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2.5-3 years a really tough time?

  1. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @hilsy85: hugs it will get easier!! And as time goes on, there will still be tantrums but you'll be a pro at disciplining lol. Seriously, there have been so many times I had to walk away from B just to breathe and let go of all of my frustration. But it's less frequent than it was at 3!

  2. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: oh I hope things have marginally improved since your last post!! It's so hard, and being pregnant on top of it surely doesn't help. I had a day last week I was DONE, dh was away and I just walked away to cry in my room. LO came after me, of course, and looked at me and said whatsa matter mommy? ..... Made me cry harder and then we snuggled while I cried I swear these boys know what's coming with the babies and I think they are acting out with the impending changes. Of they're just being terrible 2s. I really hope you're doing better!!

  3. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    I think it depends on the toddler, but I've heard from majority of parents that age 3 was harder - but also, that if they had a really tough time with 2, than 3 was a bit easier. I'm hoping that's true in our case, because my son is exactly how you described lately and he just turned 2. It's literally like a switch went off. He just had a 10 minute tantrum because he asked for a graham cracker after his nap, I went to give him one and he started screaming "no graham cracker!!" And started rolling all over the floor. He just sneezed and I told him "bless you" and he screamed no again, lol. I feel you! I try to remind myself that this is just a phase (even if its a long one!) hang in there

  4. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    I'm glad you posted this, totally what I have been thinking/wondering the past few weeks! My kids are INSANE. It's not fun. Glad to hear it seems to be a 'thing' and other people are going through it too! Ugh, toddlers!

  5. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @hilsy85: I think being pregnant affects them and their behavior! DD1 was very challenging toward the end of my pregnancy, I think she was just having trouble processing that something BIG was happening! Her sleep was off, she was a crazy person! But now that DD2 is here she is much better and has been for quite a while.

  6. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Yes! We are going through this ourselves very obstinate, moody and sulky.

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @NurseDMB: interesting! I guess we will see

    Thank you so much to everyone who commented with supportive comments and commiseration! Things have definitely improved in the last week or two, and honestly the biggest change we have made is eliminating tv first thing in the morning. There was a thread on it a few weeks ago, and it has made a HUGE difference! Maybe it is just coincidence, in which case I am sure I will see a downward slide in another week or so. BUt in the meantime I"m enjoying the fact that our days are just a bit easier (bedtime is another story!).


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