I've been having early discussions with my boss about my going on maternity leave and I'm not 100% sure what my plans are. The first time around, I pretty much worked up until I delivered (I work from home, so I don't have to worry about being on my feet, commuting, etc.) and then came back about a month early from leave. I "only" took the 6 weeks disability and 6 weeks CA Paid Family Leave (didn't take my 4 weeks of PTO like I had planned).

This time around, I was planning on working up until I deliver and most likely taking my full leave (6 weeks + 6 weeks + PTO), but some of my friends are saying that I should take off sooner before LO #2 gets here. A few ladies have said they enjoyed taking it slow during those last few weeks, and having that extra time to bond with LO #1 while s/he is still an "only child."

So... just curious as to how you ladies did it or are planning on going at it! I'm not due until the first week of May, so I have plenty of time to notify my employer, but it comes down to starting my leave in early April or whenever I go into labor.