Hellobee Boards


September 2015 Moms!

  1. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I have low platelets too! Same as in my first pregnancy... I leveled out just over 100 last time so I'm hoping for that this time as well. I don't want an epidural anyway, but I'd still like the option in case anything goes wrong, you know?

    I'm 32 weeks now and have gained 23 pounds. I had a growth scan since I am measuring small, but baby is right on track (average). Same as last pregnancy! I had a week or two of round ligament pain, but that's gone now. I'm getting some mild occasional heartburn and definitely feel like I can't breathe deeply enough sometimes, but other than that I'm feeling good! Not as many leg cramps as last time I think (only one so far).

    We just moved my toddler to his big boy room last night and he did fine there. I managed to hem two curtain panels and have one on each window, but I still need to hem the others and hang stuff on his walls and the nursery walls... As soon as I move his stuff to the new room (today!) I need to go through all the little baby clothes and stuff to get those ready.

  2. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @chanzi: it sounds like you're making great progress with the rooms and baby prep! I'm still lazy in that regard. How old is your toddler? My little guy is 33m and still in the crib. We weren't planning to transition him out yet (I'm afraid of him dropping his nap or having bedtime battles), but I'm kinda having second thoughts about that.

  3. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @ChelseaRose: He's 22 months. He co-slept almost exclusively from 6 to 17 months,. When we kicked him out of our bed it seemed easier to transition him to a regular bed so I could still cuddle him at bedtime, we would have the crib free for the new baby, and we would avoid another transition down the line. If he had been happily sleeping in his crib I'm not sure what we would have done!

  4. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @ChelseaRose: my son is also around 33 months and we still have him in the crib. We need to start the transition and I think he will do OK, it's just going to be harder on me and DH. He does well sleeping in beds when we travel. But I don't love that he can get up and walk around! Esp at nap time. Ugh. Don't want to do it!

  5. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    Re: kids in not-cribs -- we got one of those light-up clocks and just told our son that he had to stay in bed until it turned green. Ours has a nap timer option, so you can set a nap time on the go without changing the morning wake-up time, too. It's worked for us! He stays put until it goes green, then gets himself out of his floor bed. It'll depend on how much of a rule-follower your child is, but it definitely helps him self-regulate to have a visual signal.

  6. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @kgbee: oh interesting. Haven't heard of this. But I don't think my son is a rule follower at all. Sooooo prob wouldn't work. May be worth a try when he's a bit older though.

    How's everyone handling the heat so far???? It's been cooler in New England the last few days and glorious!! On the super humid days I'm either in the ocean or the AC.

  7. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @ChelseaRose @kgbee: @hellobeeboston: We just put D in her big girl bed this weekend. I have been dreading it, but she stayed in all night so far. We also moved almost all of her stuff in her room, so good progress for the weekend.
    We bought paint for baby brother's room and should get that knocked out next weekend! Now I need to sort through all of the baby clothes we have and start putting stuff away!
    We also bought a minivan yesterday!!! I am soooooooo excited about sliding doors! I am getting ready to go pick it up now. I feel like a REAL mom now, there's no turning back!

    @hellobeeboston: it's been pretty hot and muggy here in VA lately. Humidity was better this weekend but it's generally oppressive. As long as I'm in AC or shade outside I'm good. I can't do full sun for very long.

    Anyone else been getting really winded? I feel like the smallest thing makes me so winded now.

  8. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: Congrats on the new minivan! And picking a paint color is great too. We finally did pick one, but the room isn't cleaned out enough to paint yet. At least it's really only a one day project to get done and one of the last ones that we will need to do before baby is here. I'm glad all went well with transitioning your toddler! Hope she keeps it up!

  9. cfmartin

    pea / 12 posts

    Hi everyone! I am a little late joining the board. I just found this site a few weeks ago. I wish I would have known earlier. Anyway, just wanted to join in!

    Location: Alabama (miserably hot)

    EDD: September 5

    How far along: 34 weeks

    First child? Yes

    I'm measuring a few weeks behind right now, but I am having an ultrasound tomorrow to get a more accurate measurement. I'm not that worried, but good vibes are appreciated!

  10. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @cfmartin: congrats! Welcome!! Oh man, I can't imagine how hot it is in Alabama!! In New Englad it's humid & in the 90s this week and I'm dying!!!!!

    Let us know how your ultrasound goes!!

