For the last week or so, LO has been fighting her nap for a while. It started with 15 minutes or so of talking to herself and rolling around when she used to be out in a couple minutes. Each day it has extended more and more and it is stressing me out!

Yesterday and today it took her over an hour to go to sleep. She played around in her crib most of the time, only crying/whining briefly off and on.

Today was pretty nuts - she was jumping up and down and banging on the wall - and if it weren't for a work call I had to take, I probably would have just thought that she wasn't going to nap and gotten her up. But while I was on my call she just stopped jumping around, laid down and went to sleep. This was at almost 3pm! I put her down at 1:30 - about a 1/2 hour after her usual nap time because we were running late getting home. She is still asleep now at 4:15.

Does this mean she is going to drop her nap soon? She still sleeps for 2+ hours once she goes to sleep!

Another theory is that our mornings get her too amped. We usually go and do an activity, come home and eat lunch and then it is right to nap. She used to be wiped and just lay down with one quick song but maybe she needs some winding down time reading books or singing? It's just already so late in the afternoon (1pm usually) that I don't want to prolong things. But I guess she's doing that herself!