it was pretty evenly split between those interested in a US exchange and those interested in a US & canada exchange, so i set up one exchange & those who have a preference for a partner in the same country, just let me know & i can set that up in the options if everyone enters their shipping info prior to the swap assignments (that way i can see which bees are in the US or canada)
here's the link for the adult swap, last day to sign up will be thursday so that elfster can send out assignments friday. please include your name in the gift you send or if you're shipping directly & can't add a card, just send your giftee a quick msg so they know who gave them their gift & they can say thanks. gifts should be sent out by the 20th so they can arrive at their recipients during christmas wk. if you are sending something that will go through customs, you should probably mail out a little early. the suggested price cap is $25.
happy gifting, everyone!