My 3-week old doesn't like to be put down, whether that's in her very expensive MamaRoo rocker, bassinet, car seat, or Boppy. We weren't planning on co-sleeping but since I am exclusively breastfeeding, she sleeps with me on the couch (I had to move to the couch because I couldn't get out of our bed due to the C-section) and DH sleeps on a futon near us.

I am home alone with her all day and find it hard to do the basics, such as eat, use the bathroom, take a phone call longer than 5 minutes because she wants to be in my arms. I've tried two carriers (Moby and Beco Gemini) but she will only stay in those if she's sleeping and she naps for less time in the carriers.

DH and I are not into crying it out--though of course if I really have to go I put her down and try to make it quick before she gets hysterical.

Any moms with newborns who only want to be held? How did you do things around the house? When did this phase end?