2 weeks and if it's within the same range it's ok. If it drops really low, it just means I won't be able to get an epidural (boooooo!). But otherwise, that's good news.

    Also, she said they'll be watching the size of the baby closely since LO1 was 9lbs3oz, so she may want to induce at the end of August/very early September (my due date is 9/14)... so now I'm freaking out trying to get stuff wrapped up at work earlier than I had planned.

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: I pool time!!! It's so nice to relax!@2PeasinaPod: My sleep has been great so far, fingers crossed that continues!
    @hellobeeboston: fingers crossed the cyst is gone for good!

  40. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Hopefully, the cyst is gone and it wasn't just the crazy movement. Glad to hear sleep is going well too!

    @CarrieLouWho: Ah...hoping they don't have to induce you too early! I'm hoping I last until my scheduled C-section. I'm due 9/24, and scheduled for 9/21. I went into labor naturally with LO #1 at 39+5, so I'll be cutting it close!

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