  11. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @cfmartin: Welcome! I hope the ultrasound goes well! During my son's pregnancy they were worried that he was going to be small and he ended up be just over 8lbs and born at 39 weeks. Sometimes you'll measure small when they use the tape measure due to the baby's position and it can change from appointment to appointment. At one of my appointments I was ether two weeks ahead or behind, but the next one I was right where I was supposed to be. I hope it's something similar with your own little one.

  12. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    I just got an email that my pump is shipping! Yay! That's makes this seem that much more "real" in that an actual baby is going to be at our house in just two months. We still don't have a completed nursery or most of our baby stuff (on loan to a friend of mine). I also have a bunch of stuff that I need to order from Amazon, but I'm waiting to do that until I get some Amazon gift cards from my credit card points that I recently cashed in.

  13. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @cfmartin: welcome! Hope the ultrasound goes well!

    The heat is a little ridiculous, but I'm grateful for AC. My worst symptom right now is itchiness. It's unbearable! We're trying a bunch of herbal remedies from the midwives, but if it doesn't clear up in a few days, I'll need to go in for bloodwork to rule out cholestasis (scary!)

  14. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    @cfmartin: welcome!!

    Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. We are getting so close now! This pregnancy has flown by.

    @Mrs. Oatmeal: that's terrible. I couldn't imagine being so itchy, especially as hot as it is now! It's 95 here today with 57% humidity!

    @ChelseaRose: I have a reminder on my work calendar at 36 weeks to order my pump. I still have mine from my first LO also. It will be nice to have one for work and one for home.

  15. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @babynumber1: agreed. I'm actually semi-shocked that I have 7 weeks left. I feel like I still have a lot to do to get ready!!!

    You are reminding me I need to dig out my pump and update some of the parts, call insurance, call HR about maternity leave and set up short term disability, and fill out some hospital paperwork! Eek! I also had a waterproof thing to put in my mattress in case my water breaks in bed! (They had to break it for me in the hospital last time, but you never know!)

  16. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @babynumber1: agreed! This pregnancy is flying by! I can't believe I only have 6 weeks tops left.
    This weekend I went through clothes for DD that I had for fall/winter so those would be ready once the weather changes. I also tried to sort through the clothes we have for baby brother!

    I go back to the dr next week and that's when we start weekly check-ups! I should find out then whether they will plan on inducing early (since DD1 was 9lbs 3oz).
    Has anyone else started packing for the hospital?

  17. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Bumping this since its AUGUST! Can anyone believe our babies are due next month?

    I've got just under 6 weeks left of work- is anyone else counting down the days? How are you all feeling? I feel much less 'prepared' (nursery wise, etc) this time around- and I should probably pack a hospital bag soon!

    And, since it's three in the morning, it's clear that pregnancy insomnia has hit. What's new with you?!

  18. cfmartin

    pea / 12 posts

    @mrs. oatmeal

    I am definitely having some insomnia! it's gotten really hard at work around 2:00 p.m.

    I had my first weekly appt this morning. I still have 4.5 weeks until my due date and my ob said it doesn't look like he is coming early at all. I was kind of liking the idea of an early arrival and the end of work for while. Oh well--trying to be patient now!

  19. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Hell...I've tried to reply to this post like 3 times and I keep getting an error every time I hit submit!

    @CarrieLouWho: & @Mrs. Oatmeal: I definitely need to get on packing my hospital bag. I can't believe it's August already! I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow and still have 6.5 weeks to go until my RCS, but I have nothing done. DH and I are still struggling with a name. We both said we would scratch our current list, each come up with one and start knocking names off that we don't like. We used our favorite boy name on DS1!

    I'm also feeling very done this time around. With DS1, I was fine keeping him in as long as possible. With this baby, I'm just done being pregnant. I feel like an old woman with all of my aches and pains!

  20. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    Want to try to drum up some traffic here! Has anyone decided on names yet? We're still very up in the air, but we're narrowing down. We've got 4 that we're considering and wanted to get your opinions.

    John (calling him Jack)

    DH isn't sold on Henry, but it's been my favorite for a long time. I think he's warmed up to it...but we would call him Henry. I don't think either of us like Hank. He also thinks John is too plain, but is willing to formally name him John and call him Jack. I think it's cute, but also just mediocre about it. Andrew seems to be both of our top name right now, but I'm not sure what nickname we would call him. We both like Andy and Drew, but again...just mediocre about both. And then finally, Calvin. We both love it, but I'm worried about looking like a pretentious ahole. I'm not a risk-taker with names, and I'm afraid we'll be looked at like we're weirdos for going out there with a name that isn't popular and could sound like we're uppity (which we are not). Nickname would be Cal.

