My grandma is not doing well. I got the call to come say goodbye. We will be driving down to my parents' house Sunday afternoon and will be driving from 2-8pm or so. I will be out of town this weekend by myself so DH said he would pack up E's things so we can leave as soon as I get home from the airport. We will be coming back Tuesday morning.
What can I expect with such a long drive? At that time of night? 7 is bath and 730 is bedtime. What should we bring to entertain her? Just expect to sit in the back and play with her? How many stops do you think it'll take? It's a 4.5-5 hour drive usually. She also just started STTN in her crib but has never sleep in a PnP, which we will have to bring. Is it the same? Should I buy a PnP mattress? Help!