How old was your LO(s) when he/she transitioned to 1 nap? And how long did the transition take?

K has been fighting her 2nd nap most days for the past 2 weeks. She is almost 14 months. But she gets fussy and whiny after 3 hours on schedule. Her first nap is still pretty short 1hr - 1hr 20 min. She get really fussy if I try to push back the morning nap. So as of late she has been staying up 6-8hrs from her morning nap till bedtime. Yesterday she was up for over 9 hours before bedtime because of an early wake-up.

It seems like she still NEEDS 2 naps, but I don't know how to get her to sleep for the 2nd one? I keep reading toddlers drop the morning nap, so I'm not sure what to do. She's also teething and ends up chewing up her crib during 2nd nap time.

Does this sound like she's ready for 1 nap or still needs 2?