My son is 17 months old and was weaned about 5 weeks ago. I also started summer break 5 weeks ago, so I've been home with him for most of the day, most of the time. He has only 3-4 words, though he babbles a ton. He is ok at communicating nonverbally, like pointing and pulling my finger.
Anyway, he bites CONSTANTLY. It's mainly me, but he bites my husband too. He mainy goes for bare skin, and it's mixed with sucking as well, so I think it's a reaction to being weaned. But it's been FIVE WEEKS. He also likes to pinch bare skin. Lastly, any long object over 6 inches, he likes to swing it and hit people (and hit other objects, but people is really fun). This includes toy hammers, our toy grabber (grandparents), our 2x2 wood that's keeping our patio door from being opened, etc.
We have tried holding his face and looking directly into his eyes and saying "No ________" forcefully. We have tried giving him lots of opportunity to "bite" and "chew" using whole fruit, meat, etc. We have inconsistently tried putting him down and walking away during biting..... inconsistent because sometimes its inconvenient timing / location, and sometimes I'm dead tired (7.5wks pregnant & on progesterone)
Any ideas for how to curb this behavior, at this age? Did you toddlers go through this when weaning or otherwise? When does it endddd.
In 3 weeks he goes back to Grandmacare and I'm worried the problem will get ignored or we will have different ways of dealing with it, and I want to firmly be on the same page.
ETA: Sometimes he bites for attention or because he's hungry! So we know what to do then. But more than half of the time, it's neither reason.