Ok ladies, I need some help before I go crazy. My LO (15 months old today) will not stop whining, and it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. He's had "cranky periods" before, but this started a couple of week ago and hasn't let up. At first I thought maybe he wasn't feeling well, but now I am almost 100% sure it's simply a reaction when he doesn't get his way (i.e., when I don't pick him up)...he can literally turn it on and off instantly.

Not sure it's related, but he definitely has a lot going on... He took his first steps two weeks ago...though he seems to have lost interest in that now. (Maybe that has something to do with it?) Plus all 4 molars have broken through in the last month.

Any tips? I don't want him to get used to getting everything he wants instantly, but I also can't handle hearing him whine like that:( Tonight it turned into a full scale "throw himself on the floor and scream" tantrum when I didn't pick him up right away. Anyone else's LO go through a similar phase at this age? I am terrified that we are starting the terrible two's 9 months early!