    LO1's name is Samuel and we call him every form of it...Sam, Sammy, Samuel.

  21. kgbee

    cherry / 237 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: Andrew & Calvin are my preferences, based on your list. Calvin isn't pretentious, and I think it goes well with Sam(uel).

    We have a top 5, but it was painstaking to get there, so I think we're just going to leave the names alone for a bit and come back to them in a month or so, see how we feel then.

  22. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: agreed. I'm sorta over being pregnant, still feeling pretty good, bracing myself for the aches and pains of the end of pregnancy! No desire to be pregnant again though!!

    Names - I LOVE Jack, I would have gone with that if that wasn't already my nephews name. We are also debating on Henry, such a nice name, I also don't love Hank, and I just can't seem to warm up to it. I also like Andrew & Calvin/cal - I don't think that's pretentious! so I think you can't go wrong.... Jack would be my #1 choice.

    We have been Struggling with names. It's sooooo hard. Our sons name is very traditional. So I don't want something too 'out there' to go with it. And everyone we know has boys so many names are taken already!! Boo. We had zero names, but as of yesterday we are liking Thomas (thom) and maybe skyler or Henry? Ugh, I don't know.

  23. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Thomas was on my list. It's DH's middle name, but he doesn't love Tommy which, by Murphy's law, he will inevitably be called Tommy solely because DH isn't a fan! I just think Thomas is such a distinguished name. Love Henry (of course) and Skyler seems a little non-traditional if you were thinking about staying on the traditional side. Having the same gender to name is a whole lot harder than I thought!

    @kgbee: Thank you for saying Calvin wouldn't be pretentious. DH says the same, but I need to hear it from someone other than him haha...

  24. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: I know. I don't love Tommy either but really like Thomas and even thom/Tom. Middle name will be Wilder and love the combo.

  25. elljay

    apricot / 262 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: I love Calvin and agree that it's not pretentious, esp with the nn Cal. Henry is a super cute name as well - I've never really heard of Hank as a nickname though. Is that very common?

    @hellobeeboston: Love Thomas Wilder! It has such a good flow.

    DH and I have a tentative agreement on a name, but we're not sharing quite yet, mostly bc I'm afraid to jinx it or second guess our decision. We do know the middle name will be John - it's my dad's first name and FIL's middle name, so that was an easy decision to honor both grandfathers at once.

    I'm 35 weeks today, and it simultaneously feels like I have a million years left to go (with the rib pain/sciatica/terrible sleep) and no time left at all (when I think of everything we still have to do)!

  26. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @hellobeeboston: Thomas Wilder definitely has a great flow to it!

    @elljay: It's weird how some names get random nicknames, isn't it? Hank Aaron's legal name was Henry Aaron. I have absolutely no idea how Hank became a nickname for Henry or even how Jack became a nickname for John! And totally respect your decision to not tell. We did the same with LO1 and got so many comments from strangers about how they'll never see me again and is it that big of a deal? To us it was!

  27. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @hellobeeboston: popping in to say I LOVE Thomas wilder! Such a good flow and j think it goes so well with J's name

  28. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    @hellobeeboston: @2PeasinaPod: I LOVE Andrew with the nn Andy. It was on our top boy name list, but we will have 2 girls I hope someone uses it! I like Calvin and Cal also. Such sweet little boy names!

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday because I am measuring 2 weeks ahead. I imagine that it won't affect my RCS date, which will also be set at this appt Friday. My original DD was 9/11, then they did a dating ultrasound and pushed it to 9/21. I imagine the first due date was more on target than the 2nd one. I guess we will see if I go into labor before my scheduled c section.

    I have also been super struggling the last week. My mom had to have emergency open heart surgery last week, so I would work, then go to the hospital for a few hours every evening. Luckily she is home and recovering now, but I am exhausted! The swelling in my feet is also insane, probably from pushing myself to much last week. Hopefully all calms down soon around my house. I need some rest before #2 comes!

  29. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    Hi ladies, we are in the home stretch! Does anyone feel like this pregnancy totally flew by? I am 33 weeks today, unbelievable. My RCS is scheduled for September 30th but September 18th is my last day of work! Yay!!!! I am so excited for a little me time before this wee guy makes his entrance.

  30. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @babynumber1: So sorry to hear about your mom. I can only imagine how exhausting it is to help support her when you're in the last few weeks. Hoping she recovers quickly!

