DD is 9.5 weeks old, but was 15 days overdue. The WW app says she's in the third (12 week) leap, as they calculate from your due date, not birth date.

Anyhow, that would explain a lot, as she's been inexplicably fussy and refusing to nap (ugh...this is killing me and causing excessive amounts of anxiety). We're at my mum's cottage for the Canada Day long weekend and it's been pretty terrible without her swing (the only place she'll nap lately). It's basically been non-stop nursing and cat naps on me or with DH in the hammock, which is really odd for her as she's not a cuddly baby usually.

Just wondering what others' experiences were with the 12 week WW and how long it lasted? Please tell me your baby didn't stay fussy and grumpy permanently!