I think we are moving my DD (8 months) to a 2-3-4 schedule. Maybe 2-3-3 if she can't handle the 4 hours of awake time. What I'm wondering is, how do I go about dinner? Right now, She would wake up from her 3rd nap around 5, have a bottle, then eat at 6 with us, and bedtime at 730-745. She's been waking up around 3 and then it's too late for a 3rd nap, so I'm not sure when to feed her. Do you just feed your baby separately from the rest of the family since they will have an early bedtime? I guess I'm also asking about how to make the 2-3-3 schedule work because if I can't get her to 4 hours, then she'd go to bed at 6 and I doubt she'll sleep 13 hours until her normal awake time at 7am. Right now, her naps are at 9 and 1.