    @plantains: I feel like the first two trimesters flew by, but now time is crawling. With DS, I was ok keeping him in as long as possible. Now that I have 6 weeks left, I feel like I'm just counting down the days!

  31. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: ha! I feel so much more unwieldy this time around. Not sue if it is because I have to chase a toddler instead of sitting around eating bon bons, but I feel it!

    @babynumber1: I am so sorry about you mom, how stressful. Glad to hear se is on the mend and everything is getting better. Hopefully you get to put your feet up a bit.

  32. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @plantains: Yes! I feel like an achy old woman! I feel so old saying this, but everything hurts! Haha...

  33. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: On the one hand I am ready to be done, one the other hand knowing that the baby fact opry is closed after this makes it a little bittersweet.

  34. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @babynumber1: oh no! I hope your mom has an smooth recovery! Please make sure you still take care of yourself too (easier said than done, I know).

  35. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @plantains: Our dates and plans are almost identical! I'm planning to stop working after 9/17 because I have Friday's off. 9/30 is my due date and may end up being my RCS date if I don't go into labor first (still hoping for a VBAC) or have a medical reason for an earlier RCS. Good luck, mama.

  36. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @babynumber1: I hope your mom is getting better! And definitely hope you get some calm before the babe!

    @plantains: yes, I definitely feel like this is flying by. I can't believe I have 5ish weeks left, yikes!! I feel like I have so much to do! And we are traveling for the next 3 weekends in a row, then hosting a big party at our house, then a friend in town to visit, then due date! Ahh! Baby's room is not together yet.

    I'm also thinking Sept 19 will be my last day in the office, and then I'll work remotely until the baby.... I've been doing 1 day a week from home, I'll probably start doing 2 days a week at home in a couple weeks, yay! My due date is 9/21, so hopefully the baby will come close to on time!

    @2PeasinaPod: @plantains: agreed, I feel so beaten at the end of the day, and I think having a toddler makes it worse! He also climbs all over me still and is just generally all over me so it can be a workout.

    I've started to get achy hands when I wake up. They're a bit swollen and just feel right. It wears off, I remember this last time and it got progressively worse! My hips are doing OK, I think I am carrying higher though, and my back is starting to hurt at the end of the day. Sleeping OK for now, have to get up to pee once a night which is annoying, but my LO used to kick like crazy at night and keep me up, and this one is good at night but crazy during the day, especially when I'm sitting at my desk or in meetings!

    @plantains: also, ditto for me about baby factory being closed after this one. I'm 99% sure we are done, so I'm trying to enjoy this and take it all in knowing this is it, but just keep finding myself wanting it to be over.

  37. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    Also, for those with one (or more) LOs already, how are you prepping LO for the baby?? I feel like my son sorta knows something is going to happen and he's not happy about it. All of the baby books we read he gets very serious about, but he seems OK when we talk about his brother. I think he just won't know what hit him when he arrives, but I'm most scared about this.

  38. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I hope all goes well for you and you get to at least attempt your vbac! I have had so many complications and issues this time arpund that after talking with my doc we agreed that RCS was best for my peace of mind.

  39. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @hellobeeboston: yes! My DD is always jumping on me when I least expect it and elbowing me plus climbing all overs constantly. It is ridiculous, total body workout.

    We have been telling L that she is getting a baby brother and I think she somewhat gets it but she has no idea that her whole life is going to change. They will be sharing a room so I am hoping that she adjusts okay!

  40. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @plantains: thank you! I feel like I change my mind almost daily about VBAC vs RCS. I'm currently still hoping for a VBAC, but a few days ago I was totally ready to sign up for a RCS. I could almost flip a coin it seems. I hope your RCS goes smoothly. I was just reading the cesarean board on here last night and feel pretty positive about a RCS if it should be necessary for me (such as if this baby stays in a weird position and doesn't move to be head down).

    @hellobeeboston: We have been reading a few books about babies and talking about them. We have many friends who have already had their second babies so he's been around other kids with their siblings. We talk about what babies can and can't do, what/how they eat (such as pointing out babies who are nursing), etc. We try to let him help as much as possible, such as with painting the new baby's room with dad, etc. Mostly we talk about how the baby is goi g to be living with us forever and that I'm going to be the mom of two little boys and not just one big boy (my current LO). Hem owe to be careful of my belly and that I can't do certain things now like carry him as much or reach over into his crib.

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